We walk on the empty beach holding hands The sadness that once filled my mind is pushed away with his presence There is nothing weighing me down It has disappeared... and I'm floating Then We talk while collecting seashells About everything and anything and nothing All at once but never at the same time Everything is released Leaving me empty and fulfilled Then, We stand ankle-deep in the chilling water He's tickling my sides to death As usual I'm giggling and squirming away But of cousre I won't be free for long .... as if I wanted to be Then, We lay together on the sand Staring up at the stars in the vast, dark sky He places the sweetest of kisses on my cheek How I wish this night would never end How I wish I wasn't just dreaming For, The dreams I dream of still loneliness Expose my secret worlds of insecurity Resulting from constant unstable emotions Which lack the opportunity to develop Though any kind of heart or loving words And, As though I could be saved or comforted In some of the strangest manners I put on my mask of happiness to hide What others should never see Because they'd think wrongly of me Since, I'm not really feeling what they see I feel And I never think what they think I know Stereotypical people think stereotypical thoughts In this world that oppresses And depresses To Be ~Peggy~