Children's Page
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Children's Page

Well here I am again, starting my Children's Page all over again. Why ??? Because it was gone when I went to edit it...
That's okay....Needed a change anyway....
Let's start out with My Good Luck clover, maybe this will send us some Luck on this page.

Click for Good Luck

Now that should give us a little LUCK !!, Sure hope so at least.

~~> Out Surfing...WiLL Be BacK SooN ! <~~

Peace-Wuv is not available at the moment, she has gone surfing, She might just bring a surprise Back. If you would like to leave a message Please do so, if not....Don't forget to come back and Visit....

Let your Crayons do the Walking

I'm Home.... Anyone miss me? I missed you all. Went surfing the web.....Oh... and I just might of found an Ole Kid Search Website for you all to use. Looks really fun..So go ahead and try it, tell me what you think...

Ki dsClick

So you all like to play games right. I know I am a 32 year old mommy that loves to play games.
I do not go anywhere with out them, just look at my WebPages, on EVERYONE of THEM...So here is a list of my favorites....Maybe you will find something in here that you like.

Color Me


Pooh Bear

Shari's Fun 'n Games

More Fun LinKs

Okay, Done playing games?? Wanna send your friend or that special someone a card? Go Here...These cards you will enjoy

Send a Card

Didn't find a Card just quite what you needed??? Maybe you would like to send a joke instead.


Here is some fun Recipes, to do with Mom and Dad.


Here is some Gifs. Just remember to transload them to your account. Also I am adding the Webtv ScrapBook. You can add them there also.

Webtv ScrapBook

Peace-Wuv's Place


Local Missing Children

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