Welcome Traveler
Everyone has their own opinion on stuff but who actually writes about it? If you want to see our thoughts on star wars in particular you've come to the right place, so read on my young apprentice.
currently looking for staff to maintain this section, please contact us.
4/11/00 Presenting a Case for Episode One by staff member Tabitha M. Blackman.
7/29/99 Staff member Steven gives us a few tips on auctions in the starwars universe of collectables
6/15/99 Tpm Bloopers a long list of neat things to look for in TPM
6/7/99 a chat transcript with Jeremy Bulloch at talk city, hosted by bobafettfanclub.com
5/2/99 check out Top Ten signs you've been waiting in line too long to see TPM (This will soon be moving to the new humor section coming soon)
3/4/99 A chat from Yahoo with Rick McCallum(STAR WARS Producer: I went to this chat on March 4 to ask questions, but unfortunally mine never went through, read on...it's interesting.
1/2/99 thoughts on mara, callista and luke. speaks for itself