RCKLM                                              For Members Only                         Issue 7/98

This week's club bulletin will cover the activities of the 9th & 10th General Meeting held on 5th & 12th May respectively.

Club Attendance
Club attendance for the last 2 meetings have not been encouraging.  The avarage attandance was less than 50%.  DGSR PP Tay Loo Wee encourage the members to give a personal touch to this issue by calling the irregular attending members to come.  PP Albert suggested breaking into groups of 5 with a group leader who will look after their group.  Another suggestion brought up was a review of membership of the irregular/none attending members and asking them whether they know of the 60% attendance requirement to stay on as a member.  Also, as club survival, the members must try to get more guests to come and hopefully join us as Rotarians.

What went on ..........
PP Albert Goh shared his experience of being a GSE team leader and living in Texas for 36 days. Some interesting ways of conducting Rotary meetings in Texas and Los Angeles (that I have seen during my GSE trip- BS), Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and recital of the 4 Way Test at the start of the meeting.  PP Albert said maybe we could emulate our fellow American Rotarians by singing the Nagara Ku song at the start of our meeting.  (Please comment on this).

Coincidently, the GSE team from Texas was in town and the team leader, PDG Merill Green attended our meeting and gave a short talk about his District and city.  He also mentioned as a matter of interest that in 1994 when he was the District Governor, Rotary International spent some US$62 million on Rotary Foundation program like Youth Exchange, GSE, etc.  This shows that RI is serious in its effort in promoting International Understanding.

The Registration of Society has approved the formation of our club and we are now officially recognised by the Malaysian Government.

Our Charter Night is tentatively fixed on the 25th July and PP Albert Goh suggested we invite DG Fong Hoe Beng (as he  was the DG when the club was founded and chartered) and incoming DG Stephen Wan Ullok.

CP Mark and the members would also like to convey their best wishes to Rtn. Florence Chu's mother as she is sick on her speedy recovery.

We had a couple who were the guest speakers on an interesting talk on Herbal Treatment.  Mr & Mrs Tan Choo Tiong gave an insight on the herbs that can be found in our gardens.  Mr Tan who is suffering from liver cancer went for modern treatment but got worse and after heeding an advise from a Baha'i friend, changed his diet to nuts and grains and used only herbs, found that his health improved.  They have willing to share their knowledge with anyone who is inte-

Rotary Information

Why Some Planes Leave Contrails In The Sky But Not Others

Anchor's Down, Laksamana
Q: How do you keep a rooster from crowing on Sunday morning?
A: Have him for dinner on Saturday night.