Backstreet</HEAD>Backstreet</HEAD> Love</HEAD>Love</HEAD> Mall</HEAD>Mall</HEAD> By</HEAD> By</HEAD> Kimberly</HEAD>Kimberly</HEAD> Backstreet Love Mall by Kimberly</HEAD>
Chapter Two
By Kimberly.

“Um, Bone....this place is um....unique...but shouldn’t we shop some someplace like, normal?” Nick asked.

“Just a sec... these rings are cool....hey, cool, look at these pants!” He ran, like a kid would run for ice cream, towards the clothing section. He held up a strange baggy and furry-like jeans. “Now aren’t these cool?”

“Cool? That’s not the word I’m looking about....different?” Brian joked.

Nick took a glance at AJ’s supposedly ‘fashionable’ jeans. “But AJ, you’re as skinny as a bone, hence the name, I bet those pants will fall down!”

“I’ll wear a belt.”

“Better make it EXTRA tight.” Brian laughed.

“Fine, fine, I won’t buy it, if you guys are gonna be up in my neck all the time.”

They left the store and, spying an almost-empty cd store, went in.

“Hmm....Usher..” AJ muttered softly, while picking up the cd and studying it.

“Ah, lemme think.” Brian scanned through the cd case. “Which one?”

“Are you psychotic, Brian? Talking to yourself again?” Nick asked.

Brian ignored Nick and continued scanning.

“May I help you three?”

The young female’s voice startled the three from behind.

Surprised, they turned around and faced her.

“Uh, we’re okay...” Brian said, not once taking his eyes off her.

“Uh...yeah, same here.” AJ stuttered out.

Nick glanced at the two, confused. “Actually, do you have any like, 80s sorta thing..?”

“Sure, it’s back in aisle 2. Need any more help?”

AJ and Brian just stood there, glued to her, so Nick decided to speak for them. “No, thanks anyways.”

She nodded and gave a curious glance to AJ and Brian and left.

AJ and Brian watched her leave and just stood there, mouth open and gawking.

“Um, AJ? I think you’re drooling a bit..” Nick noted.

AJ snapped out of his trance, as well as Brian. “Shut up, Nick.”

“Me?? What was that?! You were frozen! Was it the incurable frozen curse?” Nick said, mocking fear.

Brian was blushing but AJ was acting like nothing happened. “She was just gorgeous, that’s all.”

“So? That model who FLIRTED like crazy with you at the hotel was gorgeous and did you stare like that? No, I think not.” Nick stated as-a-matter-of-factly. Then he turned to Brian. “And what’s wrong with you?”

Brian stood up and quickly brushed himself. “Let’s check out some clothes.”

“Agreed.” AJ quickly followed Brian.

“But-!” Nick sighed and followed his two bigger ‘bro’s.

They had gone shopping for 3 hours and Nick’s plus Brian’s feet were getting sore.

AJ acted like he just started.

“Let’s go...c’mon.” Nick whined like a 3-year-old.

“Fine, I fess it, even I’m beat.” AJ said, putting down his two shopping bags.

“God, AJ, you do shop more than girls!” Brian joked.

“Haha.” AJ said tiredly and stretched a bit.

“What floor do we have to go to?” Nick asked.

“Floor 1.” AJ answered.

“What floor are we on?”

“Floor 6.”

“Ugh...” Nick moaned thinking of all the malls he’d have to walked through.

Brian was exactly thinking the same. “Let’s take the elevator.”

“Good idea.” AJ agreed and the three of them hurried, with their bags, towards the elevator.

“The Mall is Now Closing in 15 Minutes.” The speaker announce throughout the mall.

“God, did we shop THAT long?” AJ asked.

“Yep, 3 hours.” Brian said, taking a quick glance at his watch.

“Hold that door, please!” A familiar lady said.

Nick quickly pushed the “OPEN” button.

She walked quickly in. “Thanks.”

“No problem.” Nick said, his eyes widen, as he realize she was the clerk from the cd store that AJ and Brian had busily gawked at.

AJ and Brian also had noticed the same thing, but this time were smart enough to keep their mouth closed.

“Floor 1, please.” She said.

Nick didn’t press any buttons. “Same floor we’re going.” Nick explained.

She nodded.

They stood there waiting for their turns to leave the floor.

Suddenly the elevator collapse and the room blacked out.

Chapter Three

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