Backstreet</HEAD>Backstreet</HEAD> Love</HEAD>Love</HEAD> Mall</HEAD>Mall</HEAD> By</HEAD> By</HEAD> Kimberly</HEAD>Kimberly</HEAD> Backstreet Love Mall by Kimberly</HEAD>
Chapter Three
By Kimberly.

“Um, is everyone okay?” Nick asked, feeling the gigantic bump on his head.

“Yeah, we’re all okay.” AJ answered, who had fallen into Brian’s arms.

Brian pushed AJ out of his arms and felt his chest. “Oh god, my chest hurts.”

“Really? Did AJ’s head hit you?” Nick asked.

“No...I think it’s my heart problem..”

The girl, who had remained quiet until then, spoke up. “Do you need medicine?”

“No, I don’t take any. I just go to the doc for daily checkups.”

“Oh...are you going to be alright?”

“Yeah, most likely.”

AJ held out his hand towards the beautiful blonde. “My name’s AJ McLean.”

She cheerfully, well as cheerful as you could be in a pitch-black elevator, shook his hands. “I’m Jen.” Then she paused. “Uh, no offenses or nothing, but who’s hand is on my back..?”

Nick blushed, luckily no one saw him, and pulled his hand quickly away. “Sorry, I just needed support and I didn’t know it was your.....sorry.”

“It’s okay. Does anyone have a match?”

“A match...uh...” AJ fumbled through his jeans and shirt. “No...”

“Would a mini-flashlight be better?” Nick asked, carefully holding out a small green flashlight.

“Yeah, even better.” Jennifer took the flashlight and turned it on. “I know there’s an emergency box somewhere around here...”

Nick picked up a small telephone hanging from a red box. “Like this?”

“Yeah. Does it work?”

“Um....hello?” Nick tested out.

No answer.

“Uh....helllo?” Nick tried again, this time he got static.

“Here lemme try..” AJ plucked the phone away from Nick’s hands. “Hello?” He placed the phone back. “Shit, it doesn’t work.”

“Toldja.” Nick said.

“I think I might have my cell with me...” Brian said, searching throughout his jacket. “Oh, I guess I left it at home...”

“You did?! What luck. Tanya took mine.” AJ moaned, as if blaming the whole thing on Tanya.

“Nick?” The two simultaneously asked.

“Sorry. I never bring mine...” Nick said meekly.

“Uh....I guess we’re just stuck here.” Nick said, then hopefully added. “Maybe our parents will find out.”

“No, I doubt it. My mom is out in business and she probably will think I’m at some friend cos I did place a note: Went out.” AJ said.

Jen sighed. “My parents aren’t even in Orlando now, so I guess that doesn’t help.”

“My mom thinks I’m at Brian’s.” Nick answered.

“Damn...if only..” Brian said wistfully. “Someone had brought their cells or something...”

From outside they heard the dreadful words: “The Store is Now Closing Up in One Minute, please come back soon.”

AJ stood up to his feet and pounded on the door. “HELP! HELP! LET US OUT!”

After one minute, he gave up and his voice was raspier than usual.

He sat back down with 3 pairs of stun eyes looking back at him.

“What? I panicked, okay?” AJ explained.

“Uh...maybe...we could get some kind of hole?” Jen suggested. “Cos it’s going to be rather stuffy once the ac is off.”

“Damnnit...guess we shouldn’t talk?” AJ asked.

Brian and Jen nodded.

Nick fumbled through one of his bags and pulled out a small gameboy.

For about 12 minutes the foursome sat there in silence except for Nick’s small gameboy beeping once in a while.

Finally Nick turned off his gameboy and looked from one wearied face to another.

“I think we should talk.” AJ spoke. “Cos it’s rather damn boring in here.”

“AJ, do you always have to say damn?” Brian asked.

AJ shrugged. “It’s a habit.”

“So....” Jen started. “You’re Brian and Nick, right?”

“Oops, sorry we didn’t introduce...” Brian said, holding his hand foward. “My name’s Brian Littrell.”

“Mine’s Nick Carter.”

“And mine’s Jennifer Green, although you already know that.” Jennifer Green said.

“And mine’s Alexander James McLean.” AJ announced.

“Uh...couldn’t help but guys are really familiar...would you be-” Jen started but was interrupted by Brian.

“Yeah, we’re the Backstreet Boys. We just came back here because of our single.”

Jen arch her eyebrow. “The Backstreet Boys? Never heard of.. I was going to ask if you were those guys at the cd store today...who was practically my only customer.”

“Oh yeah, that’s us.” Brian said, blushing.

“I thought so...” She paused. “So who’s the Backstreet Boys? Or should I say what is it?”

“Well, it’s who....” Brian initiated. “And it’s us...well, us and some people...well, I mean, it’s-”

“Brian, you’re confusing her even more!” Nick interrupted. “The Backstreet Boys is made up of five people, me, Brian, AJ-”

“You mean Brian, AJ, and I.” Brian interrupted back, taking control of the answer once again. “Anyhow, it’s made up of Brian...or I mean me and AJ, Nick and two other guys who are Kevin and Howie...they’re the background singers, plus a few, sometimes, vocal-”

“Not Kevin.” AJ laughed. “But he sings good, he just doesn’t really like his voice, but without him we’re nothing.. anyhow, I’m and Brian, are vocal singers. And Nick, too. Plus-”

“So we were famous, like really big, in Europe-” Nick said.

“Also Canada.” Brian added.

“Oh, so it’s like a group of guys who sing? Like...boy bands and stuff..?” Jen inquired.

“Yeah.” They all agreed.

Nick took out a small bag. “Does anybody want some-”

Thud. The flashlight flickered off.

Chapter Four

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