Backstreet</HEAD>Backstreet</HEAD> Love</HEAD>Love</HEAD> Mall</HEAD>Mall</HEAD> By</HEAD> By</HEAD> Kimberly</HEAD>Kimberly</HEAD> Backstreet Love Mall by Kimberly</HEAD>
Chapter Four
By Kimberly.

Jen jumped in surprise and ended up in AJ’s lap. “What the hell was that? And....” She reached out her hand to feel her surrounding, aka AJ. “Uh....who am I sitting on?”

“” was AJ’s muffled, yet happy, respond.

“Oops, sorry.” She quickly hopped out of AJ’s lap, but instead found herself in yet, another, warm lap. “Okay, whose lap am I in now?”


She reached her hands around and felt for an empty space, after finally finding one she quickly moved to it.


“It’s alright.” AJ said quickly.

“Yeah, same here.” Nick answered, although not as quickly as AJ did.

“It’s pitch black in here now.....” Brian commented.

“No kidding, Brian.” Jen said. “Did your flashlight died, Nick?”

“Oh...I guess so.” Nick answered, trying to find his flashlight. “I guess I left it on in the tourbus too much...”

“Uh...let’s wait til our eyes get adjusted...” Brian said.

“What were you going to say, Nick?” Jennifer asked.


“Before the lights when out.”

“Oh yeah! I was going to ask if anybody wants any chips or burgers and stuff like that, cos I have them in my bag from that trip to McDonalds’.”

“Alright!” Brian exclaimed as he dug into someone’s bag. “Oops, wrong bag....”

AJ carefully dug his hands into what appeared to be a bag and pulled out something squishy. “I think I have the burgers......”

“Yeah, that’s it....” Nick said, his eyes trying frantically to see.

As the four of them dug into the bag and ate, Nick pulled out his gameboy again.

Jennifer’s eyes widen. “Nick...what kind of source does those gameboy use?”


“You dope!” Brian yelled out. “Put those in the flashlight!”

“Oh yeah, good idea.” Nick scrambled out the batteries and placed them in his small flashlight.

Finally the room was light and bright again.

“ are we going to get out?” AJ asked, breaking the silence.

“No idea, bone.....” Brian replied sadly. “And tomorrow we have a press meet....”

“What time?” Jennifer asked.

“10 o’clock.”

“The store opens at 9, since it’s a Monday. So..... I guess we’ll just have to spend the night here, then.”

“ bad no one brought sleeping bags.” AJ commented.

“You know what you said about being stuffy?” Nick asked Jennifer.

“Yeah, what about?”

“It’s really really freezing in here....”

“Omigosh, I guess they leave the ac on overnight!”

“So....we’re going to freeze to death?” Brian asked, hugging his sore and cold knees.

“Um, no one brought some kind of blanket or nothing did they?”

“I did! Well sorta.” AJ pulled out a couple of big fur, leather, etc. sorts of coats.

“Wait...I think I brought a like stuff animal...for my neice.” She added.

She pulled out a huge furry-like panda bear. “That could become like a pillow or something.”

“SLUMBER PARTY!” Brian yelled.

Jennifer laughed. “So is anyone sleepy?”

“I am, I’m beat.” Nick said, yawning, which made the rest of the group yawn, too.

“Aw man, there goes my slumber party.” Brian said, jokingly.

“I guess we should sleep together?” AJ suggested.

“That did NOT sound good, AJ...” Brian said, laughing.

“I meant cuddled, er, together, no....” AJ said, perplexed.

“AJ, it’s okay.” Jen said, laughing. “But we have to sleep close together -or packed- because otherwise we’ll either freeze to death or have pneumonia.”

The four huddled so close together, everyone could feel each other’s breath.

“Ugh, Brian, ever heard of breathmint?” AJ moaned.

“Hey! I just ate a bunch of food and didn’t brush my teeth!”

“You’re dentist is going to be ashame of you, mister!” Nick said.

“Here.” Jen pulled out four pieces of gum, one for herself, and gave it to them. “Eat this, and make us all happy.”

As they contently chewed on their gum, Brian asked innocently in a child’s voice, “Wanna tell a story?”

He was only answered with the bear thrown at him.

Chapter Five

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