Backstreet</HEAD>Backstreet</HEAD> Love</HEAD>Love</HEAD> Mall</HEAD>Mall</HEAD> By</HEAD> By</HEAD> Kimberly</HEAD>Kimberly</HEAD> Backstreet Love Mall by Kimberly</HEAD>
Chapter Five
By Kimberly.

“What time is it?” Nick asked again, for the 30th million time.

“It's 1 am, Nick! God!” Brian answered, aggravated, for not going to sleep. “When you’re on tour you sleep through a hurricane, when you’re off....”

“Okay, okay. I won’t ask again.” Nick promised.

Their argument woke up Jen and AJ.

“What happened?”

“Nothing, Nick was just asking the time, AGAIN!”

“Ugh, Nick...” AJ got up and stretched a bit. “The light’s sorta dying out, but it’s still bright.” He noticed.

“Yeah...” Jen yawned. “I’m not sleepy anyone else is?”

“I am!” Brian declared. “And I WOULD be asleep if it hadn’t been for Nick.”

“Take a chill pill, Brian.” AJ said. “Or maybe a sleeping pill.”

But Brian didn’t answer, he had fallen fast asleep.

“Guess my advice worked.”

“Nick, you still sleepy?” Jen asked.

Nick shook his head. “I’ve been awake the whole hour.”

“Aw, poor you.” AJ replied sarcastically.

Then he spotted his sunglasses, which had fallen when he was sleeping, and placed them back on. “So....anybody want to play a game or something?”

“Sure, I’m bored as hell.” Jen said.

“Me too.” Nick joined in.

“Oh wait! Damnnit!” AJ yelled out to no one in particular.

Jennifer’s eyes widen. “Sheesh AJ, we don’t have to play...”

AJ slightly smiled, then frowned. “No, not that... it’s just that.... I was suppose to attend, all of our music group, Backstreet Boys, were to attend this charity meeting...”

“Oh, you can miss it can’t you? I doubt you’ll get fired or something...” Jen said, with concern.

“No, it’s just that I gave my girlfriend my credit card to buy any dress she wanted, well she pried the card from my hand that is, and now.... I won’t even be there!”

Nick’s face brighten up. “Oh...maybe she’ll notice you were gone....and then.....we’ll be able to get out of here!” Then his face sparked up some more. “Or maybe Kevin or Howie will notice we’re gone!”

“Better count on Kevin or Howie cos I doubt Tanya would remember me there...” AJ said soberly.

“Well....” Jen said, feeling awkward with the situation placed in front of her. “ how old are you guys?”

“I’m 17.” Nick said.

“I’m 19.” AJ said.

Jen smiled. “I’m 18. Just old enough to vote...”

“I’m old enough to drive.” Nick offered.

AJ sat there, bewildered that she was 18. She didn’t look 18 at the cd store, she looked more like 19.. But now that they were in the elevator and she had loosen up, she did look 18.

“Earth to AJ!” Nick said, waving his hands in front of AJ’s face.


“Did you even hear what I-”

Suddenly the lights in the elevator flicked back on and the elevator began going down one floor at a time.

“What the-” AJ started.

“I think someone found us!” Jen cried happily.

The noise startled Brian who woke up. “What-?”

“We’re rescued!” Nick proclaimed.

“Really?” Brian stood up and brush his clothes off.

AJ stared down at the mess they made in the elevator and quickly began cleaning.

Everyone else, seeing his example, began pitching in and helped cleaning.

“Hey, it was nice to meet you..” Brian said when they had finished cleaning.

“Same here.” Jen stated.

As the door began opening, Jen quickly pulled out a pen and scribbled something on one of the napkin. “Here. Call me sometimes.” She thrust the napkin to Nick.

As Nick was about to reply, when the door open, fully revealing the crowd that stood outside the elevator.

Reporters from all sorts of shows began shooting questions at the four, and soon they were squirmed with fighting reporters.

“Sir! Is it true that you are famous??”

“Are you planning to sue the mall, miss?”

“How would you describe your stay?”

“Will you ever shop again?”

Soon a few bodyguards came and pulled the four away to a safe office.

As soon as he locked the door, out came two familiar faces.

“Kevin! Howie!” Nick cried in surprise.

“We were waiting forever for you to come to the charity party and then we knew that AJ always goes to the mall.....” Kevin grinned.

“Thanks to AJ!” Brian cheered.

Jennifer looked at one of the bodyguards. “So do I go...?”

“Wait.” He placed his fat and thick hands on her shoulder. “We are truely sorry and remorseful for what happened with the elevator. Crews are working on it right away. To show how sorry we are, we have given $300 certificate to each of you.”

Jen’s eyes widen and automatically AJ’s did too, while Brian’s mouth dropped open.

Nick seemed untouch with the offer. “Neat.”

Kevin knew what was going on. They were offering $300, like a bribe, so that they wouldn’t have a lawsuit against them, but he didn’t say anything.

“Thanx.” Jen said, taking the $300.

“Thank you.” Nick said, still clutching the napkin Jen had given to him.

“Thanks.” AJ said.

Brian took the certificate. “Thank you.”

Kevin and Howie got up and followed them.

“Do you want us to take you home?” AJ offered to Jen.

“Um....I’ll just call my boyfriend or something...”

AJ’s and Brian’s hearts dropped. Boyfriend?

“Oh, okay, if you say so...” Nick smiled.

“Thanks anyway.” She turned and hurried towards the nearest phone.

“AJ? Brian? You okay? You don’t like her, do you?” Kevin asked hopefully, but he knew.

“I thought....” Brian sighed.

“Damn, I liked her....” AJ said sadly, watching her go.

“AJ! You have a girlfriend!” Kevin reminded scoldingly.

“Oh....her..” AJ said, mentioning Tanya as if she was some bitter taste in his mouth.

“Well....I’m going to call her sometimes.” Nick said, holding out her phone number.

“C’mon, let’s go.” Howie said, taking his two remorseful friend by the hand.

Chapter Six

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