Backstreet</HEAD>Backstreet</HEAD> Love</HEAD>Love</HEAD> Mall</HEAD>Mall</HEAD> By</HEAD> By</HEAD> Kimberly</HEAD>Kimberly</HEAD> Backstreet Love Mall by Kimberly</HEAD>
Chapter Six
By Kimberly.

“AJ! I was so worried about you! I looked all over! I searched and searched!” Tanya explained drastically.

“Uh-huh, I’m sure you were...” AJ said angrily.

“AJ? What’s wrong with you?? Aren’t you happy to get out of that dump?” Tanya asked. “Besides.... I missed you....” She cuddled up next to him. “Want to...go your bedroom..?”

“NO!” AJ shouted, his face flustered. “Look Tanya, I want to break up.”

“BREAK UP?” Tanya asked, bewildered. “We’ve been dating for 2 years!”

“3 years!” AJ corrected.

Tanya blushed. “I meant 3... it just came out...”

“I want to break up.”

“But...AJ, it’s been a very blissful and magical and me....” Tanya pleaded, then broke out in tears. “AJ, please! We could work it out.”

AJ shook his head firmly, carefully trying not to fall in Tanya’s trap. “I’m leaving..” He walked out.

Wait a minute... AJ thought silently. It’s MY house, why am I leaving?

He walked back in and peered through the hallway. “Uh...Tanya?”

Tanya walked out from the living room, where she had busy herself with his entertainment system. “You reconsidered, didn’t you??” She cried happily.

“No... I want you OUT of my house.” AJ said, pointing towards the door.

“Alright AJ...” She regretfully pulled out a small card. “Here’s your credit card... I didn’t max it out.” She added hopefully.

He chuckled at the sight of his card and watched emotionless as she left.

Had I really not love her the whole time? He wondered silently, while trying to figure out why he didn’t have an ounce of sadness in him.

Nick looked at the clock.

It was exactly 8:00 am.

Should he call her?

He had a weird urge to call her, but then again he was weird.

He picked up his small plastic phone and began dialing her number.

Then he stopped himself.

What if she doesn’t remember me? What if she’s still asleep? Nick wondered.

He shrugged his thoughts away and dialed the rest of her digits.

Jen was carefully adjusting the small diamond ring on her finger.

He had propose to her!

Jake, her first serious boyfriend, had propose to her. Right here in this living room.

She watched in awe as the diamond sparkled in the light.

On the ring was engraved: J&J 4eva.

It wasn’t exactly the most romantic saying in the world, but for $20 a letter, who could blame him?

He wasn’t exactly rich, but he wasn’t exactly poor.

He was a regular quarterback for the University football team, and he seemed to be doing well enough to make the NFL if it wasn’t for that he was underweight and his broken foot.

So now he was living off of his parent’s money. It wasn’t exactly a career to boast about, but it was true.

Jen was still in awe of the ring when the phone rang.

Startled, she picked up the phone.


“Hi...this is Nick Carter.”

“Oh hi Nick! How’ve you been doing?”

“Pretty well, you?”


“ I was wondering...” Nick paused. “Do you want to meet together again or something?”

“Ugh...Howie, I broke it off with her....and she cried...and I didn’t felt anything!” AJ told him over the phone.

“’s that.” Howie answered thoughtfully.

“Yeah, and I still like Jennifer.”


“Y’know, the girl last night....” AJ reminded him.

“Oh yeah. She was gorgeous but then again so was Tanya......”

“I know but Jennifer is friendly....and nice...and gorgeous...and...” AJ breathed out.

“Whoa, AJ. Sounds like you got it bad for her. But she HAS a boyfriend, don’t wreck or mess with it.” Howie adviced.

“Yeah, you’re right....” AJ said vigilantly.

Chapter Seven

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