Backstreet</HEAD>Backstreet</HEAD> Love</HEAD>Love</HEAD> Mall</HEAD>Mall</HEAD> By</HEAD> By</HEAD> Kimberly</HEAD>Kimberly</HEAD> Backstreet Love Mall by Kimberly</HEAD>
Chapter Seven
By Kimberly.

Nick hurriedly grabbed the phone and dialed Brian’s number.

“Hey Brian?”

“No, this is Kevin.” (Kevin, Brian, and Howie lives together.)

“Oh hey, Kev. Can I speak to Brian?”


Then came a breathless answer. “Hello?”

“What happened? You sound like someone stranggled you to death.”

“My heart was just acting up so I couldn’t run very well....”

“Oh...” Nick felt startled. “Um...anyways, the reason why I called was because...I invited Jen to meet me at this pizza wanna come? It’s tomorrow.”

“Sure!” Brian’s voice perked up dramatically. “What time?”




“See ya tomorrow.”

Nick hung up the phone.

Now for AJ...




“Remember Jen?” Nick asked. “I invited her to meet me....”

Brian stared through his closet.

What was he going to wear...?

He realize that when she first met him, he was wearing jeans and a nike t-shirt.

It wasn’t a bad impression, it wasn’t a good impression.

He pulled out a couple of shirts.

Nike? Well....okay, why not..

Jeans? Good enough...

He pulled out his cleanest jeans and t-shirt and hung them up for tomorrow.

Kevin’s head poked through the door. “Cuz? Whatcha doing?”

Kevin stared at his cousin’s determination to find the perfect pair of clothes and shoes, that he burst out laughing. “What are you doing?”

“I’m trying to find some clothes.”

“Um, did you try the closet?” Kevin laughed. “You act like it’s mission impossible. Just take out a pair and wear it like you usually do.”

“’s...special....well, not really.” Brian corrected himself. “It’s just that Nick schedule a time for me and him to meet Jennifer again and I want to....” Brian trailed off, embarrassed.

“Brian? Don’t get your hopes up. Do you think if you look like prince charming, she’ll just give up her boyfriend and fall for you? I don’t think so..” Kevin said firmly, but still yet sympathetically.

“You’re right....but it wouldn’t hurt.” Brian added and continued pulling out stacks of clothes.

Kevin shook his head and left.

AJ stared at himself to the mirror.

When he was small, he use to believe there was always someone, your identical twin, on the other side of the mirror.

And everything you wished you had but didn’t was on your twin’s side, and everything your twin wished for was on your side.

He laughed softly as he remembered how he would try to break the mirror so he could get through to that ‘warped tunnel’ so he could live in the land of his ‘twin’.

He stared through the mirror, and only seeing his reflection, sighed. If his theory when he was a kid was true, then Jennifer would be on the other side right now, laughing in his ‘twin’s arms.

AJ picked up a plastic, and often used so much it’s worn out, comb and began carefully combing his hair.

How should he wear his hair tomorrow for the pizza?

He decided to go just as his regular self since there was no chance of him getting together with her.

AJ sighed sadly and, quickly picking out a shirt and jeans, turned on the water to take a quick shower.

“Hi mom, hey BJ.” Nick greeted the two.

“Nick!!!” Aaron bounded out the door. “Guess what? Guess what?”

“What, Aaron?”

“Donna said I could be your opening act for tour!!”


BJ laughed. “He’s been waiting eternalty to tell you that.”

Her mom laughed along with her. “Also Nick, Donna was very upset on the phone when you missed that party-”

“But I was stuck in that-”

His mom held up her hand before he could say another word. “But she says she understands, but you will have to go to the charity ball tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow? What time?”


“But I’m suppose to meet someone tomorrow!” Nick whined.

“Sorry, that’s what Donna says.” His mom sipped her coffee, unrelenting.

“Well, screw her.” Nick muttered underneath his breath.

“What did you just say??” His mom asked.


“I SAID, what did you just say?!”

BJ quietly creeped out of the tension and quietly pulled a confused yet excited Aaron with her.

“I said screw her.” Nick muttered.

Jane, his mom, stood up quickly. “That’s it! You’ve been hanging too much with AJ! I’ll talk a bit to that Donna and a LOT to that AJ. He’s been influencing-”

“MOM! I HAVE A MIND OF MY OWN!” Nick yelled back at her. “AJ DOES NOT influence me.”

But his mom didn’t listen, she hurriedly pick up the phone and dialed AJ’s number.

Nick stared at his mom open-mouthed and stormed out of the house, leaving the door moving cold air in.

Aaron quietly crept foward and closed the door softly, then giggled and ran back in his room before his mom could notice him.

AJ was in the shower when the phone rang.

He hurried quickly and picked up the phone.....wearing only a towel.

“Wassup?” He asked.

“AJ! This is Jane Carter, Nick’s mom talking.”

“Hi Jane. So what do you need?” He had talked to Jane alot before, and none of their convo had been pleasent, so he braced himself for a lecture.

“I do not want you hanging around with Nick anymore. You are a major influence to him, he looks up at you in a strange but respecting way. I don’t want you to be with him outside of work. I hope you will follow this order, for I have given Nick the exact same order.”

AJ laughed. “You don’t want Nick hanging out with Nick?’

“AJ! You know what I meant and don’t lie about it.” Jane was sounding like she was about to explode.

“Alright, I’ll try.”

“You’ll try, young man? You’ll DO!”

“Sorry, but you’re not my mother.” He replied coolly.

“That’s it! I’m talking to your mo-”

He hung up the phone, and chuckling to himself a bit, continued what he had been doing before he was interrupted.

Chapter Eight

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