Backstreet</HEAD>Backstreet</HEAD> Love</HEAD>Love</HEAD> Mall</HEAD>Mall</HEAD> By</HEAD> By</HEAD> Kimberly</HEAD>Kimberly</HEAD> Backstreet Love Mall by Kimberly</HEAD>
Chapter Eight
By Kimberly.

“But I thought we had to meet Jennifer...?” Brian trailed off, disappointed.

“Sorry, my mom said Donna reschedule the charity thing and we have to go to this charity ball tomorrow.” Nick explained.

“Oh. that all you called me for?” Brian asked.

“Yeah. Also, I have to go somewhere in 2 minutes, could you call AJ and tell him the same thing?” Nick pleaded.

“Uh...sure, I guess.”


Brian hung up the phone, his mood plunging downward. He quickly picked up the phone again and dialed AJ’s number.

“Yeah?” AJ’s voice asked.

“This is Brian.”

“Hey Rok! Wassup?”

“I’m just calling to tell you we have a charity ball to attend to today, at 12.”

“I’m suppose to meet someone!” AJ said.

“Jennifer, right?”


“I thought so....I’ll call Jennifer to tell her it’s off.” Brian offered, practically begging.

“You have her digits?” AJ asked in surprise.

“Nick gave ‘em to me.”

“Oh....could you give them to me?”

“Sure.” He plucked out a piece of crumpled paper from his pocket and read them aloud.


“No prob. Bye.”

AJ hurriedly dialed Jennifer’s number.

“Hello?” came out Jennifer’s voice.

“Hi, this is AJ McLean, the guy who-”

“I was stuck in the elevator with, right?” Jennifer guessed.

“Yeah. Glad you remembered.” AJ said. “Did Brian call you yet?”

“Nope...should he?”

“Well, yeah. But he’ll call you afterwards, I dunno. Anyhow, how are you?”

“Fine, actually. So..... how about you?” Jennifer asked.

“Great!” AJ answered enthusiastically.

“No offense, but is there a point to this conversation?”

Just to hear you voice... AJ was tempted to say, but he remembered she had a boyfriend... “Actually, um, yeah....” What am I going to say? Um.... “I was just wondering... um, we’re having a charity ball at 12 today, would you like to come?”

“I thought.... wasn’t I going to meet Nick or something?” Jennifer asked, unsure.

“Yeah, but the three of us have to meet at the charity ball, so Brian’s going to call you and tell you that he can’t come to meet you, but I’d like for you to company me in the charity ball..” AJ explained in a rush.

Jennifer hesitated for a moment. “Sure. That’d be neat, so what time should I drop by or meet you at...?”

“I’ll pick you up.”

Brian quickly hung up the phone after talking to AJ.

He hadn’t really wanted to give AJ her number, after all it was going to be another competition to get with.....

But what could he say?

Brian quickly punched in Jennifer’s digits and he got a busy signal.

Oh well, try again in 10 minutes.... better try 30, I know how long girls talk...

Nick hung up the payphone he had called Brian from.

He had walked out on his mom, so he really couldn’t use his mom’s phone...could he?

Nick sighed and decided to take a long drive towards the beach.

Florida Key was his favorite place to go, anywhere in the world.

It was peaceful, relaxing, and it was basically deserted.

The keyword is ‘was’.

Ever since he had made the mistake of saying “Florida Key is my favorite place to go” at Germany, LOTS of Europeans, whenever they visit Florida, check out the Florida Keys everytime they visit, just hoping to catch maybe a glimpse...or clothes of Nick’s.

Luckily, hardly anyone has bumped into him in Florida Key anymore.

Nick sighed relaxingly and sat down near the sand. The breeze blew back his hair.... and it was all really peaceful.

This made it absolute perfect for him to think straight.

A topic that has been bugging him for the pass month or so was his mom. She has been more business-like and less motherly.

The last time he had went to his mom for some motherly advice was last week and all she told him was, “Nick, think of your business!”

Should it be time for him to move out? But he gets terribly homesick every day... it was like when he was on tour, he missed home like crazy, and when he’s at home, he just wants to get out.

“Ugh, life’s complicated..” Nick buried his head in his hands, tired of all the complication going through his mind.

“Nobody said life was simple.”

Startled, Nick looked up. Seeing a face that he had forgotten since yesterday, he jumped up in surprise and happiness. “Jennifer!” He hugged her, feeling like she was already a great friend.

“Hey Nick.” She replied startled, but returned the hug anyways.

“How’ve you been doing?”


“And... I heard about a charity ball?”

“Yeah...” Nick glanced curiously at her. “How did you hear about it?”

“AJ asked me to be his company.”

“As in date!”

Jennifer frowned, then smiled again. “As in friend, I hope... he does already know I have a boyfriend, doesn’t he?”

Nick crinkled up his eyebrows for moment, lost in thought. “I think so....I’m not sure...”

Jennifer’s face broke out in half-relief. “Kay, that’s good.... actually it might be fiance!” She grinned.

Nick’s jaw dropped open. “Fiance? Wow! Congrats!” Nick pulled her into a hug again.

“Thanks. But I’m too young, I think.... but it’s almost now or never.”

“What’s that got to mean?” Nick asked curiously.

“You know, somebody might never ask me ever again... or something, I don’t know. This is like a sure thing.”

“Oh..” Nick replied. Is this why all girls married?

“So, Nick..” Jennifer sat down next to him, her dress getting partially wet. “I saw your picture, huge 10 foot piece of thing, on my best friend’s wall. HUGE picture with love kisses all around it.. I thought you said you weren’t famous here in the USA?”

Nick blushed and stared down at the waves on the beach (where else would waves be?). “Well, we sang for a few high schools and stuff. We’re really just here in the USA for vacation and charities and stuff. Then, we’re going to release the video, As Long As You Love Me, a new video..” Nick looked up from the beach and stared at Jennifer, wondering what she thought.

Jennifer smiled. “That’s cool. So, are you going to go to college anytime soon?”

Nick shook his head. “Nah, school was tough for me and everything, I think I’ll skip college..”

“Wish I could have that sort of choice..”

“Which university are you going to go to?” Nick asked, hoping it was Florida State.

Jennifer shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m thinking UCLA and stuff..... I’m already excepted towards Florida State, though.”

“That’s great!”


They both sat in a serene silence, both thinking different thoughts.

Chapter Nine

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