Backstreet</HEAD>Backstreet</HEAD> Love</HEAD>Love</HEAD> Mall</HEAD>Mall</HEAD> By</HEAD> By</HEAD> Kimberly</HEAD>Kimberly</HEAD> Backstreet Love Mall by Kimberly</HEAD>
Chapter Nine
By Kimberly.

"SHIT! Where's the damn-" AJ stopped mid-sentence. "Nick, what the hell are you doing here? Wait, how'd you get here? No wait, answer the first question.."

Nick smiled sheepishly. "Well, I mean, you gave us all your keys, and I never used it, and- Well... um-" Nick nervously ran his hand through his hair. "Um, well, Brian went somehwere or something, and... so... well, I had...."

AJ shook his head. "Ugh, nevermind. Well, could you find my Tommy shirt? It was here somehwere!!"

"Why can't you just where one of your 100 of shirts?" Nick asked curiously.

"Well,- LOOK, if you want to stay, find me that damn shirt."

Nick shrugged and looked through AJ's closet. "How about this one?"

"God, no. That shirt looks like something D barfed up uesterday." AJ finally broke into a smile. "FOUND IT!" He pulled up a white Tommy shirt,.

Nick laughed. "You sound like a 16 year old girl in distress (no offense, people who's reading)."

"Look, I'm letting you stay, right?" AJ quickly took out a pair of jeans, 4 size too big along with some shavers. "Now, excuse me, I have to dress."

"Um, didn't you just take a show-, nevermind." Nick sighed, and slumped himself onto AJ's couch.

"Okay, where's that damn dress?" Jennifer looked through her stacked of clothing, piled on top of a homework assignment due yesterday. As she finally found a decent dress, although not quite the one she had in mind, the doorbell rang. "Oh shit!"

She sighed, and quickly ran to open the door, finding a neatly primmed AJ. "Hey."

"Hey. You look great!"

"So do-"

Nick ran up to them from the car. "Hey Jennifer! I hitched a ride with AJ."

"Hey Nick! Wassup?"

"Ugh, got in a fight with my parents, so of course they can't drive me."

"Don't you have your own car?"

"Technically yeah, but.... well... I don't have my license yet because of the touring and every- oh wait!" Nick pulled out a black and white picture of himself and handed it to Jennifer, flashing a sheepish smile. "Does your friend still-"

"Ooh, yes, so definitely." Jennifer snatched the picture away.

"What, no thank you?" Nick asked in mock sarcasm.

"Oh, thank you so much, Nickolas Gena Cor-" Jennifer squinted at the signature. "Sloppy?"

"Oh sorry, it's just-"

"I was kidding! You could just sign on a McDonald napkin and she would kiss it everyday."

Nick laughed. "Well-"

AJ cleared his throat. He DEFINITELY didn't like the ways things were going and he hated being left out. "So, um, who's your friend?"

"She's my like, best friend's friend-"

"Friend, friend, friend, friend?" Nick mimicked.

She burst out laughing. "Oh shut up. Ooh, wait, do we need to go to that charity ball now?"

"Yeah." AJ answered, annoyed. At least, I understand that.

"Omigod, I feel so bad-" Jennifer groaned, but Tanya continued talking. "Really really bad. I hope you can afford a new dress." Tanya grinned.

"Nah, it's alright, I'm-" Jennifer spilled her grape punch/wine on Tanya's dress. "Omigosh, I am so sorry!" She said in a Britney-Spears-sickening-sweet tone, her acting being a hundred percent better than Tanya's. "But I'm sure you can buy- oh wait, you don't use AJ's credit card anymore, do you?"

Tanya gasped, the purple juice still dripping, "Whatever. I HAVE my own money, but, at least I know how to have him wrapped around my finger, while you-"

Jen rolled her eyes. "Oh yeah, sure, that's why he broke off with you." She said sarcastically.

Tanya gaped open-mouthed at Jen, obviously offended, but soon recovered. "Whatever. I decided it was over."

Suddenly Nick came back, finally being able to break away from the press. "What up? Whatcha two find that was so interesting- whoa, what happened to both of y'all's dress?"

Jen shrugged. "Some idiot spilt it on me."

Tanya pasted an oh-so-familiar smile on her face and batted her eyes noticeably. "Hi Nick. Remember me? I was at your birthday party, we didn't see much of each other though... do you mind helping me dry my dress?" She asked, obviously meaning her chest and legs spots where the stains were coming out worse now.

Nick smiled and shrugged. "Sure, wait a second-"

He came back a few seconds later. "Here's some napkins. You can borrow one of these shirts." He held up some girlish dresses.

Tanya wrinkled up her nose. "Um, Nick, no offenses, but that reeks. Mind if I borrow-"

"Omigod, Tanya, just stuff it." Jennifer said, sick of the flirting, although she wasn't sure if Nick was or not. "It's not as if you paid for the dress yourself."

"You know what, you don't belong in a party like this, why don't you-"

"Oh and you do? You're a tramp, sorry to say it, but oh well, life's hard, how else can you get cash?"

As the two continued bickering, Nick stood there shocked, still with a towel in his hand.

Chapter Ten

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