"Chapter 4"

That night I couldn’t sleep at all!

I kept thinking about what Kevin said, and I couldn’t decide if that was a good thing or not!

I like Brian, but I don’t think I like him as a boyfriend.

He was five years older than me!

I wish Kevin hadn’t said anything to me.

I decided I need to sleep and until I sleep I gotta talk to someone.

I reached for the phone, but couldn’t decide who to call!

For most of my problems, I call Brian or Nick or Kevin!

But they are way too close to the problem.

For any love problem, I call Brian or AJ or Kevin, but...

I ran through my mind a list of my friends..

I had loads of friends and all, but none of them are friends you can tell problems to or wake up at 12am!


I quickly dialed Tiffany’s number.

After a while a sleepy person picked up. “Hello??”

“Um, is Tiffany there?”

“Tiffany? Oh yeah, her..” Then in the distance. “Tiffany!!!”

Then I heard a little footsteps running up to the phone. “Hello?” said a breathless Tiffany.

“Um, hi, Tiffany...”


“This is Melissa.”

“Hey Melissa! How ya doing? And why are you calling at 12?”

“Well, I got a problem with Brian and couldn’t sleep.”

“Oh no! Did you guys fight??”


“Did he forget you??”


“Omigod! It’s a love problem, isn’t it???”

“Um....yeah, sorta...”

“I’ll be right there! Where are you at?”

“LaQuinta-or-something-like-that Hotel, room A34.” I replied.

“I’ll be there in...about 13 mins, bye!” She hung up the phone.

I hung up the phone, puzzled.

I didn’t really thing she would drive here... maybe talk out the problem over the phone or something, but drive here...

Wow, maybe we’re closer friends than I thought!

“Hey!” Tiffany popped into my doorway.

“Hey, Tiff! I didn’t think you’d actually drive down here!” I said to her.

Tiffany shrugged. “What are friends for? Beside I was up watching television.”

“At 12?” I asked, surprised.

“Long story.”

“Alright.” I sat down on the couch next to Tiffany.

“What’s the problem with Brian?” Tiffany asked, worried.

Just as I was about to reply, she held up her hand. “Wait, let me guess....you like him more than a friend?”

I shook my head. “I wish, that’d make things a lot easier! Actually...” I paused. “Well, the thing is I’m not sure what he wants... but Kevin told me...” and I poured out my whole problem while Tiffany sympathizely listened.

When I finished Tiffany smiled. “That’s almost the same problem I had with my last friend, except I liked him..”

“Oh.” was all I could say.

“But anyhow,” Tiffany said, changing the subject back to me. “Do YOU like Brian?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know! I don’t think I do, I just like him as a friend, I can’t picture him as my boyfriend..”

Tiffany nodded knowingly. “Well, just forget about what Kevin said, he probably was wrong or not. But if Brian tells you that he likes you, just tell him, ‘let’s just be friends’.”

I nodded. “Oh, so I just act normal till then?”

“Yep. As normal as possible.”

“Oh.” I said again.

“In a way, I guess you’re kinda running away from the problem, but..” She paused. “It’s what works.” She stood up, “I guess I gotta go.”

I looked around my empty hotel and looked up at her hopefully. “Could you stay? It’s pretty alone here.”

She nodded eagerly. “That’d be great! My parents are gone, so I’m just stuck with my brothers till college starts, ugh.”

I sighed. “Well, it’s better than my life. My dad is dead from cancer, and my mom is all the way in Washington!”

Tiffany nodded, “You’re right. But it wouldn’t hurt if my parents could be with me more, but anyhow you’re right.”

“Hey now! Don’t give me that I’m-so-pitiful-for-you look! I hate that look!”

Tiffany laughed. “Alright, I guess you’re use to it..”

I stood up, “You want to sleep on the extra bed?”


I went to get some blankets and pillows and went back to her.

Tiffany thanked me and asked, “I’m just curious, but does Brian or any of the other guys know about your dad?”

I shook my head. “Nah, I don’t want them to feel pitiful for me or anything.”

“Oh, okay. But aren’t they curious that you never introduced them to your parents?”

“Nope. Besides I never met Kevin’s dad or AJ’s dad or Howie’s parents either.”

“I thought AJ’s parents were divorce?” Tiffany asked.

I shrug. “I don’t know, he never told me. Besides we don’t really talk about our parents much.”

Tiffany nodded. “Yeah, I guess.”

I noticed Tiffany’s eyes getting sleepy. “Do you want to go to sleep?”

Tiffany stretched a little before replying. “Definitely! My brother turned the television so loud I couldn’t sleep at ALL!”

I laughed. “I thought YOU were watching television when I called you.”

Tiffany giggled. “Well, you know what they say, if you can’t beat them, join them!”

I stood up and went to the other bed. “Nighty-night!”

When I heard no reply, I stood up and went to inspect Tiffany.

She was already asleep.

I smiled and went back to the bed, but this time I could finally sleep since my problem was sorta solved.

Chapter Five
Home Sweet Home
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