Lady Afridelle ~ The Sylvan Huntress

The Lady Afridelle

I am the Sylvan Huntress, faerie mage and servant of the Fae. I rule as queen in my wood and foolish be the ones who go against my wishes there for my minions would fall upon them even as the rain falls upon the earth for I am the Lady Afridelle, the pixie-born sylph foretold to bring about life in a dying world and keeper of the Blood Rage. I wield the magic of Sylph, mistress of the Arts, and the weapons of the assasin. I appear as a frail faerie girl but beware the warrior's spirit within.

I am powerful, more powerful than you can possibly imagine but I am also weak. I am weak with my love of my wood and weak with my duty to my people. I would do anything to protect both to the exclusion of all else.

I use the bow, magic, and the dagger as my weapons of choice. I travel by air and by land. I speak many tongues and call few friend. But those who Hunt beside me and against me are my honored allies. They have proven their honor and their prowess upon my battlefield and continue as any great warrior.

So join my Hunt and watch my powers soar above the woods and blot out the moon in their light. For I will be the salvation of my people or I will cease to exist. There is no other alternative.

The Sylvan Huntress

Here you can see me as I use sword, magic, and my cunning in the defense of myself, my friends, and my people.

But there is also a soft side to me. I enjoy reading, dancing, and just relaxing. As I do this in the privacy of my glade lucky would be the traveller to see me but you are a friend. For you I will not stand upon ceremony.

Come, sit down upon the grass. There is faerie wine in the goblets and have some berries. Meet my friends and, by all means, become comfortable and familiar with my glade. It is an image of the finest of faerie handiwork and reflects the soul of the one who lives within it.

Other Realms

The Main Alcove
The center of my Palace
The Central Glade
The center of my Wood
Genesis Lodoss War Image Gallery
The source of many pictures
Record of the Loddoss War Image Archive
And the source of my thumbnails

You are traveller number to visit my home.

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Lady Afridelle

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This page was created on September 21st, 1998.
Last updated on August 11th, 2000.