Other Realms The Main Alcove The tales of the Afridelle The anime that inspires Afridelle The Hunters of Past and Present |
I am the Sylvan Huntress, servant of the Fae, and you have entered my glade. Here in my glade time slows as the Faerie Veil works its magic and I am the ultimate power. These forests that surround it I protect as well as everything within the Veil. You see, I am the Huntress, the one who fights for the Fae by bringing the knowledge of their life and magic to the unseeing realms beyond. Their life is linked to you. By knowing of them and believing in their power, you give them life. They are the dreams and wishes you have made in your life, the magic you wanted, the beauty you reached for, and the loves you have hungered for. And it is my sworn duty, handed down from my leiges, to protect my people at all costs and spread the knowledge of them far and wide through the realms. My lieges, Wise King Oberon and Beautious Queen Titania, gave me this charge because I am the the faerie with the strongest magic, a birthright passed to me by my patron goddess. I serve her by serving the Fae and in doing so have the power to save the Fae from extinction. I answer only to their Majesties and my goddess. Their Majesties reside in the wondrous realm of Tir Na'Nog, the realm of summer in the Veil. Their castle stands upon a cliff overlooking a loch, a strong fortress that is testiment to their power but also graceful as all faerie things. My goddess is Sylph, the holder of Air, the mover of Water, the conjurer of Fire, the mover of Earth, the dark shadow of Mystery, the wielder of Magic. From her I descend and from her I gather my power, all the power of Nature and beyond. Faithfully have I served her from before time beganand faithfully do I continue to serve her as eternity marches on. So read on in my pages and see who is in my ranks of hunters. Mayhap you too will join us and marvel at the power and majesty that is the Fae! |