~Kayli of the Order of the Inner Flame~

I am. . .and I will be

I am the novice of the Inner Flame. I use the magick of Fyre and the ability of shapechange. I become the Black Dove to become invisible and better defend myself.

I do not like to fight, do not enjoy it and will not fight unless absolutely necessary. Do not doubt my skill however. I can fight and will if a friend is in need. I prefer to use my powers to heal and help those who Hunt with my friend, Lady Afridelle.

I reside just outside Lady Afridelle's forest within the Faerie Veil and without, hidden below ground where noone may see. I provide those materials a Hunter may need, may it be spells, weapons, or help and healing.

You can watch for me and ask for aid when I am about. If you find that you are desperate need, you need only call within your mind and I will hear, and come.

I am your friend, your ally, and your foe. Do not take advantage of my skills and aid or you will find yourself cut adrift from me. I do not take lightly my work and appreciate those who appreciate me.

You are traveller number to visit my home.

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Lady Afridelle

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This page was created on November 18th, 1998.
Last updated on August 11th, 2000.