Hello my friends. I wanted to have a page that combined two of my very favorite things in the world....recovery - - through 12-step programs....and angels - - messengers from God that I believe surround us at all times. Without the constant guidance and direction from both of those sources, I would not be clean and sober today, and probably would not even be alive to enjoy life as I am able to do now. I have to give a LOT of the credit for that to the encouragement, support, guidance and love I have been so freely given from God, and from people in the program. They have taught me so much, given me so much, there really are no words that can adequately express how much that has meant to me. So, if I can offer back just a piece of what has been given to me, offer just a little hope or encouragement to others who struggle in this thing we call life, then I will have accomplished what I want to with these little pages on the web. To loving friends and family, for those of you who have played such a vital role in my life (and hopefully I have told you often enough who you are), I thank you for giving me the acceptance, the courage, and hopefully a little of the wisdom to follow God's will in my life. You and your friendships are truly a treasure and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. (((((hug))))) Love, Tammy
God, Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference. Amen
Isn't this a beautiful picture? I love the little angel here, but I also adore the way she is standing. With her arms crossed over her heart this way, she is doing the sign language for the word love. Can you think of anything better than an angel to demonstrate God's love to all of us? I can't.
My VERY first favorite site on the web, gets it's own spot for a link. When I first came online, one of the first places I found (and the place that saved my butt and got me back to working the program again) was a chat room in Yahoo called RECOVERING ADDICTS. There's a wonderful group of people there. I've met many of them face to face and the programs they work are just a true blessing to have in my life today. Come in for RA Meetings, any night of the week from 9-12 Pacific time. Addicts AND alcoholics sharing in the same meeting...imagine!! Come whether you qualify for one or the other... or both, as I do. Get there by going to www.yahoo.com Take a few minutes to register with them and then go to the chat rooms. Go to Health and Family, then click on the "Users" list, which should show you the list of rooms set up. Click on "Recovering Addicts" and you're there. If you have trouble doing it that way, once you are in any other room, just type /join RECOVERING ADDICTS. As long as the room has been set up, you'll go right there. If no one has set the room up yet, you'll be there by yourself...LOL...otherwise, you'll be with our group. Look for me there, and be sure to say hello!!! You can also see pictures of some of our group, and read some more about us at our web site. Check it out when you get a chance.
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spock@futureone.com Please feel free to contact me. I love to share prayer requests and hear of the miracles in your life.
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