Seasons of My Soul
by Mistra
The cold, dark and barren heartlessness of winter:
A time of anger, hatred and blind revenge
where life's dreams lay in moments shattered.
I search for love's embrace merely to find
loneliness in a heart long abandoned.
The desolation of my soul.
The life-giving light, warmth and optimism of spring:
A time of rebirth and renewal
where hope is nurtured and coaxed to blossom.
I uncover a way long lost with friendship's
guidance and tender support.
The awakening of my soul.
The brilliance, joy and carefree air of summer:
A time of discovery and knowledge
where fear is vanquished and replaced with trust.
I revel in the panoply of emotions released
in the simplicity of camaraderie.
The discovery of my soul.
The muted colors, serenity and inevitability of fall:
A time of reflection and contentment
where love is known and welcomed.
I accept the burden of deeds long past and receive
forgiveness in return.
The redemption of my soul.
by Mistra
Surrounded by darkness
cloaked in moonlight's veil
So many thoughts in turmoil
which one will prevail
Wondering if I have the strength
to wage this uphill fight
Can I forget my pain and
let it go by dawn's first light
The harshness of words spoken
in hatred so bittersweet
Yet this I know-without you
my life is incomplete
Both must accept that each
has done the other wrong
To free our souls and once
again sing our friendship song
Melancholy Dreams
by Mistra
Melancholy colored dreams
invade the edges of my consciousness,
Bringing darkly tinted remembrances
tinged in pain and sorrow.
Shadows of days gone by
outline all that I have done,
But now those somber toned thoughts
are gently brushed with pastel hopes.
Your giving heart's palette
constantly retouches my life's canvas.