Contact us @ RED-HEADER

For a look at some of the product we offer please visit the
Red-Header product

Allen Moore

Water cooled VW specialist

Turbo Ford
This is a place to go for FAQ and to join one of the best e-mail groups I have seen.

A23turbo's home page
This page has one super fast 2.3L turbo powered street car.

One of our sections will be creating a large tube header for a Ford 2.3L turbo engine. The first one is of a log design, and the second will be a
4 into 1 large tube header
with the turbo relocated to the front of the engine. Please save this section to your favorites for a look at whats new on the drawing board.

Here's a few of the projects we're working on...

Rob Reese's twin turbo 2000+ HP BBF Mustang

Simon Benlolo's turbo rotary powered 74 Porsche 911

Simon Benlolo's 80 RX7 "Pro-Import" turbo four BEAST

My 84 SVO

My 72 Pinto

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Last page edit on 12-16-01.