Its policies only appeared to be good, but their implementation left a lot to be desired while mismanagement
and plain "robber baron" mentality sapped the system and ensured that it was a disaster just waiting to
happen. One thing is certain, and that is if Malaysians want to get over the economic crisis they must first rid
their country of the powerful local and foreign vested interests that continue to hold them hostage without
them becoming hostage to new vested interests.

Can the present Malaysian culture of extravagance be replaced by one of austerity and sobriety? Can the
present neo-feudal political system be replaced by a more responsible and responsive one? Do Malaysians
see the problem and are they willing to do what it takes to change for the better or will they be convinced by
Mahathir’s attempts to obfuscate and side-track the real issues? Those attempts have now taken on a
dramatic and indeed "shocking" turn over the last few weeks with the sacking of Anwar from all his
government and party posts and from UMNO itself.

If anything, it is Anwar who stood for reformation and has returned to that call. Will reformation succeed
with or without Anwar? Do the people understand what it means? Can it catch the imagination of the
majority of the Malaysian public in time for the national elections which Mahathir is expected to call at any
time after the Commonwealth Games or the October Budget?

Does Islam have the answers, and can Anwar and his Gerakan Reformasi Rakyat convince the Malaysian
public that it is capable of running the Federal government, possibly in coalition with PAS and DAP? That
appears to be the stark choice facing Malaysians today - Barisan Reformasi or Barisan Nasional? Take
your pick and live with it at least for the next 5 years.

Will Anwar form a political party (now known by the proposed name of Gerakan Reformasi Rakyat) and
can he do it in time? Will Mahathir withhold the purported "evidence" against Anwar only to use it to full
effect to cripple a Barisan Reformasi led by Anwar in the elections?

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