"Chasing a Dream" by Neldri

1 – Santa Fe

“So can he give me a ride to da trainyards?”

“Anyplace you want Jack, Jack ….”


“Hey Frank, sorry what where ya saying?”

“You must go and fetch Miss Jenny’s new horse. We need to start working on him today.”

“Sure Frank.” He slowly takes of the gloves he’s been wearing while feeding the horses. As he looks at his hands he is transported again.

“All these headlines, you’re just making ‘em up. You’re lying Jack.”

“It ain’t lying, it’s just improvin’ da truth a liddle, nuthin’ dose fancy headline writer’s ain’t doin’.”

“Kelly!! Today still please.”

He rounds up a black mare and heads over to the ranch just south of Frank Donnely’s horse ranch. Santa Fe, his dream all these years but still he is longing for something, someone.

“I should never have left New York. I miss the guys.” He shakes his head as he realizes he is talking to himself, a habit that’s been reappearing a lot lately. He is used to the guys being about to talk to.

“So this is my dream, but here I am alone and lonely and somehow the stars don’t seem so bright here.”

“It’s the same sun as here.”

“Yeah, but it seems bigger.”

It did seem bigger but two months without your friends … family, makes any place seem ordinary and dull. He could be in a palace right now and still be longing for the creaking sounds of the Lodging House.

About 10 minutes later, Jack rides up to the grand splendor of Miss Jenny London’s house. 60 and already twice a grandma, she is still running the ranch on her own since her husband, the sheriff, was shot in town 12 years ago. She never got remarried. The whole town loves Miss Jenny and Jack can clearly see why as she waves heartily for him as he gets of his horse.

“Why good morning, Jack. What a lovely day is it not? Wanna come in for a glass of lemonade?”

“Dat would be nice, thanx Miss Jenny.” His New York accent brings a sad smile to her face.

“Did I ever tell you Jack, that I once lived in New York. My parents moved there when I was 17 and I fell in love with the place. But that was so long ago. Do you miss it Jack?”

“Sure do. Sometimes I think I should ‘ave neva left in da first place.”

“Why did you leave Jack?”

“Chasing a dream Miss Jenny. An’ still chasing it. Oh, Frank sent me ova to come an’ fetch yer new horse.” He changes the subject as he finishes his drink.

“Oh you must see him Jack, he’s a beauty. A golden brown stallion with a diamond on his head and he is huge.”

“What yer calling ‘im?”

“Starlight. I just think it suits him.”

Jack draw’s his breath as they near the horse, standing with his magnificent head held up and snorting softly as Jack comes near. “It’ll sure be a pleasure ta ride ya old boy.”

As he gets on his horse with Starlight tied behind him, Miss Jenny says “Changing the subject will only make it a talk for another day Jack, stay good.” She walks to the door and then turns to him again, “Jack, my granddaughter will be visiting soon, will you come by again.”

“Sure Miss Jenny.”

With that he rides off leaving the old lady behind smiling. “I’ll get you smiling again Jack Kelly. One never forgets how.”

2 – Fellahs

“Heya fellahs.”

“Hey Race, how’d ya sleep?”

“On me back Mush.” With that remark everyone in the room turns silent.

“I still can’t believe he left.” Blink stares to the still empty bunk. No one had the heart to fill it. Perhaps he will come back and need it again.

“He ain’t comin’ back is he Race?” Skittery the ever skeptic turns to Race.

“I don’t know fellahs. Only time will show. Hey I’m off ta Brooklyn, ya joining me Dave? Catch yer fellahs later.”


“If it aint da walking mouth an’ da one who makes da horses lose.” Spot comments as he sees Racetrack and Dave nearing the pier.

“Heya Spot. How’s da weddar like up dere.” He smiles at his own wisecrack joke when Spot jumps down from his ‘throne’.

“Very funny! So any news from Jackyboy yet or has he forgotten us?”

“Got a letter t’day but I didn’t tell da guys yet – thought I’d come and show ya first.”

Spot opens the already creased envelope and takes out a single sheet.

How’d partners, guess I am a real cowboy now.

I’ve been ‘ere for some time now an’ every now and den I miss perusing da merchandise an’ hawkin’ da headlines.

I have found a job as a farmhand on a Mr Frank Donnely’s horse ranch. A sturdy Irishman who’s more like a fadder dan an employee ta me. Sometimes I fear too much like a fadder. I share da farmhouse with him and his wife, Miss Susan, an’ no Mush, dere is no daughters ya can court ‘ere!

I mainly help in da fields an’ I also help ta train da horses. I’ve always liked animals.

Say ‘hi’ ta Spot an’ keep carryin’ da banna fer me.


“Something ain’t soundin’ right.” Spots says as he crumples up the letter, opens it again and then folds it and puts it back in the envelope.

“You got that too. Spot we need to get Jack back here, something is definitely not right.”

“Jack’ll come back by ‘imself, Dave. We just need ta let ‘im know we’s family. He feels he ain’t got nothin’ here to come back for.”

“Yer right Race. It was like he got us through da strike an’ den we didn’t need ‘im any more and den dis whole thin’ with Sarah … sorry Dave.”

“Never mind, Spot. You’re right, she didn’t do right. I think she realize it now but he won’t come back to her.”

“Tell da boys we meet at Tibby’s – noon. We’ll talk den.”

“See ya, Spot.”

Dave and Race turns around and without a word spoken between the two of them, they return to Manhattan.


“Fellows, fellows quiet down!”

“No use Dave!” Spot bangs his cane on the floor, “Hey, quit it!!” The silence is immediate.

“Right, ya all read Jack’s letter an’ ya agree we ‘ave ta get ‘im ta come back. He is our leader afta all.”

“But what if he ain’t wanna come back Race. Too many bad memories ‘ere for him.” Blink adds negatively.

“But we’s ‘ere. We’s all family, da only family some of us knows.”

“We ‘ave ta write back ta ‘im an’ ask ‘im ta come back. I’s miss ‘is ‘good ideas’.”

3 – Starlight

“Come’n boy. I won’t hurt ya.” It is barely dawn and Jack has been tossing and turning in his bed for 2 or 3 hours and finally got up and headed to the stable were they held Starlight.

“Easy old boy, I ain’t gonna hurt ya. See I brought ya an apple.” The horse whinnies softly and hesitantly steps closer to Jack, nuzzling his nose into Jack’s hand. “Dere ya go. See, nothin’ ta be afraid off.” Slowly he extends his free hand and starts stroking the horse.

At the door Frank Donnely turns around and heads back to the house where his wife is awaiting him with a steaming cup of coffee.

“That boy is a wonder with horses Maggie. I’ve been trying for almost two week to get the horse to eat from my hand and sugar to top it, without any success. And there he is, stroking the horse none the less. It’s like he has a connection with the darn animal.” Although he looks disappointed, there is a definite pride in his voice.

Margaret Donnely smiles at her husband and there is a sad tenderness in her eyes. Both of them are nearing their fifties and because of unfortunate circumstances, they could not have children. Jack’s coming has been a blessing for the Donnely’s and for the first time Frank had met someone with the same passion for horses as he has and the ranch has come alive again.

But from the start Maggie realized Jack was running away, hiding from some hurt that was bound to catch up to him. As Jack enters the kitchen, she once again notices the sadness in his eyes, even though he sounds cheerful.

“Mornin’ Frank, Maggie. I did it. Starlight took da apple out of me hand an’ let me stroke ‘im. He truly is a magnificent horse”

“That he is Jacky, that he is. So shall we start the day with a hearty breakfast.” Frank pulls Maggie closer and with a smile command, “where’s our breakfast woman!”

Maggie giggles at her husband’s silliness and makes a mocking bow. “Right this way master.” As Frank pass his wife he gives her a slap on her bum which is greeted with a wrinkled brow and then laughter.

Jack watch as the couple enters the living room hand in hand and suddenly sadness creeps over him as he remembers one of the seldom, happy childhood memories he had.

“Sully, you’re unfair ….”

“Catch an’ it is yours Squirt.”

“Come on Sully! You’re bigger.”

The two kids start wrestling for the huge orange that Frances Sullivan is trying to hide behind his back. Running straight at him, Emee Sullivan receives a slap on the backside as he jumps out of the way.

“Missed.” But he is surprised as she tackles him and starts tickling. Curling with laughter, he gives in, peels the orange and hands it to the 5-year old.

Astounded by the luxury, she strokes the juicy fruit and without hesitation breaks it in half and hand one part to her 2-year older brother.

But even in their moment of joy, they hear the voices rising from inside the house. Francis takes his sister’s sticky hand in his own and they start running towards the riverfront.


“Yeah.” He is sitting at the table with his fork halfway to his mouth.

“You better eat that before it goes cold.”

“Sorry Maggie. I was thinkin’.”

“Oh Jack, there arrived a letter for you today. The stamp says New York.” She retrieves the envelope from her skirt pocket.

Taking it carefully as if it might break, he pushes the letter into his shirt. “I’ll read it later.”

“Frank, shall we try saddling up Starlight today. He’s been here a month already.”

“Let’s not rush him Jack. Just keep leading him around, perhaps we can start with the saddle next week.”

“Perhaps Frank, perhaps.”

4 – Old Friends

The first thing Jack notices is the scribbling and scratched out sentences.

“Dem guys cain’t agree on anythin’.”

Hi Jack How’d Jack Extry Extry Jack

Boy has dis place been silent since you’ve gone. Not even da Walkin’ Mouth has much ta say. We’s thinkin’ da Delancey’s ripped out ‘is tongue.

He can see them now, sitting in the Lodging house, arguing about what must be said.


“You can’t write that.” David protests at the part that Race has just been writing.

“An’ why not. I’se doin’ da writin’ not ya.”

“The only reason for that is that you guys won’t let me. I would be able to word it better.”

“Huh …”

“Never mind, just write.”


Blink and Mush is in love – once again. I swear da one is worse dan de odder. We ‘ave a new addition to da newsie family. Kloppman’s niece Anabell is visiting him an’ when she is not out sellin’ with us, she is a busybody in da kitchen. It is nice ta have a warm and delicious plate of food every evenin’.

And probably every guy is in love with her because of that. In the Lodging house the way to a man’s heart is definitely through his stomach.


“Anabell, what be for dinner t’night.” Skittery yells from the room.

“Stew, and if ye guys have been good t’day there is a treat for afterwards.”

“Ya are me hero.”

“Oh shush Skittery.” Race laughs as he can only imagine that she is blushing now.

“Tomatoes belongs in the pantry Belle.”

“Race, you are horrible.” Her jingling laughter fills the air and now it is Skittery’s turn to blush.


… an’ ya won’t believe it, Skittery is also in love – wid – ya guessed it Belle (Anabell).

We all wish dat ya was here Jack. Can’t ya ferget da past an’ come back. Dere is so much ya are missin’.

Da paper is not enough ta write everythin’ I wanna say so I’ll just says goodbye.

Carry da banna Jack

Race (an’ all da udder newsies)

He keeps staring at the letter, turning it around and around. Expecting for it to have more. But there is no more and he just has to be satisfied with what he just read.

“Someday I might come back Race. But not just yet, I have ta stop runnin’ first before I can turn ‘round.”


“Jack!” Miss Jenny is waving to him from miles away.

“Mornin’ Miss Jenny. Ya are quite dressed up t’day.” He smiles at her face that totally brightens up.

“How else Jack. I am gonna see my little Tasha again today. We better hurry. I don’t want her to be waiting at the train station.”

Jack helps her into the buggy and a few minutes later they are on their way to an unknown future.

5 – Tasha

“Nana!” First thing that appears from the train is flaming red hair and then as the face looks up, he looks straight into sparkling green eyes.

Not much taller than the little women by his side he realize as the rest appears. She is dressed in cowboy pants and a loose white shirt. A cowboy hat is hanging down her back and he can imagine that she looks just like Miss Jenny when she is sitting on one of her magnificent steeds with her head held high and her cowboy hat on it.

She runs straight into Miss Jenny’s arms with not even a sideward glance at him but he cannot stop staring at her. “Oh Nana, I can’t believe I am here. It has been ages and last time I came was with Ma and Pa. Now I am here all alone and have a whole month to spend with you.” She hugs her older version again. Then she turns to Jack. “It’s bug season. You might want to close your mouth.” She giggles slightly and then turns back to Miss Jenny. “So Nana, who is the city boy you brought along?”

“My little Tasha, I cannot believe how quickly you have grown into a beautiful young lady.” Tasha blush and then Miss Jenny motions towards Jack. “Tash, this is Jack. He’s been working at Frank Donnely’s farm for a couple of months now. He is a wonder with the horses. Jack, this is my granddaughter Tasha.” He almost spits in his hand but luckily he remembers he is not in New York anymore.

“How’d. I guess New Yawk hasn’t disappeared yet. Dat’s why ya said city boy. But I am plannin’ ta become a real cowboy now.”

She smiles and he sees that she has perfect teeth, a few freckles scattered on her cheeks and a slightly cheeky nose. Her hair is hanging down her back in a thick braid with pieces coming loose all around her face. Her eyes sparkle and he immediately takes a liking toward this yet unknown girl.

“Oh Nana, I almost forgot about Dash. She is in one of the back carts. Remember I told you about her. I think she and Black will make a great couple.” Just then one of the helper comes walking up with a beautiful white horse behind him.

She turns around and flings her arms around the horse’s neck. “Isn’t she just gorgeous Nana.” Dash shakes her head lightly to get rid of the arms that is holding her. “Pappa said I could bring her along. I do hope that you don’t mind.”

“Of course I don’t mind Tasha, but Black isn’t here anymore. He got arthritis in his legs and we had to put him down.”

“Oh Nana, no! And he was such a great runner.”

“But I have a new one and you will love him. His name is Starlight and he is a golden brown stallion. And I am sure that Dash will like him too. But he is over at Frank’s place now to get trained. Seems like he is quite a stubborn bugger, hey Jack.”

“You can say that again Miss Jenny. He won’t let Frank come near ‘im but he has taken a likin’ to me though. We just click.”

“Same temperament Jack. You both want to be free and run wild.” He laughs at the connection that Miss Jen made.

Much later Jack leaves the two women behind at the ranch and head back to the Donnely ranch. He imagine he can still hear Tasha’s voice as he rides up to the farmhouse a while later. After unsaddling Thunder, he heads over the stall were Starlight is kept. The horse lets out a soft whimper when he sees Jack and steps closer to the gate.

“Heya boy. What have ya been up ta da whole day?” His hand moves lightly over the velvety nose before he opens the gate and enters. He picks up a brush that was roughly thrown to the side. A small smile appears on his face.

“Bein’ mean ta poor old Frank again boy. Why da ya let me touch ya an’ ya won’t let ‘im?” The horse turns his head and rubs it against Jack’s shoulder. With easy strokes Jack starts to brush Starlight.

“Ya are alone like me, ain’t ya boy. Ya want yer freedom an’ space ta run an’ perhaps hide. It doesn’t work old boy … to run. Yer problems follow ya where ever ya run.”

He starts humming and then he starts singing softly:

And now I’m all alone again, nowhere to turn, no one to go to. Without a home, without a friend, without a face to say hello to and now the night is near, now I can make believe she’s here.

Sometimes I walk alone at night when everybody else is sleeping. I think of her and then I’m happy with the company I’m keeping. The city goes to bed and I can live inside my head.

On my own, pretending she’s beside me. All alone I walk with her till morning. Without her I feel her arms around me and when I lose my way I close my eyes and she has found me.

In the rain the pavement shines like silver. All the lights are misty in the river. In the dark the trees are full of starlight and all I see is she and I forever and forever.

And I know it’s only in my mind. That I’m talking to myself and not to her. And although I know that she is gone, still I say there’s a way for us.

I love her but when the night is over, she is gone the river’s just a river. Without her the world around me changes. The trees are bare and everywhere the streets are full of strangers.

I love her but everyday I’m learning, all my life has only been pretending. Without her my world will go on turning. A world that’s full of happiness that I have never known.

I love her, I love her, I love her but only on my own.

Starlight lets out a whinny that brings Jack back from his slumber land. He notice that it is already past dusk and that the first stars was starting to appear in the clear night sky. “I better be goin’ in. An’ t’morrow I am going to saddle you up.” He smiles and gives the horse one more pat on the nose before he closes the gate and head back to the farmhouse that is brightly lit.

6 – Memories

Jack’s sleep is disturbed by dreams. Dreams of things that he has left undone and things that drove him away from his friends – his family. He can still see them, hiding away in the back corner of his mind. Jumping out at him every time he think he has put the past behind him.

It’s because you ran away Jack.

He wakes suddenly, kicks the blanket of his legs and jumps up. He walks over to the window and stare at the full moon, remembering times gone by.


“Will you stop going on about this Emee person. One would swear she was a saint and did nothing wrong! Is she an old girlfriend who left you and now that you have me you realize you can’t have her back?!” The slight raise in her already hard tone makes Jack look up, along with everyone else in Tibby’s.

“No Sarah. She’s someone that inspired me and made me fight for what I believe is right. She helped me stand up to injustice.” He has no fighting in his voice. He has lost the spirit to fight this.

“Well who is this person? Say your thanks and get on with your life Jack … with me.” She is now standing over Jack and her words makes something snap inside him.

“I can’t. She died during the strike and she’ll always be part of me!” Furious he almost knocks over a set of chairs as he strolls to Tibby’s exit. At the door he turns back to face Sarah. “She was ten times the person you’ll ever be. She was my sister!”

What a way to end things. Leaving Tibby’s he heads over to the Lodging House and digs up a little tin that holds a few dollars and Emee’s golden locket. He counts the money, packs up his meager belongings and writes a note that he leaves on Race’s bed.

Things remind me too much of ‘er. I am goin’. You guys will cope without me. Carry da banna – Jack.

Without any goodbyes he leaves the Lodging House and heads toward the trainyards. As the train pulls out, he turns his face away from the station – there is no one to see him of.


Jack sighs as he sees the first rays of the sun coloring the desert sands on the horizon.

“Another night without any sleep, Jackyboy.” He smiles as he thinks of Mush – ‘So how’d ya sleep Jack?’

A few minutes later he hears a stirring in the house as Frank and Maggie starts to move about. Then he hears Starlight and thinks to himself “Today I am gonna get onto you, whether you like it or not”.

7 – New Friends

A few hours later Jack is soaked to the bone trying to get Starlight to stand still to first saddle him and then gets onto him. Thusfar he was only able to saddle him. Unknown to him, he is being watched by a certain redhead.

“Will ya just stand still an’ let me get onto ya!” She can imagine that he is very near to the end of his rope and when Starlight jumps up again and he throws down his hat, she can’t help but to laugh. He turns around at that and stares straight into what he, for a moment, believes is an angel. The sun is at her back and her hair is shinning golden in the light from behind. She is smiling widely and he notices the dimples in her cheeks.

She slowly gets of Dash and walks over to the practice camp. Standing right next to the fence she calls softly, “Hey Starlight Come here boy.” She holds out her hand and without hesitation the horse walks closer and sniffs at her hand which produce some sugar.

Jack sniggers and then laughs out loud, “Traitor. Leaves me for the first pretty girl that comes along.” But even though he is laughing she can see that it does go any further than his mouth. He still has this sad look in his eyes.

He picks up his hat and dusts it of. “So what do I owe the pleasure to Miss Montgomery.”

“Oh, Tasha please. I always hated being called Miss Montgomery.” She holds her head up and put on a fake air. “Miss Montgomery from the Boston Montgomery’s. A pleasure to meet you Mr Kelly.” They both laugh at her little joke.

“I need a drink, can I invite you for a glass of lemonade Tasha.”

“That will be lovely. I actually just took Dash out for a little ride and went quite a bit further than I intended and I am feeling like a dried up well.”

“Well let’s go in. I am sure Frank and Maggie will be glad to see you.”


“… so I said to Starlight, I do not wish to fight you and the next moment he was standing still and I was able to saddle him. But the moment he had that saddle on he was going wild again. I was struggling to get him to stand still again when Tasha appeared and she just held out her hand, called him and the next moment he was eating sugar out of her hand.”

“So Jack called him a traitor.”

“A traitor that he is. He has only been eating from Jack, not even from me and here you come and he simply loves you. Ach it is a good thing. Seems we are finally getting him calmed down a bit hey Jack.”

“Yeah, only when da pretty ladies are about.”

Tasha turns to Maggie, “Thanks so much for dinner Maggie but I really should get going. I am sure Nana is going to enjoy this apple pie you are sending along. No-one can bake like you can.”

“Jack, ride with Tasha back to Miss Jenny’s ranch. It’s not good for a girl to be wandering alone with the night already on us. And tell Miss Jenny that I think Starlight might be ready in a week or two.”

With that Jack and Tasha get up and head over to the stalls.

Much later they stop in front of Miss Jenny’s house where a single lamp is burning on the porch.

“Nanna is probably resting or outside with the horses. It seems like one of the mares are expecting. She probably went to check on her.”

“Ya okay ‘ere? I guess I should be heading back. G’night Tasha.” He turns the horse around and then turns back in his saddle. “Come by again an’ say hallo to Starlight,” and then he adds to himself, “an’ me.”

“Goodnight Jack.”

As she enters the house she realize that a wonderful friendship has started that day and that she can’t wait for the dawn to break and a new day to start.

She looks up at the starlit sky and closes her eyes, “Starlight, starbright, first star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might – have this wish I wish tonight.” As she opens her eyes, she is just in time to see the disappearing tail of a shooting star. “I wonder if those things really work. You can go to bed now Nana.” She walks past the darkness of the living room knowing that her grandma has been listening to every word that she and Jack had said.

“Goodnight Tasha.”

“Night Nana, I love you.”

8 – Headlines

“Extry, extry – wonderboy sighted!” Race slams down the letter in front of Dave who moved his plate just in time.



“So what he say this time.”

“Why don’t ya read for yerself.”

Hey Fellahs

Got yer letter an’ just writing back quickly. It is good to hear dat everything is goin’ well at da lodging house. Tell Skittery I say way ta go an’ dat he should hold on ta something good.

As for me, I can’t come back. Not yet anyway. I have ta get my mind clear an’ sort things out. I know I just deserted ya guys but dere was no udder way.

Seize da day Cowboy

“Well that is just like him.” Furious Dave jumps up. “The moment a problem starts to get too complicated he just turns his back on it.”

“Dat ain’t fair Dave. He just needs time. He’ll come back. He came back to finish da strike didn’t he.”

“But we need him Race. The newsies are falling apart without him. Not that you’re not a great leader Race, but they walk all over you. How many fights have occurred since Jack left? When was the last time the newsies stood together Race?”

Race takes a moment to think and then nods. “Well if he ain’t come back in da next month, I am goin’ dere an’ bringin’ him back. Even if I have ta drag him by his ears.”


“Jack!” He sees her waving at him from the ranch entrance and gives Starlight a slight kick in the side to get him moving.

“Hey Tasha.”

“Jack, you got onto him.”

“Yeah, an’ he has been behavin’ enough ta let me ride him for about 2 hours now. So do ya feel like a race.”

“You don’t have ta ask me twice.” She places her hat firmly on her head and crouches over a bit, patting Dash in her neck. “On three… one, two ….” But before she can say three he is already dashing away from her.

“Hey you cheated!” She laughs as she finally reaches him.

“I plead not guilty. It is this horse that can’t count.” She sees him laughing and for the first time there is a bit of a sparkle in his eyes.

He looks up and notices that the green eyes are locked on his. He opens his mouth to say something but not a word passes his mouth and for a few seconds they just stare at each other, saying nothing.

“Uhm … I gotta go Jack. I just brought Maggie’s mail for her. Nanna and I went into town.”

“’Kay … Tasha, ya wanna come to the lake with me tomorrow. I want to take Starlight for a ride outside the ranch’s limits. I thought you might like a bit of a break away.”

“Thanx Jack. That would be lovely. I will bring a picnic basket along and then we can spend the afternoon at the lakeside.”

“Well then, see ya tomorrow.”


Jack looks up at the sun, once again. It has moved quite a distance on his set path and Jack is worried. Tasha should have been here hours ago. Just as he is about to get onto Starlight, he sees a rider in the distance. But when the horse comes closer he sees that it is Dash and that she is without her rider. He can see that the horse is spooked as she runs past him. He gives a long whistle and she stops and turns around.

“Hey girl. What ya doin’ going on like dat? Where’s Tasha?” His only answer is a soft whinny the horse lets out as he grabs her by the reins. Still holding onto Dash, he gets onto Starlight and starts riding in the distance where the horse came from.

He sees her small frame just before they reach her. She is sitting on down, holding onto her foot and when she sees Jack there is a big smile on her face.

“Please tell me you have some water with you.” He nods and hands her his waterbottle.

“What on earth happened? When Dash came stormin’ by without ya I almost dropped dead.”

“Something spooked her. I still don’t know what and she threw me and ran. I wanted to run after her but I think I hurt my foot because I cannot stand on it, never mind run.”

He bends over touching her bare foot softly and sees her winch from pain. “That doesn’t look good.” The next moment he has picked her up and softly places her on Starlight’s back and then swings himself up behind her. He has tied Dash to Starlight a bit earlier and with this load, that is quite precious to him but which he doesn’t know yet, he heads back to Miss Jenny’s ranch.

9 – Undone

“You’ll have to let that foot rest for at least a day or two. It doesn’t seem to be broken but it is definitely sprained.” Miss Jenny continues chatting away as she bandage Tasha’s foot.

“I have no idea what came over her Nana. First I thought perhaps she saw a snake but there was absolutely nothing in sight.”

Miss Jenny smiles, “Perhaps she was just fulfilling destiny.”

“Oh Nana! Stop that. You and your destiny theory.” Tasha laughs.

“But it is true my darling. We each have a destiny to fulfill in our life. Now, you just sit back and relax while I go to make you a cup of tea and chat a bit to Jack.” She disappears out the door and down the stairs to where Jack is patiently waiting in the kitchen.

“How is she Miss Jen?”

“She is a bit bruised and have a sprained ankle but she’s going to be just fine.”

Now that he knows that she is fine, he is furious at her. “I can wring her little neck for her. If I told her once, then I told her a million times, she shouldn’t work Dash that hard. She is like a whirlwind on that horse. No wonder she threw her.”

He turns around when he hears a voice from the door, “You can talk Jack Kelly. Aren’t you the one riding around on a half wild horse and didn’t he throw you of twice, less than a week ago.” Tasha hobbles closer and falls into the nearest chair.

“But that is different …”

“Oh yeah, how is that different.”

“You’re a girl.”

“And that means that I cannot do what I want to do.”

“No… it just…”

“Just what?”

“Never mind.” He heads out the door without even saying goodbye.

“That’s right Jack Kelly! Run away! Do what you do every time we get within reaching distance! You make me furious!” But it is only a closed door that she is yelling at. “One day Jack Kelly, one day you will not turn your back on me and run away.” She stamps her foot on the ground and realize too late that it is the one that is already hurt. “Ouch! Now see what he made me do Nana.”

“You really should learn to control your temper dear. You will never get through to him if you keep going on like this.”

“I don’t wanna get through to him Nana. He can just disappear for all I care.”


“I can’t do this again.” Jack is sitting on top of the cliff close to the Donnely ranch, watching the sun spreading his last rays over the hot earth. He takes the golden locket out of his pocket, stares at the face in it and remembers another very similar one.

You were my strength Sully and I know that I shall be homesick for you even in heaven.

“I can’t do this again. I can’t let anyone close Emee. What if something happens to them too? What if something happens to Tasha? I couldn’t bear it.”

Trust someone Sully. Don’t carry your burdens alone, they become much too heavy.

“God Emee, I wish you were here so I can talk to you. What must I do?”

Tell her.

He looks around. He can swear he heard somebody just talk to him.

Tell her.

Then he realize that it is Emee’s voice that he hears within him. “Yeah, you would say that. After all, you have experience in that division don’t you sis.”

10 – Secrets

“Nana, how on earth am I going to get through to him? Every time I think now he might open up, he just shuts up tight again. He is hurting so much and I don’t know what to do to help him!”

“Patience Tash. Jack experienced some very bad things in his life and to protect himself he constructed a wall around him. So thick and strong that nothing can pass through it. But find the week spot in that wall and start breaking it down slowly, little by little, and then you will get through to the real Jack. Then you will get to know him for the person he once was and not as the distant one that he has become.”

“But how Nana? He is so … I don’t know how to put it. I feel that he does like me but he keeps me at a distance and the moment I try to come near he just turns and run. How will I ever get close enough to break down the wall?”

“You will find a way Tash. Love always finds a way.”

She looks up into the sparkling eyes of her grandmother and for the first time she sees the young girl that her grandmother once was.

“How Nana? Tell me how it finds a way.”

“I will tell you this. These memories are so precious to me and I will tell you. Because you need to know.”

The sparkle in Miss Jenny’s eyes lights up her whole face as she starts talking, remembering every moment of the past.

“It all began so long ago. I was barely 17 then, young and unknown in the ways of the world. It was a summer unlike any others I have had … it was the last summer of life as I knew it.”


New York 1857

“Jennifer Rose!” She can hear her mother calling but her mind is far away and she doesn’t answer until her mother calls by her nickname. “JENNY!”

“Coming Momma.” She takes a last look at the city bathed in the gold of the setting sun before climbing down the rocks to their little cottage below.

They arrived in New York a few days ago and the city is still capturing her in his glory. “Isn’t New York so beautiful Momma.” She swirls around with her arms stretched out. “I can stay here forever and never be unhappy.”

“Jennifer Rose, how many times have I told you to never say never. None of us knows what lies written in our future.” In her heart she knows that what she is saying is true. Jennifer is only a few days away from her 17th birthday and unknown to her, her father has organized a marriage to take place a month after her birthday.

“Momma, what is wrong? You look so sad.”

“Nothing Jenny. Go call your father so we can sit down for dinner.” Just as she whirlwind into the kitchen, she whirlwinds out to go and find her father and Grace and hear her daughter sing all the way.

I am happy, oh so happy ….

The song fades away and Grace returns her concentration to the bunch of wildflowers she is organizing in a vase.

“NO!” She raises herself up in her chair and looks her father straight in the eyes. “I won’t marry him Pappa. I don’t even know him! How could you do this to me.”

“Jennifer Rose now you sit down and listen to me. Sit down!” Unwillingly she obeys her father. “This is a good connection for my business. And he isn’t that much older than you.”

“Not that much … Pappa he is almost thirty. That is almost thirteen years older than I am. Not that much older, you must be joking!”

“Jennifer Rose! You are talking to your father.”

“But Momma …”

“No buts. This is what I organized and this is what you are going to do. You are marrying John Allen in a month’s time.” When she look up at her father again there is absolute hate in her eyes.


“Oh Nanna that is awful Getting married to someone you don’t even know. What did you do, what happened?”

“If you give me time to finish my story then you will find out.”


Much later that night a lone figure is climbing out of a window with a bag over its shoulder. Just as the figure get up from its crouching position, there is a soft but demanding voice.

“And where do you think you are going you little thief.” Ralph London turns the figure around and is surprized to notice a young girl in front of him.

“Let me go, please let me go.” He ignores the pleading in her eyes.

“Let you go after catching you red handed trying to steal from these poor people.”

“I ain’t stealing,” she leans a bit closer and whispers, “I am running away.”

“Oh really. Let’s see what you have in that bag.” He takes the bag under her protest and start shaking it out, revealing not only clothes but to his embarrassment also lingerie.

“Now see what you did, everything is dirty.” She sits down among the heap of clothing and then starts crying. “Now I’ll have to stay and marry him and I don’t want to.”

Ralph is suddenly overcome with an immense feeling of protection. “Now there miss.” He hands her his rough army handkerchief. “There you go. Dry your tears. Now, why are you running away.”

“My dad is making me marry someone… ancient and I don’t even know him. I don’t wanna get married. I am only 17, I want to enjoy my life.”

There is a bit of a noise and then a light goes on in the house. “Come. Quickly, get back into the window, before your Da finds you and gives you a beating. Things can’t be that bad. At least you have a bed to sleep in.”

Jenny gives him a slight smile, grabs her clothes and then disappears through the window just before her dad opens the front door.

“Can I help you young man?”

“Nah sir, sorry to have woke you. I thought I saw someone climbing out of the window but it was only a cat. Goodnight sir, and sorry again to have been a bother.”

“No bother, you were only doing your job son. Goodnight.”


“Oh this is so interesting Nana. What happened next?”

“I got married. But four years later John Allen was called to battle and got killed. I was only 21 and already a widow. As the war continued and got worse, Momma and I started helping out in the hospitals. There were so many injuries and so many deaths. So horrible, but we had to help our men and get them well again. And there I saw him.”


“Mrs Allen, we have new injuries coming in. Will you be so kind as to help clean them up for surgery.”

With horror she glanced at the soldiers that was brought in. Every one was worse than the one before him. Just then a soldier passed. His was full of blood and his leg looked horrible. But it was his eyes that got her captured. They had a wild look to them, feverish, but it was as blue and as clear as the sky above her. And for a moment she thought she saw recognition in them too.

“Dr Ashton. Who is that man that they just brought in.”

“That is Lieutenant London ma’am. He lead his corpse through enemy line with no dead and only him injured badly. I am afraid that we’ll have to amputate his leg. It was left untreated for too long and got gangrene.”

“The poor man. He was so brave and this is how he gets rewarded.” Right there she decided that she would stay by his side and look after him until he is well enough to leave.


“He was so bitter when he finally came to. His leg was amputated just below the knee and he felt like half a man. But still there was something about him that made me want to hold him and tell him that everything was going to be all right. And somewhere in my heart there was a stirring every time I saw him. One day he came up to me and asked…


“Excuse me ma’am but haven’t we met before.” Suddenly Jenny realized why this stranger looked so familiar to her. He might have destroyed her plans to run away, but he saved her from her father’s scorn.

“It’s you.”

He stares at the blond hair that is tied in a neatly behind her head and then at the sparkling green eyes. “My little thief is it.”

It is the first time she sees him smile and right there she falls in love with this bitter man.

“My name is Jennifer Rose. And I am so pleased to finally meat you Lieutenant London. I heard what you did for you men."

His smile disappears again. “I didn’t mind doing that for my men ma’am. But I wish it rather took my life than leaving me half.” He starts walking away but turns around again. “And the name is Ralph.”

As the days and later the weeks go by the two grow to be friends and although Jenny finds that she can talk to Ralph about anything, he is still keeping to himself and the wall is keeping the old Ralph inside, is hard to break down. And like all the injured, he also heals and too soon for Jenny his time comes to be released.

“I came to say goodbye Jennifer Rose. Doc says I can go, go home. Because back to the field I cannot go looking like this.”

“Oh Ralph, don’t say goodbye.” It came out before she realized what she said. He looks up at her his blue eyes shinning and she swears she can see the old Ralph in them. She sees the person who dried her tears and helped her on her feet again.

“What do you mean Jenny?”

“Don’t go Ralph. I cannot bear not seeing you every day.” She knows that she has gone too far but now there is no turning point. She put her hands in his, takes a deep breath and says, “I love you Ralph. I have loved you since the first moment I saw you all those years ago. You made me stand up and fight and I couldn’t live if you are not here with me.”

He closes his eyes for a second and takes her face in his hands. “My dear sweet Jennifer Rose. You want me. I could never have hoped that you want me. Even like this.”

“I want you no matter what. It is you that I love, not how you look like, but what you are.”

And with those words the wall around him crumbles and he smiles. “I love you too Jenny and no matter what happen, I will stay with you forever.”


There is a wetness on Miss Jenny’s cheeks as she ends her story. “And he never did. He is still here with me.” She places her hand over her heart.

“Oh Nana that is so wonderful. I never knew. Do you really believe there is a chance for Jack and I?”

“With all my heart Tash. Just hold on. His wall will crumble one day too.” She gets up and then leans over her granddaughter and gives her a kiss on the forehead. “And know it is time for old ladies to go to bed. Goodnight Tasha.”

“Goodnight Nana.” She closes her eyes and sees his face in front of her. “Goodnight Jack.”

11 – It’s a kind of magic

“Tasha.” She looks up from her book when she hears his voice behind her.

“Go away Jack Kelly. I don’t wanna talk to you.” Then to herself “Great Tasha, you want him to open up and what are you doing, chasing him away.”

“Tasha please. Just hear me out.”

“Okay, ramble of your excuses get over it and goodbye.”


“What? It was you who stormed out yesterday when I was trying to tell you something. Why should I listen to you now.”

“Because I need you to do this for me.”

She looks straight into his velvety eyes and sees the hurt and sadness in them and is immediately sorry about what she just said.

“Okay Jack, I’ll listen.”

“Tasha, I am so sorry about yesterday. You gave me such a fright and when I realized that I might possibly lose what I don’t even have it just drove me insane. So I decided I need to tell you why I am the way I am. You see I ran away from New York and I can’t go back there before I have faced my fears. I found my sister in New York. We were separated for 7 years and when I finally got her back I was so happy. But way too soon, something happened. She was sick and not very long after she found me, she died.”

He hears her gasp but continues his story, “She was my rock of strength and suddenly it was as if everything was ripped from underneath me, leaving me… lost. I didn’t want to get close to anybody because I thought I would just hurt them again. And yesterday when I found you, something broke inside me and I knew.”

He takes her hands in his own and forces her to look at him. “I need you Tasha and I love you.” He let her go and gets up again. “You don’t have to love me back Tasha, I just wanted you to know how I feel…”

While he is talking she also gets up from the couch, “Jack Kelly! Would you just shut up and kiss me.”

He stares at her, not knowing what to do. “What did you just say?”

“I said,” she takes a step closer and put her arms around his neck, “I love you, so just shut up and kiss me.”

A slight smile crosses his face and the next moment he pulls her even closer. He softly wipes a lost curl away from her forehead and places his lips at the exact place that his fingers have just touched. Then he kisses her on the tip of her nose and finally he reaches her lips, which she offer to him like ripe strawberries.

Behind them Miss Jenny closes the curtain again and smiles. “I told ya I’ll make you smile again Jack and I did.”

“I can go back now Tasha. I set her free and now I can live again. And I want you to come with me. I want you to meet my newsies. What you say?”

“I would love to go to New York with you Jack.”

“The guys are going to be so surprised.”

She has never seen him so happy and realize that she did the right thing. No matter where Jack goes, she will go with him because that is where she belongs.


“Will ya stop worrying. One will swear dat we are on our way ta meet da devil himself.”

“Well it is almost like that. Jack, I am on my way to meet a house full of brothers, sort of any way. I have no idea what they are going to think of me. What if they don’t like me? What if they wanna kill me?”

“Dey will adore you. I promise. Anyway, if dey don’t, I’ll soak each an’ ev’ry one of dem.”

He takes her hands and squeezes them slightly. “No matter what they say, I love you.”

She relaxes in his arms as the train continues on its shaking journey.

Her fears are swept away the moment she steps into the Lodging House. She immediately feels at home and can understand why Jack missed these guys so much.

Race comes and stand directly in front of Jack and with his cigar halfway in his mouth he says, “Well if it ain’t Jack be nimble, Jack be quick. Got sick of the desert an’ decided to come home an’ with a goil an’ all.” He makes a grand bow before her and kisses her hand, which makes her smile. “Da name is Racetrack Higgins an’ if ye be da goil who made him come back den I owe ya. Dese lot are unruly.” He motions to the lot that is standing behind him.

Jack smiles at the newsboys and pulls Tasha closer. “Dis is me family and … me home. And guys this here is Tasha, my angel.” He turns back to talk to her again, “It’s not much but dis is were I belong.”

“Then this is were I belong Jack, because I belong with you and if this is where you are happy, this is where I will be happy.”

He follows her small frame as she pass from one newsie to another, shaking hands and totally winning them over with her smile. And then she returns to him, his own angel of mercy, his angel that brought him back to live.

“I always wished for a big family. Seems to me that I got my wish.” She smiles at him and takes his hand in hers. “Jack Kelly, how did I ever get so lucky as to find you.”

His smile reaches his eyes as he says, “It’s a kind of magic.” She laughs. “Well, sort off.”

Then he commands her lips and the whole Lodging House burst out in applause.

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