My Stories
- A Love That Stands the Test of Time
- Christy is some how transported to 1900 when she gives a speech on the strike. She finds everything she has ever wanted in Jack. But, can they be together in the end?
- Not Like Us
- Blink helps Kloppman's niece decide where she belongs, and a whole lot more.
- The Anniversary
- Jack and Jamie celebrate their fiftieth wedding anniversary, and tell how they met and fell in love. This kinda leaves off where "Not Like Us" ends.
- An English Rose
- Skittery finds out that his best firend, Connie, has been hiding something from him. When her past takes her away, Jack helps Skittery get her back, but this plan changes Skittery's life forever.
- Love After All
- This story starts six years after "An English Rose" ends. Remeber Amanda, Connie's niece? Remember her small crush on Jack? What happens when she follows her aunt's footsteps and defies her family?
- Christy's Series
- This series is about Mush and Race and how they meet two girls, Emily and Caitlin, that are more than they appear to be.
- A Promise Kept
- I finally gave into the urge and wrote a Titanic/Newsies Crossover. Jack Kelly helps Rose get over her losses. She learns that she can love again and still keep her promise to Jack Dawson.
- Memories We Live By
- This is the second story with Jack and Rose. Jack finds out more about Rose when they get some visitors.
- Finders Keepers
- Shannon MacLain is on a mission to find her lost brother. Along the way she finds Spot Conlon, and can't help falling in love with him, but will Spot's stubbornness and past keep them apart
- You Had Me From Hello
- Medda and her family's life hasn't been the easiest, and it can all be blamed on one man, Robert. T
Some of my favorite sotries by other Newsies fans
- Grace's first series
- Jack and Spot meet two interesting girls, Ann and Lindsey. Ann is hidning something, and Lindsey has a problem with the East River. (btw I love these stories)
- Grace's second series
- This series is about Jack and his best friend Lissa, and Blink and a reporter named Katherine. Lissa makes Jack realize how he feels, while Blink and Katherine have to found out for themselves.
- Gracie: A Love Story
- Garcie comes back after being gone for a while to find that things have changed between her and Jack
- Gracie: Crossing the Line
- Gracie is hiding something from Jack. Can she keep it a secret, or will it tear them apart when he finds out?
- Jack's Destiny
- Jack has finally found his destiny, but will he let her slip away? (Unfinished)
- "Fate" by Emily
- This is a good story. I can't think of a summary right now, but it is good. Read it.
- "A Real Family" a series by Emily
- The newsies have always considered themselves a family, but could they really be a family?
- "Raven's Wings (Learning to Fly)" by: Neldri
- This is a story about Jack helping a girl newsie learn to fly again. This writer wants feed back, so please email her.
- "Past, Present and Future" by: Neldri
- This story takes palce before, during and after the strike. It's about Jack, Spot and a newsie that is very special to them. It's a very sad story.
- "Chasing a Dream" by Neldri
- Emee's gine, and Jack can't handle it, so he runs from everything he knows to chase his dream of Santa Fe. Can he ever find his way back to everything he knows and loves?
- "Mysterious Time Travel That Brings A Happy Ending" by Crystal
- It's's exactly what the title says. It's good.
- "The Hidden Love" by Crystal
- This is the one where Spot finds out that he has a hidden love for a girl newsie named Cathlyn, but when he realizes it, he finds that more comes with Cathlyn than just love.
- "David's Dancing Melody" by Crystal
- David helps a girl named Melody get away from the Delancys and finds he like to dance and a whole lot more.
- "The Birth of the Gambler" by Crystal
- This is a story about how Race got his name as a newsie
Non-Newsies Stories
- Alternate Titanic Ending
- If you didn't like how the movie ended, then you will love this story.
- A Titanic Story
- This isn't about the movie, but is very good and touching. I loved it.
My Disclaimer (so the lovely people at Disney won't sue)
All of the characters from the movie Newsies belong to the Walt Disney Company. I did not create them. All of the characters that are not from the movie (i.e. Marissa, Jamie, Christy, Rose, Kathy, Gene Kelly) are my creation. So, Disney please do not sue me. It would be like getting blood out of a turnip. If you do want to use some of my characters in your stories just email me and ask. I more than likely won't care.
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