Jack's Destiny

Chapter 1 The Birth of Red

A young woman about sixteen sat, twisting a ring on her finger. It was real silver with a diamond in the middle. She had many rings, enough to almost fill both hands. But this one was special, this was the ring her parents gave her for her last birthday. Tears started to fill her eyes.

"Why did they have to leave me?" She asked no one in particular. Her parents were killed in train wreck about a month ago. She didn't even get to say goodbye. She cried softly as she sat on the bench waiting for the train. She had to get out of there, away from her home, away from her friends. She could not bear to see any of them. They all wanted to help her, wanted her to stay with them, but she couldn't. She was going to New York. Not for any real reason, but because she had always wanted to go there. She was dressed in tight gray men's slacks and a long sleeved white shirt that buttoned down the front. She was very much a tomboy, she hated dresses with a passion. Her long red hair flowed down her back and over her shoulders. Sometimes she pulled her hair up under her black cap, to make people think she was a boy. That way, she thought, she would be better off at getting a job. She didn't have much money, but she had enough to eat on for now.

The train had finally arrived. With one last look at her hometown of Sunny Dale, she boarded the train, leaving behind her friends, and the only life she knew. In all her sixteen years, this was the first time she had left her hometown and she had no intentions of ever going back.


"We are now arriving at The Manhattan station." The conductor announced.

"Guess that's where I'm going." The young woman said to herself. She pulled her hair up under her cap and got off the train.

"Wow." She said out loud. Manhattan was a lot more then she had expected. The streets were crowded, people were hurrying about trying to get to where they were going. There were Newsboys or Newsies as they were called here on ever corner bringing you the news for a penny a paper or as they say here, pape. Their vocabulary was a lot different from what she knew. She was taught to speak with proper English and everyone here…well didn't.

"Boy am I hungry." She thought and went in search of a place to get something to eat. She started walking and soon came across a small café called Tibby's. She opened the door and went inside. There were a lot of people in there at that time. Apparently the Newsies were on their lunch break. "I could be a Newsie." She thought. "It shouldn't be that hard, all they do is sell papers." Her attention was drawn to a group of guys sitting in a booth. There were six of them. One was a little boy who looked to be about nine. Then one, obviously the leader of the group got up.

"Well fella's I tink it's time ta get back out der. See ya's at da Lodgin' House." He said pushing his sandy blond hair out of his face.

"Yeah I tink ya right Cowboy." Said a dark headed kid with a cigar. The rest of them agreed and they left. She thought about the sandy haired boy as she ordered a sandwich and some water. Cowboy? What kind of name is that? Must be a nickname. Then she thought about the role of a Newsie. All they did was sell papers. It looked easy.

"If a nine year-old can do it, so can I." She said aloud wrapping the sandwich in a napkin and gulping the water down. She pushed opened the door and went out onto the streets. She wondered around, taking little bites of her sandwich as she went. She was looking for this so called Lodging house she heard the Newsies speak of. Maybe she could get a job. After finishing her sandwich she pulled a cigarette out of her pocket. She hated cigarettes, it's a habit she had started after her parents died. She looked at the cigarette, it was her last one. "I'll save it. I might need it later." She put the cigarette back in her pocket and turned the corner. There it is. The Newsboys Lodging House, as printed in worn gold letters. She went inside and looked around. There was no one around but you could hear voices coming from upstairs. There was a bell sitting on the counter. She tapped it.

"Be right wid ya." A man's voice called from another room. She waited, wondering if she could pass as a boy. Her skin was tanned and her face was petite. She had smooth hands, not rough like boys.

"My rings." She thought while looking at her hands. She took them all off and put them in her pocket.

"Yeah, may I help ya?" An elderly man said walking to the counter.

"Yes, I…" She began softly then tried to deepen her voice. "Um, I'm looking for a job. I was wondering if I could be a Newsboy and stay here." The man smiled.

"Can ya read?" She nodded her head. "Whad's ya name?" Her mind started racing. Why did not it occur to her that she would be asked for a name. She knew she could not say her real name. A piece of her hair fell into her face.

"Red. My name is Red." She said quickly.

"Red." He repeated. "Well den welcome Red. I'm Mr. Kloppman." Her face lit up, she got a job! "Go up dose stairs ta the boys room. Dey'll help ya get started in da mornin' " She said thank you and started up the stairs slowly. Upon reaching the top, she entered a hall. There were a couple of rooms, but only one had signs of life, so she went into that one. Everyone stopped talking when she came in and looked her over. There were about 10 guys in that room.

"Hi." She said trying her best to smile. "I'm new. My name is Red." The sandy haired boy from the café approached her.

"Hello, I'm Jack Kelly." He spit in his hand and extended it to her. What does he want me to do? She thought. That's disgusting. She hesitated for a moment then spit into her own hand and shook his. Jack laughed and slapped her on the back, keeping his hand on her shoulder. "Welcome ta the joint, Red!" She smiled. He introduced her to the other Newsies. "Dis here is Race." He said pointing to a dark haired boy.

He took his cigar out of his mouth long enough to say, "Hiya."

"Dis is Mush and Blink." He pointed to a blond-headed kid with a patch on his left eye and a curly headed boy with a nice build. They nodded their heads as a welcome. "Dat der is Skittery, Snipe, Boots…" He continued until he had named everyone in the room. "Der's still some otha's ya haven't met but you's can meet em tamorra." He took his hand off her shoulder and pointed to an empty bed. "Der's were ya can crash."

She nodded her head as if saying thank you and walked over to the bed. She started to take her hat off but stopped. There's no way she'll be able to hide the fact that she's a girl, but she'll try. At least for a week. One reason being that she just can't keep her hat on forever and one being she's not going to be able to hide her attraction to a certain sandy haired Newsie for long. She lay on her bed thinking about what her new life might bring her and drifted off to sleep.


Chapter 2 A Newsie is what a Newsies does

"BOOOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Heya Cowboy get up! Skittery!" A man's voice called waking Red up. She drowsily sat up on her bed. Her cap had shifted a little through the night, but oddly enough didn't come off. She quickly straightened it and pushed some stray hairs back under her cap. It was Mr. Kloppman who was yelling. He kept yelling until each and every Newsie was up. Not awake, just up.

"What time is it?" Red asked the first person who came into view.

"Too eoirly dat's fer sure." Racetrack said walking towards Snipeshooter. "Hey, dat's my cigar."

"You'll steal anudder." Snipe yelled. Race smacked him.

"Hey bummas we got woirk ta do." Blink said pulling them apart. All the Newsies were up and at it. Some were taking a shower, some were combing their hair, while others were smacking each other around. She sat there watching everyone. She was already dressed, so she really didn't have anything to do. She thought about what they'd think when they found out she was a girl.

"I think I'll get through this day then tell them." She said to herself. "That way I would have already proved I could be a Newsie."

"Heya Red, ya ready fer ya foirst day?" Jack asked as he slid a red bandanna around his neck.

"Yeah. I guess so. Ready as I'll ever be." She smiled. He smiled back.

"Heya where ya from? Ya shore don't sound like ya from New York. Ya sound too proper." Red laughed.

"I'm from Virginia." Jack's eyes widened.

"How'd ya get ‘ere?" He asked combing his hair. Red watched him for a moment before answering.

"How do you think? I took the train." She laughed. Jack laughed.

"Ready fellas?" He called. The Newsies answered with yeah, and sure and I guess. They all started pushing and shoving each other through the door and down the stairs.

"Carring the banner!" They yelled. Red shook her head and followed along behind.

"This is going to be a long day." ***************************************************************

Well the day in the life of a Newsie consisted of going to Mr. Wiesel or as Jack called him, Weasel and buying some papes, then everyone split up and started selling. They took a look at the paper headline and made up a new one. Jack said it was his way of ‘Improvin' da truf aliddle.' Red didn't like it, but it did make you sell more and that's all that mattered. Throughout the day she met some more Newsies. David and Les Jacobs were among them. Les was the little one she had seen at the Café. He was quite a doll. His brother David was very quiet, but he had the most beautiful blue eyes she had ever seen. Jack stayed with her for a bit but when she said she'd be fine on her own, he split. Everyone met at Tibby's for lunch at about noon then started selling again. She'd gotten through the day and sold all her papes.

"The time has come." She thought as she walked through the door of The Lodging House. She walked up the stairs and into the room. The boys were scattered around the room. Jack sat at a table with Race, Blink, Mush and someone she hadn't seen before. They were playing cards, poker she suspected. David stood to one side of Jack and Mush stood behind Blink showing him which card he should play.

"Heya Red. How was ya foirst day?" Jack asked when he saw her come in. Red took a deep breath and walked over to the table.

"Good, I sold all my papers…papes." The boy she hadn't seen before looked at Jack. Jack mumbled something to him about Virginia.

"Dis is our new Newsie, Red. Red dis is Spot…leader of da Brooklyn Newsies." Spot nodded his head towards her. She smiled and said hi. She watched them for a moment before telling them her secret.

"Um, I have something I want to tell you." She said softly.

"Me?" Jack asked.

"All of you."

"Uh oh. Whad is it?" Race asked laughing. Red stood quietly.

"Come on Red, tell us. It's not like ya gonna tell us your a goirl or somethin!" Blink laughed. Red's eyes widened.

"Well." She laughed and took her cap off. Her long red hair flowed down her back. Blink who was laughing stopped and stared.

"Well I'll be…" Mush said resting his arms on the back of Blinks chair.

"It's a goirl. Red's a goirl." Various Newsies gasped. Red walked over and stood beside the table between Jack and Spot.

"Does this change anything?" She asked. Jack laughed.

"I dunno…whadda ya say fellas? Do you mind havin' a goirl ‘ere?" Not a problem and woo hoos were heard all around the room. "Not ad all." Red smiled. Well she did it and everything turned out fine.

"Great." She smiled. "I'm going to go take a shower now." She said walking towards the bathroom. She went inside and shut the door.

"Der's a goirl in our showa." Mush said softly.

"Did ya hear whad ya said?" Blink asked.

"Yeah I said der's a goirl in our showa." He looked at Blink. They both jumped up and ran towards the bathroom door.

"Hey hey hey! Don't do dat fellas." Jack called to them. "How would ya feel if she did dat while you were in da showa?" They both walked back over to the table.

"Well I wouldn't mind." Mush said. "I got nuttin ta hide." Blink laughed. Soon they heard the shower cut off.

"She's fast." Blink said sliding back in his chair. They all acted like they never did anything. Ofcoarse they forgot that the walls were as thin as paper. Red heard every word. She came out of the bathroom dressed in the same gray pants and white shirt. Except now you could really tell she was a girl. She now had her shirt tied up in a knot exposing her stomach. Before she had her shirt, down so you could not see the shape of her body. Her hair was curled up because it was wet. She dried it a little with a towel. She looked up and noticed everyone staring. She smiled.

"Anyone got a comb I could use?" Almost everyone got out their comb and offered it to her. She laughed and took the one closest to her. It was Mush's. "Thanks." She said walking over to her bed. She began combing out the curls, smiling to herself. "Their all so sweet." She thought. "This is all working out great."


Chapter 3 Love is in the air

Once the boys found out she was a girl, they began to treat her different. They took their hats off when she entered a room, held doors open and even offered to sell her papes for her. She appreciated the gesture, but really wished they wouldn't.

"Hello!" Red called as she strolled through the doors of the Lodging House.

"Hiya Red. The Boys are upstairs. Da lazy bums." Mr. Kloppman answered smiling. Mr. Kloppman wasn't at all surprised when she told him she was a girl. He said he kind of figured, but said nothing because as long as she pulled her weight and got her job done, there was no problem.

"Thanks. Mista K." She smiled and headed upstairs. Even though she'd only been in New York for about a month, she had already picked up the accent. Losing her southern accent was a step towards forgetting her past. She didn't want to forget the good times she had with her family and friends, but the pain she had gone through losing her parents. She missed her friends too. One person in particular was her best friend Felicity. Felicity had long blond hair, that she usually wore in two braids. She was a happy girl, as her name implied and was Red's best friend since Grade school. They had gone through everything together. Felicity was the only one who understood why Red had to leave. Other then missing Felicity she was having the time of her life in New York.

"Red's ‘ere!" Racetrack yelled as she walked through the door.

"Hey Red, how ya doin?" was heard around the room.

"Heya fellas. I'm great and you?" She asked pulling off her hat and sprawling onto her bed. The guys each mumbled an answer.

"Red, can I tawk ta you?" Jack asked casually walking towards her.

"Sure Cowboy." She replied sitting up.

"Well I was tinkin maybe we's could go fer a walk.." he paused. "And tawk." The room was silent.

"Sure." She said following Jack outside. They were both quiet as they walked side by side through the alleys. Finally Jack put his hands on her shoulders and turned her to him. She stared at him with a questioning look on her face. He started to say something but stopped. "What is it Jack?" She was getting worried. She had been thinking for awhile now, that one day The Newsies would ask her to leave. She didn't know why. I guess she was just paranoid. Jack brought his hand up to her face and gently pushed her hair away from her face. Then without saying a word, he pressed his lips against hers. She resisted him at first then for a brief moment, she kissed him back. Finally she pulled away. The two people stood staring at one another like they had never seen that person before. Indeed they hadn't, neither of them knew the other had the same feelings towards them.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done dat." Jack looked at his feet. Red smiled.

"It's alright, really." She reached out and took his hand. He looked up at her and smiled. She leaned towards him and kissed him again. They laughed. "Come on. Let's go home."

Several months have passed, Red sat on her bed listening to the sounds all around her and thinking about her and Jack. They were a known item now. No guy even dared to look Red's way and all the girls respected Red, so they stayed away…except for one. Sarah Jacobs. Les and David's older sister, she looked wholesome and pure, with her long brown hair pulled loosely into a bun. Red had talked with her before, she thought they were friends. She had no idea how wrong she was. Many times she had seen Sarah flirting with Jack, smiling and touching him. The first couple times she let it pass, but after awhile she had to say something. When she had finally told Sarah how she felt, this is what she had to say…

"Well apparently he likes it, and until he tells me otherwise I shall continue." Red realized then, that Sarah wasn't as wholesome and pure as she thought. When it had first started happening, Red decided to seek advice. She wanted to know if Jack would betray her trust, but who would know that. After hours of thinking, she decided who better to ask then his best friend…Spot Conlon. Of coarse he wasn't the smartest guy in the world, but he knew Jack. He told her that Jack loved her and that Sarah meant nothing. He asked her if she had ever seen Jack kiss Sarah and of coarse the answer was no.

"Until den, der's no reason ta worry." He said. He was right, it was just harmless flirting. Red did the same thing with the other boys at the Lodging House and Jack didn't seem to mind. Spot had finally assured her that nothing was ever going to break her and Jack apart. She smiled to herself as she got up and headed down the Lodging house stairs. Jack wasn't back yet and she was getting worried. She walked through the Lodging House door and onto the streets. Jack had left an hour ago to walk Sarah home. It should have only took no more then 10 minutes. She walked through the alleys towards The Jacob's Apartment. Upon arriving there, she spotted Jack and Sarah but stayed out of sight.

"Thank you for walking me home Jack." Sarah smiled sweetly and touched his hand.

"No problem Sarah." He said with no emotion.

"I should thank you." Sarah smiled. Before Jack could say anything Sarah had pulled him into an embrace and began to kiss him. Red couldn't believe what she saw.

"How could you?" She asked outloud. Jack and Sarah turned.

"Red, it's not what it looks like."

"Oh Really?" Red asked, tears streaming down her face. Before she knew what she was doing she had turned and started running. Jack started after her leaving Sarah with a huge grin on her face.

Red was running so fast Jack couldn't catch her. Once she was sure he had given up, she stopped. With her heart beating loudly she wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Why am I crying?" She asked herself. Jack kissed Sarah, she saw it with her own eyes. "I thought he loved me." She mumbled as she walked along the dark street. Soon she found herself crossing the Brooklyn Bridge. She sure didn't feel like leaning over the side and yelling, like her and the Newsies would always do. She shook her head and walked onto the docks. As soon as she stepped onto the docks, she was stopped by a mean looking kid. "I need to see Spot." She whispered. The kid, recognizing her took her to where Spot slept. It was a small room, only a mattress occupied it. Spot lay asleep on the mattress, but stirred a little when Red entered and shut the door behind her. He stood and walked towards her. His hair was a little messed up and the first two buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned.

"Red? Whad are ya doin ‘ere?" He asked drowsily. Even though she was standing in the shadows he knew it was her. She stepped out of the shadows and walked to him. He could tell she had been crying. "Whatsamatta?" She started to cry again and collapsed in his arms. All he could do was hold her and tell her it'd be all right, even though he had no clue as to why she was so upset. Finally she stopped and pulled away. She sat down on the mattress and dried her eyes. Spot sat down beside her.

"Ya gonna tell me why ya just soaked me shirt?" Spot asked. She didn't make a big story out of it or describe it in detail, she just plainly told him that she had seen Jack kiss Sarah. Saying those words made her cry again. "Are you sure?" Spot asked. She mumbled something that sounded kind of like the word yes and fell into Spot's arms. Spot couldn't believe it. Jack would never do something like that. It must be some sort of misunderstanding. Spot held her in his arms, as she cried herself to sleep.


Chapter 4 Run, Spot, Run

The next day Red was up and gone before Spot and the others even budged. She wondered if the guys, namely Jack even knew she was gone.

"No." She thought. "Sarah was there to keep him company." She angerly kicked a stone that was in her path. She made her way through the streets filled with early morning workers. The Newsies should be up by now, preparing for the day. She turned the corner and walked across the street to The Lodging House. Once inside she quietly went upstairs.

All the regular Newsies were there, which was quite normal. However, David, Les and Sarah were also there, which was odd. David and Les always met the other Newsies where the Papes were sold and Sarah hardly ever tagged along.

"Hey it's Red!" Racetrack yelled as she walked in. Everyone began asking where she had been, if she was all right and other various things. She walked over to her bed, which was being used as a chair by Sarah and Les.

"Hiya Red." Les said excitedly. He jumped off her bed and gave her a hug. She smiled and glared at Sarah.

"Where ya been Cowgirl?" Blink asked smiling. The guyshad started calling her Cowgirl, when her and Jack got together.

"Stop calling me that, would ya Blink." She snapped back. " I was in Brooklyn."

"Brooklyn? All Night?" Jack asked. I t was the first time he had spoke since she walked in.

"Yeah. I was with Spot." She said looking Jack in the eye. She knew she was giving him the wrong impression, but that's what she wanted. Jack looked like he was going to explode.

"It's time to go." He said angrily. Without saying a word everyone followed him out the door, except for Sarah.

"You were with Spot..huh?" Sarah grinned.

"Yeah…so?" Red said brushing her hair.

"Well then that means that, neither you or Jack slept alone last night." Sarah laughed. Red's green eyes gleamed. She knew that nothing happened between her and Spot last night, but Jack and Sarah? He couldn't…he wouldn't…but it appears that he did. Red didn't know what to do. She was hurt, she was furious, but she wasn't going to give Sarah the satisfaction of seeing her cry. She held back her tears and clenched her teeth.

"I have to get to work." Red turned and left the room.

It was a long day. Jack and Red seemed to always be in the same place, they were constantly running into each other. Ofcoarse each time they met, they would never say a word to each other. Soon everyone was done selling and they met back at the Lodging House. Much to Red's delight, Sarah decided not to join them tonight.

"Hey Jack, we're supposed to have a game tonight. Spot should be here soon." David said. Jack gave him a look and then looked at Red who was cuddled up on her bed. If Spot comes tonight, there's no telling what might happen. Jack wont believe Spot when he says, nothing happened. She had to do something. She took a look at the clock on the wall.

"Ten till." She mumbled. Spot is probably already here. She jumped off her bed and looked out the window. Sure enough there he was about to enter the lodging house. "Spot." She yelled and without waiting for an answer and quickly made her way downstairs. Just as Spot was about to open the Lodging House door Red swung it open and ran right into him.

"Whoa. Where's a fir-a?" Spot laughed.

"You have to go." Red said flatly. " Please Spot, just leave."

"Why?" He asked confused. It was Friday and he knew they always played poker at Jacks on Friday.

"Just because." She paused. "Come On." She tried to pull him away but she couldn't. He grabbed her wrists and pulled her to him.

"Whatsa matta wid you?" He asked releasing her.

"I'll tell you later. Please Spot." She pleaded. He finally gave in and the two ran off to Brooklyn.

Jack stood in the window. He had watched the whole scene.

It was about midnight, Red sat on the docks, her knees pulled up to her chin. Jack watched her from behind some crates. He loved her more then anything, but she hurt him so much.

“Howya doin Red?” Spot asked coming up behind her. She didn’t say anything. “Ya want me to walk ya home?”

“I don’t want to go home, Spot.” She paused. “I can’t.”

“Oh and why not?”

“Because…he thinks…” She started. Spot sat down beside her.

“He tinks what?”

“That you and I…” She stopped.

“That we what?” He asked confused. She looked at him, her eyes full of emotion. “Ohh whoa, you mean dat we…oh…why why does he tink dat?” He said somewhat embarrassed.

“Well…I kind of gave him that impression when I came home this morning…” Red said looking down at the water. Spot nodded, understanding.

“So whad are ya going ta do?”

“I’m thinking about going back home.” She said softly.

“Great, dat’s where ya should be…back home wid Jack and da rest…”

“I mean my real home. Back in Sunny Dale.”

“But ya can’t just get up an go. You’s got friends here!”

“I don’t fit in Spot, I never have. I’m pretending to be someone I’m not.”

“But you’s like it don’t ya?” Ya like being a Newsie, right?”

“Well of coarse I do, but it’s not the life I want to live. For years, I have dreamed of becoming a big actress on Vaudeville and singing wondrous songs that will be ringing in peoples heads all day long. That is why I came to New York… to achieve my dream.”

“And you can…”

“No I can’t!” Red yelled getting up. “I’ll always be a Newsie! I’ll always sell papes and sit around watching y’all play card games or pick fights. That’s just not me! I want to have a nice warm home, a family….” She began to smile. “I can’t do any of those things. That’s why I might as well go back home. I have friends there, I can go back to school…”

“What about us?” Spot asked standing up. “What about ya friends here? What about Jack?”

“What about Jack?” Red yelled. “He’s got Sarah to keep him company!”

“Is that what this is about? You tink Jack is messin around wid Sarah…” Red interrupted him.

“I know he is!”

“And how do ya know he is?”

“When I came home this morning and told everyone where I had been Sarah smiled and said, ‘Well looks like neither one of us, slept alone last night!’”

“Did ya ask Jack?”


“Your takin Sarah’s woird for it? You know betta then dat.” Spot smiled. Red looked at the ground.

“Your right, I should at least talk to Jack before I leave.” She looked at him. His face was solemn.

“I’ll walk ya home.” He said offering her his arm. Red started to link her arm in his, but stopped when she heard a familiar voice.

“Dat’s not necessary.” Jack said stepping from behind the crates. He had a stick in his hand. Spot moved behind Red. Jack looked at the stick in his hand and laughed.

“I’m not gonna hoirt ya Spot.” He said throwing the stick into the water.

“How long have you been there?” Red asked.

“Long enough.” Red nodded. “I’m sorry.” He said taking her hand.

“Sorry for what?”

“For everyting. For ya not being happy here…for…for everyting.” His face grew sad. “ I didn’t know dat ya were not happy here…I taught ya liked it here. Here wid da Newsies….wid me…” He trailed off.

“It’s not that I don’t like it here…it’s just that…”

“You’d rather be someplace else?”


“Look Red, I love ya. I really do and der is no otha goirl fer me. Sarah and me, have nothin…and we neva have. You gotta believe me”

“I do believe you.”

“Then you’ll stay?” Red closed her eyes and thought about her friend’s back home, how excited they were that she was going to New York. She knew she would be able to achieve her dream one day, but for now she should do what’s best for her.

“Yeah, I’ll stay.” Jack smiled and hugged her. Spot did the same.

“Why don’t you talk to Medda about singin wid her?” Spot asked. “You’ve neva let on dat you’s were interested, I’m sure she’d love it.”

“Dat’s a good idea!” Jack said. “Whatda ya say?”

“Well I…” She smiled. “Yeah, sure, if Medda is okay with it.”

“Great, we’ll tawk to hur tomorra.” Jack smiled and leaned towards her pressing his lips against hers, kissing her gently.


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