"Raven's Wings (Learning to Fly)" by: Neldri

It is a tired Jack Kelly that lifts his head as Kloppman comes into the room, waking the Newsies with his usual routine. He turns his back to the noise and stuffs his pillow over his head.

“Boots, Skittery, Skittery wake up, ya gotta wake up. C’mon Jackyboy. Time to carry da banner. Sell da papes, sell da papes.”

“Carry da banna’!” It booms across the room. The next moment a rolled up paper hits Jack in the face. No choice now but to get up. He slowly swings off the top bunk and strolls into the washroom.

“Heya Jack, How’d ya sleep?” It is Crutchy that suddenly appears behind him.


“Cowboy’s moody t’day, better stay clear.” Blink steals up to Jack, snatches his trademark cowboy hat and disappears down the stairs. “Catch Mush!” can vaguely be made out.

But not even this display can get any reaction out of Jack. Singing and whistling the Newsies leave the lodging house one by one until only Jack and Race is left.

“C’ming Jack? I need to get to da tracks. Got a hot tip on da second. Just hope they remind da horse dis time.” Race smirks and tips his cigar.

“Nah. You go ‘head. I’ll catch up. I needs ta think.” Race nods and leaves the room. “Jack, yer hat’s halfway down da stairs.” the last comment he hears.

“Finally, silence and time ta think.”


“Hey Race, where’s Jack?” David and Les sits down next to Race.

“G’morning. Jack’s thinking.”

“What’s up? He was quite upset last night when I saw him.”

“If ya don’t know I ain’t gonna tell ya. It’s not me job. Poihaps we’ll see ‘im at Tibby’s.”


“Sarah. We need ta talk.”

“I thought you were suppose to be selling papers Jack. Anyway we did our talking last night. It is not going to work Jack. It’s just not.”

Strolling away from the Jacob’s apartment, Jack is in deep thought and notice too late the girl running right towards him.

“Hey! Look were ya going!” Furious green eyes stare up to his.

“’scuse me. It was ya who ran into me.”

“Well, watch were yer going anyways.”

Before he could collect his thoughts, she is gone and the last thing he sees is her long, black hair disappearing around the corner. He blinks his eyes and shakes his head. “Probably just imagine the whole thing.

He pulls himself together and a few minutes later enter Tibby’s.

Everybody looks up as Jack enters.

“Heya Cowboy, youse lazing about t’day.” Mush grins at his smart remark.

“Oh, shuddup.”

“So Jacky, done thinking yet?” Race offers Jack a cigarette.

“Guess so, nothing I can do ‘bout it. Did ya tell Davie?”

“Nah, think I’d leave dat to ya or Sarah.”

Tibby’s doorbell rings as a whirlwind of black hair enters.

“Specs! If yer not ‘ere I swear I’ll beat ya up!!” For a second Jack glimpse into the green eyes full of sparks.

“Hey Raven, what’s up?”

‘What’s up?! What’s up! I told ya to watch out for Clouds! Fine watchdog ya be! I could ‘ave done better! Goodness sake Specs, she’s yer sister and I can’t protect all my Newsies everywhere!”

“Calm down Raven and tell me what happened.” Specs’ quiet voice seems to be having a surprizingly calming effect on the girl.

“She got beat up! Some boys while she was selling!”

“I’ll break every single one’s neck!”

“Well it’s yer fault. I told ya she’s been ‘aving trouble, dreaming and not noticing trouble till it is too late. And dere’s been a gang ‘anging round trying to steel da liddle money we ‘ave! I told ya to watch ‘er. She’s selling only down da street from ya. I could …..”

“Raven, stop talking. Where’s she at?”

“At da factory. Ya go, I am exhausted.” She slumps down in a chair and then notices Jack sitting across from her. “Ya again. Been looking where yer going lately?”

“Wow, calm down kitty and pull back yer nails. I ain’t done n’thing.”

“Yeah sure. I’ll ‘ave a cup of coffee.” She throws at the passing waiter, “catch.” The coin drops to the floor before he can catch it.

“Feisty little fellow ya are …” Race begins but is shut immediately buy a cold stare.

“Wow. Let’s stop dis war before it goes any further and let’s start over.” Jack spits in his hand. “Kelly, Jack Kelly udda’wise known as Cowboy.”

A bit of a hesitance but then Raven also spits in her hand and they shake. “Anne, but mostly known as Raven. Yours is da hat, mine da hair, nicknames ya know.” She adds at the odd stare.

“Well Raven, da one you imprisoned with yer glare is Race. Next to ‘im is Blink, Mush an’ Les. To yer right is Boots, Snipeshooter and Bumlets and over dere is Skittery and Dutchy.” A hi murmurs through Tibby’s.

“Well, gotta go.” Raven jumps up after gulping down her coffee. “See ya ‘round Cowboy. You won dis fight, ratha unfairly I thinks. But I ‘ave a feeling dere’s many more ta come.” She waves and leaves an astounded audience behind.

“Hey Jackyboy,” Race leans closer, an amazed look on his face, “what on earth just ‘appened in ‘ere. Dat one’s like a whirlwind in and out and gone.”

“I ‘ave no idea what just ‘appened Race but I ‘ave to admit I am looking forward to our next meeting.”

“Hey Jack. Ya should introduce ‘er to Spot. I would like to see da sparks fly den. Just as full of ‘erself and fierce as Spot. Now dere will be a war ta watch!” Mush comments and everyone laughs.

“Raven …” Jack whisper so not even Race hears.


A few hours later Raven enters the factory after roaming the street in search of the boys that attacked Clouds. Even though she seems small and frail it is true what they say, the deadliest poison comes in small packages. Reaching barely 1,6 m she can be mistaken for a giant when she’s angry. Having two older brothers bring her up made her strong and tuff and many a times the boys have given up to try and hold her under.

A huge noise comes from the west side of the factory as she enters and she know immediately who is making the noise. “Tap, Dust, stop dat racket yer makin’ back dere. Clouds is probably tryin’ ta sleep.”

From behind a stack of boxes two little ones appeared, the one a little taller than the other. The taller one has a light complexion with dusty brown hair and brown eyes. From there the name Dust and the smaller one with dark brown red hair is skipping around the whole place and even when she stands still her right foot keeps tapping and the factory floor.

“But Raven …” Two disappointed voices stop in midair as she turns and looks at them.

“Shush, go play outside if ya must. Just be careful!”

“Raven ….” “… some boy’s ‘ere …” “… says he knows …” “… Specs and met ya …” “… dis mornin’.”

Today even the twin’s finishing each other sentences irritate Raven.

“What’s his name Fury?”

“Cowboy.” Fury and Slick says together. If you look at them you won’t say that they are twins. One couldn’t find to people more different in appearance. Fury has blazing red hair and soft blue eyes, which can be blazing just, like her hair when she is angry. She is the only one that can keep up with Raven when her temper sets in. From there her name Fury. Slick has short black hair, greased back like a boy’s hair, dark complexion and mysterious dark eyes. And her temper is totally the opposite of her sister’s. She is cool and calm and have a calming effect on the rest of the Newsies.

“Don’t let ‘im come in. I’ll be right out.” She gives a quick glance at the piece of broken mirror, sticks her hair under a cap and steps out, full of confidence.

“Cowboy.” She nods at him and meets his eyes with a cold stare. Her green eyes makes him squeamish and he just want to sink into the ground. Guess being introduced did not make them friends, just acquaintances.

“Raven, I don’t ‘ave a white flag, but can we declare peace for a second. I ‘ave a proposal to make ya.” She nods and leads him into the factory. “Nice place ya ‘ave ‘ere.”

“Quit chit-chatting, Kelly and get it over wid.”

“Okay, well I thought afta dis mornin’ maybe ya need help.”

“No thanks! Just because we’s goils doesn’t mean we’s weak!”

“But what about …”

“Clouds dreams too much and recognize trouble too late. She’ll be selling wid Poker now.” As if the name was her cue to enter a girl with curly black hair enters the room, in her mouth a half smoked cigar. “How many times ‘ave I told ya to stop dat Poker?”

“Can’t help me-self. Comes wid da game Rave.” She smiles at Jack who started sniggering.

“You ‘ave ta meet Race! He’ll absolutely adore ya.” His harmonious laughter fills the air and Raven gets a shiver.

“Well Cowboy, as long as yer here I guess I’ll ‘ave ta introduce ya to da troops. Goils!” It echoes through the factory and within a few seconds Jack is surrounded by 7 girls ranging from about 9 to 17 Jack figures. “To yer right dere’s Tap and Dust.”

“I’m younger.” Tap chirps and Jack smiles as she reminds him of Les.

“Tap shush. Next to Dust is Tap’s sista Jingles.” A blond girl gives Jack a shy smile. “To yer left is da twins Fury and Slick and yes dey really are twins even if dey don’t look it. You met Poker and over dere by da window is Waves.” Another blond lifts her hand in a slight wave. “Well dat’s da lot except for Clouds whose in da back room. But being Specs sis, I am sure ya ‘ave met ‘er.”

“Actually no. I knew Specs had a sista but I thought she was in da orphanage.”

“I ‘ave betta words to describe dat place. No, she ran away wid da twins. Well come along den. I’ll introduce ya.” Raven walks over to a small backroom and gives a light tap before entering. “Hey baby.” For the first time Jack sees a soft kindness glittering in Raven’s eyes.

“Hi Anne.” Jack looks down at a face that might as well have been Specs except for the feminine softness in it. Her one eye is swollen closed and there is a big bruise across her forehead. He can only imagine how it looks under the covers.

“Clouds, dis ‘ere’s Cowboy. He sells wid Specs.”

A sudden spark comes into the grey eyes at the mention of Specs name. “Are ya da Jack Kelly?” A shy smile creeps across her face.

“Da one an’ only. We’ll find dem buggas dat beat ya up like dat and break der necks.”

“I ‘ave to admit, I got in a scratch or two so it won’t be ta hard ta find ‘em.” She laughs softly and then turns to Raven. “Anne, I’m sorry, dey took all da money of my papes.”

“Dat’s okay Clouds, don’t worry. We’ll make do.” Clouds close her eyes and Raven motion Jack to exit.

“Raven, we’ll find dose guys. Look afta yer goils and be careful. By da way, next time ya decide to drop by Tibby’s bring Poker along. I would love ta see Race’s face.” His laughter fills her ears again and the next moment he is out the door and gone.


It is his velvety laughter that still in her ears as Raven lies her head on her pillow almost a week later. “Half past midnight, I ain’t neva gonna wake up t’morra.” For hours she’s been wondering the streets of New York. Inspecting every dark corner and expecting the whole time to run into someone. It’s the strangest feeling she’s been having. Actually wanting to run into him. Seeing the way he pulls his hand through his hair, the smirk that is constantly on his mouth and those eyes. You can get lost in them.

“ANNE LOUISE LOGAN! Pull yerself tagetta. ‘aven’t ya learned yer lesson once too often? Ya don’t need ‘em, any of ‘em. Ya just pull yerself tagetta and watch out for yer goils. Dey need ya cool headed and calm.”

But it doesn’t help. Her mind keeps flooding with images of him. Looking so lost when she ran into him, smiling at her when she came looking for Specs, pushing his hand through his thick hair but it keeps falling over his eyes. “Why can’t I stop thinkin’ of ya Jack Kelly? Get outa my mind will ya!”

That is the last thought that enters her mind before she drifts of to sleep. But even her dreams are filled with his laughter. Laughing at her, laughing at the world and his problems. Across town there is another bed that doesn’t get slept in until early morning.

The next morning it is two tired faces that appears in front of their friends. Although one needed some waking up. “Rave, Raven. ANNE LOGAN WAKE UP! I’m talking ta ya and yer ignoring me like I’s a boy.”

“Sorry Poker. I got into bed late last night, or shall I say early this morning. What were ya sayin’?”

“I’s said ya and me-self should go ta Tibby’s. I wanna meet dis guy dat Cowboy was talking about. He sounds interesting.”

“Poker, can’t we make it anudda day. I don’t feel like a confrontation t’day.”

“Well, it’s yer own fault Rave. You shouldn’t go off and fight wid ev’ry boy ya meet. Not all of dem are da same. Dere is some good guys out dere.”

“Gmph. Show me one dat hasn’t got ulterior motives.”

“…” but before she can answer Raven interrupts.

“Neva mind. Scratch dat question. We’ll go lata t’day. But I seriously can’t help myself Poke. When I see a boy I’s see red and I just lose control. Dey think dey are so macho. But I’ll let dem look down to der noses. I had my share of bad luck. Now I avoid it and make my own luck.”

“Don’t worry Rave. Ev’rything will work out fine. Want a puff?” She offers her smoking cigar to Raven.

“Poker …!!!!” But she has already turn on her heals and was storming past the other girls on their way to the distribution center with Raven short behind her. A few seconds they both slump down exhausted on the stairs of the distribution center.

“I wish I can tell ya something to make ya hate ‘em less Raven. Not all of dem are like Joseph. Actually he is da exception on da rule. Cowboy seems nice Raven. Why don’t you give a little slack and give ‘im a chance.”

Poker look into the green eyes of Raven, which is flickering with, which might have been tears had it been a few years back. But the girl in front of her has grown immune to tears and within seconds the wetness is gone from her eyes. Then it is as if no-one exist around her as she stares into the first rays of the sun that is softly dawning on them.

“Ya know what Poker? I miss Michael and Kevin.” The mention of her brothers’ names brings a sad look into her eyes and with her hair falling over them, she looks vulnerable. Looking like that you won’t guess that she is the fearless leader of the group of girls in front of her. But also that lasts only a blink.

“Right goils. Everyone ‘ere and ready ta carry da banna’. Right, rememba what I told ya. Be aware and careful. Dose guys are still out dere. You can form groups if ya want to. I think dat will be best anyway. Waves, you and Jingle split up wid Tap and Dust. Twins, ya sell togetta and Poker ya can come wid me. We’ll go ta Central Park and afta finishing head of to Tibby’s. Clouds ought to be fine until noon. ‘Kay, of ya go and again watch out.” The girls split up and head their separate directions leaving behind Raven and Poker that pick up their papers and then head towards Central Park.


“How’s da headline t’day, Race?”

“Headlines don’t sell papes, Jackyboy. Ya know dat.”

“S’true.” Race is seriously worried about his friend being so quiet. It is unnatural for him to be quiet for 2 seconds never mind 2 days.

“What’s da matta Cowboy, cat gotcha tongue? Ya ‘ave to put dis thing with Sarah out of ya mind.”

“Actually Race, it is not Sarah I was thinking about. Strange hey.”

“So whose ya been thinking ‘bout.”

“Raven. Dis goil has got my mind boggling Race. I can’t figure ‘er out. And every time we meet we just get inta an argument. Hey maybe we’s can head ova to da tracks lata t’day.”

“Trying ta change da subject. Sure thing. Bet ya I’ll ‘ave more money in my pocket dan ya t’night.”

“Yer on!” Race feels relieve to hear his friend laugh as they turn away heading to the racetracks to go and sell. Had they left a minute later they might have run into Raven and Poker busy hawking the headlines.

“FLOOD CAUSES THOUSANDS DISTRESS!! Thank ya sir, dat’ll be a penny ma’am.”

“Hey Raven, where ya at wid dat headline.”

“Page 13.”

“Broken wata pipe causes dollars in damage. Really Raven, did yer mudda not tell ya not ta lie.”

“Hey, dat ain’t lying.”

“No it’s just improving da truth a little.” She turns around stunned and see a curly headed boy leaning on a crutch talking from behind her.

“Ya sound like Cowboy. Heya, my name’s Crutchy.” The tender smile spreading from cheek to cheek, keeps her to snap at him.

“Hey Crutchy. I’m Raven and dat dere is Poker. Do ya know Jack?”

“Of course. He’s our leada ya know. Did ya not hear about da strike last year when he helped us to stand up against Pulitzer to bring da papas price back down. He is quite a guy.” There is hero admiration in Crutchy’s voice and suddenly Raven turns around and storms away, leaving Crutchy only with “MEN!”

Poker gives Crutchy an apologetic smile and heads after Raven. “Anne Logan. Now ya listen ta me. What’d matta wid ya, being so nasty.” She turns Raven around and stops in mid air as she sees the traces of tears blinking down her cheeks.

“Sorry Raven, I didn’t mean ta make yer cry.” She enclose Raven in her arms. “Come now honey. Tell me what’s da matta. Why’s me brave goil crying?”

“He just reminded me so much of Michael. Michael and his hero-worship for Kevin. If it wasn’t for dat I would ‘ave still had my bruddas Poker. Dey are so da same. Bullheaded and … I can’t stand it. I ‘ave ta do something Poke udda’wise I might snap.” The coldness is back in her eyes as she head back to sell her papes.


“Heya Spot.”

“Heya Jackyboy. Long time no sea.”

“Been busy Spot.”

“Busy courting da ladies I bet.”

“Ah shove it Spot. Me and Sarah is through in case ya didn’t hear.”

“I hear some boidies but I had to come make sure meself. So what ya been up to lately Cowboy?”

“Seems I ‘ave started a war?”

Spot laughs “How so Cowboy?”

“Ran into a goil da udda day an’ since den every time I sees ‘er we ‘ave a fight. She actually reminds me quite a lot of ya Spot. Just as full of herself.” That rewards him with a slap on the shoulder.

“Watch it Jackyboy? So what’s her name and what does she do?”

“She is da leader of one of da goil newsie groups ….”

“Don’t tell me Jackyboy. Ya’ve met da infamous Raven.”

“Ya know ‘er?”

“Don’t ya? Don’t worry about da fights Cowboy. She’s like dat wid ev’ry guy she meets. And believe me, she is not as small and tender as she looks like. She can pack quite a punch.” Remembering a prior fight, Spot rubs his jaw.

“Don’t tell me it was a goil who gave ya dat shina on yer jaw. I can’t believe it. Spot Conlon being soaked by a goil.”

“Watch it Cowboy! I might just soak ya.” But it is a relaxed atmosphere between the friends and they laugh as they head towards Tibby’s and is joined by Race just before they enter.

“So Race, how much ya own me.” Jack laughs and turns to Spot. “Bet me he could beat me wid winnings at da racetrack and I won.” Both Jack and Spot laughs and then Race also joins in.

“Dat was cheating Cowboy, ya talked to dat horse and made ‘im win. I think I should take ya along every time and only bet on da horses which ya talk ta.”

The laughing trio enters Tibby’s but stop as the jingle of the door stops behind them. “Well if it ain’t Miss Tempa ‘erself. Talk about da devil and step on his tail hey Raven.” Raven just stares at Spot coldly.

“I see ya ‘ave forgot our liddle interlude of last time Conlon. Poihaps ya need a liddle reminda.” But before she can move, Poker moves in between her and Spot.

“Raven …” There is a soft quiver in her voice and Jack is amazed that a single word from this girl can quiet Raven. “Hey Cowboy, how’s it rolling?” She gives Jack a warm smile and immediately turns to Race. “I suspect yer da one dat Cowboy was talkin’ ‘bout da udda day. So ya think ya can beat me in a hand of poker.” She tips her cigarette and Jack can’t help but notice how awestruck Race is.

“Well I be. Ain’t neva thought I meet a goil like ya. What are we waiting for, lead da way …?”


Races laugh fills Tibby’s and it is as if everyone was waiting for this signal to start chatting again and suddenly the stiff tension is broken.

“Well Poker, da name’s Race. Please ta meet ya.” He spits in his hand and holds it out. Without a moment of wagering Poker spits in hers and shakes. “Dis looks like it can become a beautiful relationship.” He laughs again and leads her to where Blink and Mush has made way for them at their table.

Spot walks over to the table were Raven is sitting and whispers, “Just watch it ‘kay. I don’t like fighting goils.”

Raven leans close to him and whispers back, “Ya mean ya don’t like losing to goils.”

“Yer doing it again. On your horsey just like dat.” Spot turns around to leave but is frozen in his shoes when he hears a soft laughter behind him. As he turns around and looks at Raven the laughter grows into a loud angelic sound filling the whole restaurant.

Even Poker turns around, turning back to Race she says “I ‘aven’t heard her laugh in ages. It is da most beautiful sound dat I ‘ave heard in ages.” Race just smiles back, he knows exactly how she feels.

The jingle of the door pulls Raven from her laughter and she grow silent. “I guess I made ‘im mad hey.” She looks at Jack and once again he sees the smile creep over her face. “Well he deserved it. So ya wanna sit down and close yer mouth.”

Jack clamps his mouth shut and walks over to the booth were she has made herself comfortable in. “Dat’s my seat ya know.”

“I ain’t seen yer name written anywhere. Anyway I was ‘ere first.” A single phrase has turn her from a carefree laughing girl to the Raven that he met.

“It was a joke. Don’t be so serious.” But he can’t explain any further as she jumps up.

“No-one, especially no guy orders me around. Ya got dat Kelly. No-one.” And with that she follows Spot’s example and storms out of the door.

“Great Kelly,” he said to himself, “go ahead and blow da first and probably last change to ya get ta know ‘er.”

“Don’t worry Cowboy, she’s just had a bad day.” He looks up into the smiling face of Poker as she hands him a cigarette. “Dis might make ya feel a bit betta.”

As he takes the cigarette he gets up and walk over to where Race, Mush and Blink are sitting. Race motion for Poker to come and sit next to him. “So Jackyboy, ya wanna join da game?”


“Michael I betsya ya can’t swim dere were da river is making a whirlpool.”

“Betsya I can.”

“Well let’s see ya try.”

It’s always been like that, Kevin Logan setting the lead and Michael following. Even the most dangerous stunts couldn’t stop them. Only separated by 15 months the brothers was more like one person than like two.

From the side of the river Anne was watching her brothers. Since her parents’ death when she was 14, two years previous, her brothers has taken care of her and kept her out of the orphanage. She had a cold and was not allowed to go into the water. It has been a long and exhausting day. They sold papers together but since the strike they had a lot of free time on their hands.

“Kevin, don’t make ‘im swim so deep.” Her voice was a bit edgy as she called out to the older one of the two. Kevin was 19 and busy looking for a ‘real job’ as he couldn’t be a Newsie for much longer.

“Don’t worry your little head Raven.” Michael smiled at her. He was near 18 himself and Anne look almost exactly like him.

“Please be careful you two. You never now what da riva might do …” A scream stopped her in mid sentence and she watched in horror as the whirlpool dragged Michael down. The next blood-curling scream was her own. “MICHAEL! Kevin help ‘im, he is going to drown.” But Kevin was already swimming toward the whirlpool, trying desperately to grab his brother’s hand. But in horror Anne watched as he too was pulled under the water.

“No, no, NO!” Her screams reached Poker’s ears as she enters the factory just before midnight. Within second she is next to Raven’s bunk, shaking her gently.

“Raven wake up. Come on honey, wake up it is just a nightmare.” Pain filled green eyes look up into Poker’s blue ones.

“Dat’s just it Jeanne. It isn’t a dream. It is still as real as it was a year ago. I didn’t do anything! I just watched dem as dey went down.” Sobs rake through her and Poker wraps her arms around the shaking shoulders.

“Dere now. It is about time ya let dat pain go and cry. Ya know it is da first time I’ve seen ya cry, really cry, since dat day. Sometimes cryin’ helps da heeling.” She strokes the black masses of hair, hushing softly and rocking slightly.

“I can’t do dis Poke. I can feel for dem, ‘cause every time I care something happens. I cared about my parents and dey died. I cared about Joseph and … well you know what happened. I cared about Michael and Kev and dey drowned. I cared about ya and yer family left ya here all alone. I cared about Clouds and she got beat up. I caint care no more Poke. Because dat only make people hurt.”

Poker looks into the tear stained face and harden her voice. “Now ya listen ta me Anne Louise Logan. Ya aint had nothing da to wid all dose things. Ya don’t dare to stop caring because if ya stop caring ya might as well stop living. And don’t get any ideas in dat little head of yers. All things ‘appens wid a cause Raven. Ya can’t blame yerself for all da bad stuff dat happens. It happens.”

She look back to Raven after drifting off while she was talking and see that the green eyes has closed again and that she was breathing rhythmically. “Yes, dat’s good. Get some sleep and we’ll start da day new again t’morrow. Maybe things will work out after all.” She gently pull the cover back over Raven and slips off to her own bunk with a light feeling. “Maybe things will work out and only get betta.” And when she falls asleep, she has the image of a certain dark haired newsie in her mind.


A week has passed and Raven has been avoiding Tibby’s and everywhere where she might run into the Manhattan Newsies. She don’t mind the other, rather she is avoiding one specific newsie.

“Hey Race, where ya off ta?”

“Heya Jackyboy. I am of to da races to try an’ fill dis empty pocket of mine.”

“Poker cleaned ya out again last night?”

“Jip, dat goil is good Cowboy. No wonda she got a name like dat. But hopefully she aint as good with da horses also. I’m meeting ‘er dere. See ya lata at Tibby’s.”

“Sure, by de way. Ask ‘er how’s Raven doing? I ‘aven’t seen ‘er once dis week.”

“Missin’ it Cowboy.” Race laughs as his friend pulls a face at him.

“Let’s just say she sort of spice up ones life. I love a good fight, ya ought ta know dat Race.” He slaps Race on the back and then each of them go their own way.

Walking away from Race he decide to go and visit Spot and heads toward the Brooklyn Bridge. A few meters from the bridge he notice a lone figure at the edge of the river. Black hair is playing in the wind as the figure stand motion less. Then suddenly she moves and jump into the river. Jack stands quietly for a few seconds and when he notice no head coming up from the water he runs down taking off his shirt and shoes in the running. As he reach the end of the river he jumps in and frantically start searching for the girl which he already have an idea who it is.

Finally his hand touch a hand and he pulls her to the surface. Gulping air he swims towards the edge and pulls her out. But there is no movement from the small body and he turns her on her side slapping her on the back. After the third slap a deep she takes a deep breath and spits water. Struggling to get up she sees Jack face.

“How dare ya! Why don’t ya mind yer own business? ‘ave you any idea how long it took me to get da courage to do dat?!” She has more to say but is silenced as his mouth takes her prisoners. Without noticing she anticipates the kiss.

When Jack finally release her, her cheeks are flushed and she look at him coldly. ”How. Dare. Ya?”

“You needed that.” But his answer is greeted with a slap leaving five red fingers on his cheek then she turns on her heels and flees away, her wet hair flapping in the wind behind her. Jack slowly rubs his hand over his cheek, shrugs and head off to were the Brooklyn newsies are swimming on the other side of the river.

“Heya Jackyboy. Decided to take a swim in yer clothes.” Spot laugh as Jack takes of his pants to wring them dry. I saw ya jumping inta da river. What’s up?”


“So dat’s where da red cheek comes from.”

Jack nods. “I can understand dat goil Spot. I ‘ave no idea what’s wrong with ‘er. I just saved ‘er life and is rewarded with a slap.”

“Poihaps she didn’t feel like being saved?”

“Poihaps not. So, ya wanna head ova ta Tibby’s with me. Ya ‘ave to see Race and Poker tagetta. Dey is so poifect for each udda. Dey went of ta da races did mornin’.”

“Ya mean Raven’s Poker. I was wonderin’ when those to will run into each udda an’ click.”

“I’ve neva seen Race like dis before. He actually don’t mind losing all his money ta ‘er.”

“Well then, let’s get goin’. I aint gonna stand ‘ere and miss all da fun at Tibby’s.” Spot shoves his walking stick into his suspenders and jumps down from dat lookout post where he was situated.

“So Jackyboy, how’s things working out with Sarah?”

“I’m over ‘er Spot. Didn’t think I would but I am.”

“Someone else helping ya ova da missing?” Spot laughs and duck away from Jack’s swinging hand, takes to running but is soon run in by Jack who gives him the much deserved slap on his arm.

“Watch it!”


“Heya Race, Poker.” Jack greets them a while later as he and Spot enters Tibby’s. “Anything good ta eat dis morning.”

“Da usual. Hey Jacky, listen.” He shakes his handkerchief and a loud jingle can be heard. “Struck it rich t’day. This one ‘ere is my lucky charm with da horses.” He pulls Poker closer and plants a kiss on her lips. She flushes red and Jack smiles.

“Hey I thought I was yer lucky charm. Talkin’ ta da horses an’ all.”

“Nah, dis one is much betta.” He place is arm around Poker’s shoulder and they return to the conversation they were having before Jack and Spot enter. Jack gives a meaningful glance at Spot who has seated himself with Mush and was sniggering at Race.

Jack turn back to Race and Poker. “Hey Poker, tell ya friend to be careful jumping inta rivas. I might not be ‘round da next time.”

Poker looks shocked at Jack. “Raven? She didn’t!”

“Oh yes she did. Luckily I was passing by and pulled ‘er out. She should go swimming with dose heavy clothes, she might go down. Talking about heavy clothes, it is midsumma and she was wearing a thick coat. Poker what’s going on?” Also Jack now has a serious and worried expression on his face.

“I’ll tell ya lata Cowboy. I ‘ave ta find ‘er and find out if she is all right. Now that was my fault. I swear I planted ideas in ‘er head.” She plants a quick kiss on Races cheek, “See ya lata hon.” then disappear out Tibby’s door.


“Raven! I swear I’m gonna break yer neck for ya t’day. How dare ya trying to do dat afta I told ya not to.” Poker comes raving into the factory but only finds Clouds and Waves in the middle of a chess game.

“Hey Poker. Anne is not ‘ere. She came storming past us about 10 minutes ago.”

“Hi Clouds, when did ya guys get back?”

“We’ve been ‘ere for a while say about 2 hours, Waves.” She nods silently.

“Ya don’t know where Raven was heading.”

“Nah. She came in ‘ere soaking wet and got changed into ‘er pants and cap. She had quite a strange look on ‘er face when she left. She passed me saying ‘T’day is da day I find dose buggas.’ I think she went out looking for da boys that beat me up. I tried to stop ‘er but she just hushed me and disappeared.”

“She has totally lost ‘er mind. Which way did she go?”

“She went towards da distribution centa. Ya think she will be all right Poker? I don’t want ‘er to get inta trouble because of me.”

“Don’t ya worry Clouds. If were not back by dinna time you take care of da uddas ‘kay Waves.” Waves nods her head again and return her concentration to her chess game.

After searching for hours every corner near the factory and distribution center, Poker decides to head over to the Lodging House and call in Race and Jack’s help. Breathless she knocks onto the door a few minutes later. Kloppman answers and immediately sees that something is wrong and calls up to Race.

“Hey Poker. Yer late for da game, very late.” Then he notices the panicked look on Pokers face and leads her to the sitting room and makes her sit down and catch her breath.

Just then Jack also enters. “Heya Poker. What’s up?”

“Raven …” is all that she can utter through the tears that are now starting to stain her cheeks.

The next moment Jack is next to her, shaking her shoulders. “What happened to ‘er, where is she?”

Race pushes him away from the sobbing girl. “Watch it Cowboy. Poker calm down. Tell us what ‘appened.”

Through the tears she tell them everything. Raven’s whole history from when her parents died until she met Joseph. “… Raven took ova as leada afta ‘er bruddas died and she was like a mudda to all of us. Lata when my family left me she became my family and my best friend. About 2 months afta ‘er bruddas’ death she met Joseph. At first he was so gentle and kind ta ‘er. But I had a feeling dat somethin’ was not right with ‘im. A while lata Raven disappeared for 2 or 3 months and we couldn’t find ‘er. Den one day she came into da factory looking like hell. She was beaten black an’ blue and didn’t say a word. She just collapsed and slept for 2 days right through. Lata we found out dat Joseph had escaped from an asylum an’ had kept ‘er locked up for da whole time she was missing. He beat and abused ‘er an’ one day she got hold of a steel bar while he was out. When he came back he was drunk an’ started beating ‘er again. She hit ‘im with da bar an’ killed ‘im. Da police let ‘er go because it was self-defense. Well since den she just hasn’t been da same again. An’ now she is gone. I don’t know where she is an’ I am so afraid she did something silly like dis mornin’.”

“So she tried ta commit suicide dis mornin’ and I ruined ‘er plans.”

“Yes Jack an’ I don’t know how ta thank ya for dat. Clouds said that she think Raven went afta da guys dat beat ‘er up. She’s been looking for dem for weeks and I think she found out where deir hanging place is. We ‘ave ta find ‘er Jack. God knows what dey will do ta ‘er.”

Race pulls Poker into his arms and hugs her tightly. “We’ll find ‘er love. We’ll search until we find ‘er, hopefully not …”

“Don’t say dat Race. Don’t word my fears or dey might come true.”

Race hush her and stroke her short black hair. “Shush now. It will be okay.” He motions to Jack and he turns to the steps.

“I’ll gatha the udda guys an’ we will divide in groups an’ start searching.” As he moves up the stairs he is more worried than he led on with Race and Poker. He silently send up a prayer, something he hasn’t done in years. “Please God, just let ‘er be okay. I know we ‘aven’t been getting along real fine but I care for ‘er. Okay, I love ‘er.” He is shocked by his words and then it dawns on him. He does love her. He probably felt that the first time she ran into him. And as he close his eyes for a second he can see her face in front of him and hear her laughter like that day in Tibby’s. “No wonder she hate guys,” he thinks as he remembers what Poker just told him, “she thinks that we can only desert and hurt ‘er. Please let ‘er be okay so I can prove ‘er wrong. Please!” He enters the bedroom and quickly explain the situation to the rest of the guys.

Within minutes the newsies is spreading through the city looking for not only a lost girl but a lost soul. In every dark corner her name echoes as they search for her. “Raven!” Poker went of with Race to go and ask Spot for his help, which he agrees to immediately much to Race’s, surprize.

“But I thought ya didn’t like ‘er Spot.”

“I neva said dat Race, we can just both be a little hot tempered and that doesn’t mix ta well.”

“Well let’s go. Get yer boys to patrol da river and da rough guys hangouts.”

“’Kay. Were will we meet up?”

“In two hours at da Lodging House.”


“Raven!” Jack’s voice sounds desperate as he turns another corner very near to the Duane Street Lodging house. In the darkness he sees a slight movement but it turns out to be a cat.

“Raven if yer ‘ere, please answer. I know I’s probably da last person ya feel like talking ta but yer friends is so worried. Ya running of like dat afta what ‘appened did mornin’.”

His pleads are answered by a soft noise from the far side of the alley. When his eyes get adjusted to the absolute darkness he makes out a small figure and as he walks closer he knows against all hopes that the lifeless figure lying there is Raven. The last steps he feels like he is flying. Then he kneels down to the small heap and turns it around to look into the pale face of Raven.

A dry “No…” gets stuck in his throat. There is a big gash on the side of her head and her face and neck is full of bruises and there is a glitter of blood on the side of her mouth. Her arm is lying unnaturally behind her back and the fingers of the arm are swollen, implying that it is probably broken. His hand quickly finds the weak pulse in her neck and he gives a slight sigh of relieve.

He picks her up gently as not to hurt her any more but still a soft moan escapes over her lips. “I’m sorry Anne. Just hold on for a little while. Da Lodging House is just around the corner. Just hold on, don’t ya dare let go.” The last part is a soft whisper in her ear.

She is as light as a feather and Jack barely even notice that he is carrying someone. Every few seconds he looks down to her face to see if she is still breathing and lets out a sigh of relieve every time he sees the slight movement as the breath forces his way between her lips.

A few minutes later he enters the Lodging House staring into the faces of a worried Poker, Race and Face. When Poker recognize her friend in Jack’s arms she breaks down into sobs once again, the expression in her face even more worried as she looks up to Jack questioning.

“No, she’s still breathing. Very slightly though. I don’t know if I did da right thing to move ‘er though. ‘er neck or back might be injured, but I couldn’t leave ‘er in dat alley as I go for help.” He walks over to the sickroom behind Kloppman’s office and gently lies her down as Spot jolts away to get the doctor. Leaning over her he softly wipes the dark curl away from her eyes. “Poker, would you get a cloth so we can clean ‘er face up a bit. Maybe we can see how deep this cut is then.”

He turns away from them for a moment walk over to the window and look out onto the lightening city of New York. A sudden longing fill him as the first light of day begins to dawn over the still sleeping city. He turns back to where Raven’s silent figure is lying on the bunk. She looks even paler now that Poker has cleaned up the worse blood. Then he realize that her clothes is soaked as it was raining earlier the evening. “Poker, we ‘ave to get ‘er out of those wet clothes. She is goin’ ta catch a cold or somethin’. I ‘ave a clean nightshirt upstairs that she can wear.” Within a minute he is back with the shirt. “Could ya change ‘er or will ya need help.” He turns his head as he blush bright red.

“Ya go and get a cup of coffee inside. I’ll take care of ‘er.” Poker has regained a bit of strength when she realized her friend needed her help. “Cowboy …” he turns around at the door, “… she will be okay, won’t she?”

He hears the desperation in her voice and with a voice, which he is sure, does not sound convincing says “She’ll be fine Poker.” Then looking back into her frightened blue eyes he smiles slightly and adds, “I promise.” With that he leaves her alone to get Raven changed.


“Gerald, the girl doesn’t look good.” The newsies can barely make out the conversation coming from the closed door of Kloppman’s office. “She has lost a lot of blood and the hit that she got to the head could be dangerous. To top this, it seems like she caught pneumonia out in the rain. I don’t know Gerald. If she makes it through the day there might be a shimmer of hope, but I’m not sure if she’ll make it through the next few hours, never mind the day. I wish we could get these kids of the street and keep them out of fights. It don’t matter whether they’re male or female, they always tend to get into a fight. I’ll have to move her to the hospital. Here she will definitely not make it.”

They can’t hear Kloppman’s reply but the doctor’s speech was enough to make them sink into the chairs in the living room. Jack turns away from his friends and head towards the door. His shoulders are slumped and there is a pained expression on his face as he opens the door and disappears into the early morning commotion. No one follows him because no one knows what to say to him. Race and Poker has left earlier to go and let the girls know about their leader.

For hours he wanders the street, afraid to go back and find her gone. He ends up at the edge of the river where he pulled her out just the previous day. He slightly rubs against his cheek where she had slapped her and he remembers them kissing just a few seconds before that.

“12 hours ago, ya was ‘ere. Alive an’ well in my arms. Okay a bit wet but ‘ere.” He kneels down, letting a stream of water run through his hand. “Don’t go Raven, not now dat I ‘ave found ya. Yer da one, ya’ve always been da one. Why did I meet ya when it was already too late? I need ya. I need ta tell ya dat I care. I won’t desert ya. I won’t hurt ya. I just want to fold ya in my arms and hold ya save against all da pain. I wanna make yer pain mine.” He looks up over the Hudson, tears brimming in his eyes. He turns suddenly as he hears a rustle behind him and look into the face of his best friend.

“Heya Race.” He has swept the tears out of his eyes before he turned around but Race can still see the traces of his friend’s sadness.

“Hey Cowboy. Ya wanna head back with Poker and me. Da goils are all sorted out and are busy selling.”

“I don’t wanna go back Race. What if she’s gone?”

“I don’t think she can move.”

“Dat’s not what I mean Race. You weren’t dere when Doc was talking ta Kloppman. He said he doesn’t know if she’ll make it through da day. Dey beat ‘er up so bad Race. I shouldn’t ‘ave let ‘er go yesterday. She was desperate and irrational. Dat’s why she went after dem. She thought if she couldn’t kill ‘erself she’ll let someone kill ‘er. It’s my fault Race.”

“Don’t talk like dat Jackyboy. It is not your fault. Come along now, but don’t say anythin’ ta Poker about what Doc said. I don’t wanna upset ‘er more. Come now Jack, she’ll pull through. She’s strong, ya oughta know dat.”

“She was strong Race, but I don’t think she has a will ta fight anymore.”

“Den give ‘er a reason Jack. Don’t play innocent with me Jacky I’ve seen yer looking at ‘er. Go back an’ talk ta ‘er. She will hear ya. Tell ‘er how ya feel an’ give ‘er a reason ta fight.”


Images drifting in and out of her head. Some clearer, others waggled, disorientated and blurred. But from all these colors and figures, from all the blurred and fuzziness, one face seems to appear more frequent than others and more clear than the rest. She can hear his laughter as he slaps her on the back, can see the pain in his eyes when she has been mean and regretting everything she has done that might have made him feel bad.

Through the newels of unconsciousness she also feels the pain that is jabbing at her arm, her head and the rest of her body. She tries to turn on her side but is unable to move and feels a sudden pain running through her body. A soft moan escapes her lips but even this slight sign of life, renders the person, watching her anxiously, closer. He takes her unbandaged hand softly into his own strong one and gently places his lips on the white fingers.

“Raven … I don’t know if ya can hear me, but if ya can just listen up. I knows dat we’s only been fighting since we met and dat, even if we ‘aven’t, I ‘ave only known ya for 3 weeks, but dat doesn’t change how I feel. I could ‘ave told ya da first time you came flying into me. Ya know, ya actually ‘ave quite an appropriate name ‘cause yer always flying of somewhere, when not into me, unto yer high horse and flaring tempa. I fell in love dat first time. But I had ta lose ya to wake up an’ smell da coffee. When I saw ya lying dere I thought dat was it, I will neva again in my life get a change ta tells ya how I feel. So dat is why I’s telling ya now. Ya ‘ave to fight Raven. Ya can’t give up, ya can’t leave me ‘ere alone.”

Jack look up at the face that hasn’t moved an inch since he has laid her down on at the lodging house 7 hours previously. The silence of the hospital is driving him off the roof but he dare not leave her alone, not even for a second. Her dark hair is tangling over the white pillow and as he looks at her, she looks even paler, more lifeless than when he found her. A slight stirring at the door makes him swing round to find Crutchy in the doorway.

“Heya Jack.”

“Hey Crutchy. What’s ya doing ‘ere?”

“I’s thought poihaps ya could do with a break. I will watch ‘er then you can sleep a bit. Ya ‘aven’t had sleep for over 24 hours now Jack. I’ll call ya when she wakes up.”

“When she wakes up, IF she wakes up.”

“Don’t talk like dat Jack. Of course she’ll wake up. She’s got too many friends ‘ere ta leave behind. She creeps inta yer heart somehow doesn’t she Jack? Even through ‘er anger dere is something that makes ya want ta hold on ta ‘er.”

After a moment of thought, Jack breaks a slight smile to Crutchy. “Yer right. She can scream an’ jump up an’ down as much as she wants but she can’t hide ‘er caring an’ she can’t stop caring, even if she tried. See ya later Crutchy. Thanx, for everything.”

“Sure thin’ Jack. Jack…” he turns around at the door, “ya know what I think of when I think of ‘er, dat day in Tibby’s when she laughed. She has a beautiful laughter Jack, so filling and full of sunshine.”

Jack smiles again and then disappears out the door and minutes later he slumps down on the bunk below his, immediately disappearing into the silence of slumber. As he drifts of to sleep, he hears Raven’s laughter of that day at Tibby’s and somehow know that she is going to be okay.

As Jack drifts of to sleep, Poker enters the room where Crutchy is leaning at the window. Her eyes quickly fly over Raven who still hasn’t moved. If it wasn’t for the slight movement of the cover, Poker might have think that her friend was dead.

“Hey Crutchy, where’s Jack?”

“Heya Poker. I just send ‘im of ta sleep. He’s been sitting ‘ere for hours on end.” Crutchy walks over to where Poker has placed herself on the side of Raven’s bed. “So how ya guys met?” He asks motion to Raven.

“We met afta ‘er parents died. Mike, Kev and ‘er came to da factory which was me and me family’s hideout. Ya see I was a pickpocket den an’ da bulls were constantly afta us. Dat was 3 year ago now. I couldn’t read and ‘rite an’ she taught me. I stopped stealin’ of people an’ began selling wid dem. A few months lata, my ma, pa and brudda packed up an’ left one day when I was out sellin’. From dere ‘er and ‘er bruddas became me family. Until Mike and Kev drowned, dat was during da strike; dat is why she can’t stand talk of da strike. I found ‘er dat day at da riva. She was totally dumbstruck and for quite some time afta she didn’t talk. It was in dat time dat I met Waves, Tap and Jingles. Dey joined our group and suddenly it was as if Raven came ta life again. She found Dust beggin’ on da street, dirty and hungry. Da last ones ta join was da Twins and Clouds, Specs sis. Raven is such a great person. I knows she get mad sometimes, okay a lot. But, … I don’t know. Dere’s just somethin’ ‘bout ‘er. Her wings has been clipped so many times Crutch, I don’t know if she’d be able ta fly again.” She wipes away a tear that has made his way down her cheek.

“All will work out fine. She’s made it so far.” He gives her an encouraging smile. “Ya want a cup a coffee?”


It has been 3 weeks past and still there has been no change in Raven’s condition. But like Crutchy said to Poker, she’s made it so far and somehow her friends got the feeling that she is clinging on now. She doesn’t want to let go of life. Even Doc is amazed that she is still in the land of the living. Even though she is still unconscious, her condition seems to be getting better. The pneumonia turned out to be just a bad case of flu and it has cleared up and most of her injuries is starting to heal. He is just worried about the gash that she got to her head.

“Hello Gerald.” Even Kloppman has become a familiar face in Raven’s bedroom and Doc greats him as he enters.

“Mornin’ Gordon. How’s yer patient going?”

“There is hope. These kids are tougher than they look. I really didn’t think she was going to make it. But I have to say, she is probably my patient that has the most visitors. These newsies of you Gerald, I have no idea how you keep up with them.”

“Dey’re good boys Gordon and they care about each other. If you heard da fights between her and dem, you won’t think she would have so much visitors. But dey understand each other and somehow know each other’s hurt.”

“I just wish that she would wake up. Once she is awake I can determine the damages to her head.”

“Yer not the only one that is wishing her to wake up.” He motions with his head to the door as they hear voices nearing.

“….and then Poker said ….” The two boys are silenced as they enter the room and see the Doc and Kloppman standing at Raven’s bed.

“What’s wrong?” Jack’s face returns to the worried look that he’s been carrying around the past week.

“Nothing Cowboy. Just came to check on her. Don’t stay the whole night again. You also need some rest. I don’t want another newsie in the hospital. My hospital might get flooded with visitors.” Doc smiles and he and Kloppman leaves the two boys at Raven’s bedside.

“Hi Raven.” Jack takes her hand in his and gently kiss it. Then he and Race continues to tell her what happened at the day’s selling.

“The girls are selling with the guys now, it is safer that way. An’ good news Raven, we find da guys dat beat up ya and Clouds. We ‘ave ta admit, dey got a few bruises before bein’ delivered to da bulls. Blink and Mush is in love, as if dat is anythin’ new. And da lucky ones are da twins. Yeah and Boots, Tap, Dust and Les are sellin’ tagetta. Our new four musketeers dose ones.”

“An’ Race an’ Poker is doing swell.” Jack takes over the talking from Race. He is rewarded by a big smirk. “I told ya dat dey belong tagetta.” He stops talking as he notice a slight movement and the next moment Raven’s hand squeezes his. Startled he looks at her face but her eyes is still close.

Then she starts talking, fewerish. “Michael, watch out! Don’t …!”

Jack’s has been waiting for her to move but this wasn’t what he expected to see. “Race, what’s going on!”

“I don’t know Jack, ya think we should call Doc?”

“Yeah, ya go.” Race quickly leaves the room

“Poker …., what should I do? He’ll get hurt if I care! No…! JACK!! Help me Jack!” He is startled again as he hears her calling his name. Gently he takes her in his arms and try to hush her.

“It’s okay Raven, I’m ‘ere. Sjuu. Don’t worry, it will be okay.”

“Poker … I love him. Michael no…!”

Just then Race and Doc enter and Jack has no time to wonder over what she just said.

“Not to worry Jack. This is a good sign. It means that she is coming out of it. She is just a bit confused now because of the bump to her head. I’m gonna give her a sedative and when it’s worked out she might just wake up.”


Slowly Raven open her eyes. The room is strange and quiet. She moves her head to look around at the room but only saw the nurse at the edge of the bed. Her eyes blur and then she close them and is immediately enclosed by darkness again.

A few moments later Poker enters and is greeted by a smile of the nurse. “She’s going to be okay. She just woke for a few seconds but is sleeping now. Natural, no drugs this time. You can stop worrying now.” She gives Poker shoulder a squeeze as she exits.

“Ya ‘ear dat Rave, ya goin’ to be okay. Ya pulled through. It is about high time I think.” Poker takes her friends hand into her own and gives it a slight squeeze. “Raven I can’t wait fer ya ta wake up. I have so much ta tell ya, so much ‘ave happened. But I ‘ave ta tell ya ‘bout Jack. It is amazin’ Rave. It is amazin’ to see him wid da goils. He really is a wonderful leader.”

For the next hour Poker sits at Raven’s bedside, telling her all that happened that day. Just before dusk she gets up to leave and as she motions to the door, a slight movement catches her eye and she turns around.  As if from a deep sleep, Raven struggles to open her eyes once again and when she finally get them focused again, she have no idea were she is. Then she sees her friend and the tears start to form in her eyes. A soft whisper escapes over her lips and the next moment the two friends are in each other’s arms, hugging and crying.

“Poker, I thought I’d neva see ya again.”

“That goes double for you miss Anne Logan! You had us all scared silly! What was goin’ on in yer mind when ya went over ta dat guys? You should’ve known betta!”

“I just woke up, don’t be angry and argue wid me. Somethin’ inside me just snapped and before I knew it I woke up here. What happened Poke?”

“Ya don’t remember?”

“Da last thin’ I remember was Jack pullin me outa da ….”

“Don’t worry Rave, he told us ‘bout dat. Ya should go ‘round scaring people like dat. Anyway, you went over to Joseph’s boys. Ya remember, it was dem dat’s been attackin’ our girls and stealin’ deir money. Revenge is bittersweet dey figured. Well dey beat ya up and left ya for dead. Still nothin’ coming back ta ya?”


“Well Jack found ya and we brought ya ‘ere.”

“Jack, oh no. Poker, I love him! I can’t, … I just can’t. He’ll get hoit!”

“Raven, will you stop yer nonsense! Nothin’ will happen ta ‘im unless he lets it. Anyway, he cares for ya too Raven.”

“Why, why should he? I just fight wid him all da time!”

“Ya fight wid everyone Rave and still we all love ya. It is just part of yer nature. It shows ya have spunk and won’t take anythin’ lyin’ down. Now, ya ‘ave to get betta and get outa dis bed.”

Just then Doc enters. “I see our patient has finally awaken. How are you feeling?”

“I’m okay Doc. My head just hurts a liddle. When can I go home?”

“Well you seemed to have recovered fine, but I would like to keep you one more night. So if that is okay, you can go home tomorrow. But no exhaustion for at least a week, is that understood!”

“Understood, an’ I guess no fightin’ either.” Doc nods. “I will be good. I wanna go home real soon.”


“Mornin’ my good man.” Poker snuggles up to Race and gives him a kiss.

“No free kissin’ in public ma’am. Dat will be a penny.” She gives him an elbow in the side and then another kiss.

“Dere’s ya penny mister Racetrack.”

Jack walks up to them at the front of the distribution line, looking very grumpy.

“Jack, did ya ‘ear da good news. Raven woke up last night an’ she is coming home t’day! Isn’t dat just wonderful?”


“What’s da matta wid ya Jackyboy? I thought ya’d be ‘appy.”


“Somehow I don’t feel like talkin’ ta ya right now Cowboy, come on Race, let’s get sellin’. See ya at Tibby’s later if yer mood has changed.”

“Why not.”

After selling a few papers in Central Park, Poker and Race heads over to Sheepshed racetracks.

“Something’s up with Jack t’day Race. I thought he’d be glad ta know dat Raven is okay. To tell ya da truth. He’s been like dat since she showed first signs of recovery. What’s up wid him?”

“I have no idea Poke. Perhaps she said something I didn’t hear which might have upset Jack. We’ll ask him lata at Tibby’s. Let’s see if dey have any good horses t’day.”

Back at the hospital Raven is silently getting dressed. “Why hasn’t Jack been ‘ere? I can’t remember him bein’ here for a while an’ I can remember some of da other newsies being here!” She sighs and leaves the hospital were she spent almost a month and the place were she got her heart sorted out. “I’ll find dem at Tibby’s. It is almost lunch time.”


“Jack Kelly, you are an idiot!”

“Why, for thinking dere is no-one else in Raven’s life? Yes I am an idiot. She clearly cares very much for dis Michael guy!”

“She cares for YOU!!”

“Oh Poker what do ya know. Ya weren’t dere when she called his name. I could hear the love in her voice.”

“Ya would. Ya clearly don’t listen ta a woid I told ya. Michael is ‘er brudder. Remember I told ya and Race. He was the younge one of her two brudders dat drowned. And he was her best friend. Now will ya stop yer nonsense and talk ta ‘er when we go and fetch ‘er.”

“Her brudder, of course. Yer right Poker, I’ve been an idiot.” Both Poker and Race nods their heads. “I don’t know how to explain this to your guys. I can’t believe that she really cares about me.” He suddenly smile and the sparkle in his eyes is back. “She’s gonna be okay and I can tell ‘er how I feel.”

“It’s about high time don’t ya think Cowboy.” Race gives his friend a slap on da back and then pulls Poker closer before continuing. “Ya and Raven deserves ta be happy Cowboy.”

“But how am I going to tell ‘er how I feel, Race. I don’t love Raven …” Jack is interrupted by Tibby’s bell and as he look up he looks straight into Raven’s eyes. The silence in Tibby’s is straining. Raven turns around and run out the door.

“Shit, what ‘ave I done now! Race, I was still explainin’ an’ she only hoid part of it. I don’t love ‘er, it is so much more dan love! I need ‘er in my life!”

“Jack,” Poker speaks softly, “tell ’er. Teach ‘er how ta fly again.”

The smile suddenly re-appears on his face. “I’m not just goin’ ta tell ‘er, I’ll show ‘er.” He turns and disappears out of the door to find Raven.

As he expected she has run straight to the riverside. It’s like the river is her escape route. Her strength she leans on.

“Raven ….” He takes her hand and turns her around to face him.

“Just go Jack.” Pulling her hand out of his she tries to hide the tears that are forming in the corners of her eyes.

“Raven please, just hear me out.” But she interrupts him before he can explain any further.

“What a fool I ‘ave been Jack? I must ‘ave been dreamin’ while I was in the hospital because I swear I hoid you say you love me. What a fool I was ta believe dat you meant it? But I ‘ave to thank you Jack, you gave me back my life. You made me fight again.”

“Anne …”

“Let me finish Jack. I wanted to come and tell ya that I love ya. I was so afraid to care ‘cause every time I do, dat person gets hoit. But I couldn’t help myself Jack, I fell in love with ya, and I have ta admit I fell hard because I really believed ya cared too. But I’ll be leavin’ Jack so ya don’t ‘ave to worry about running into me and not knowin’ what to say.”

“Anne don’t leave please, I love ya.”

“Jack, remember ya just said ya didn’t, ya can’t change your mind just like dat.”

“But ya didn’t let me finish Anne. I said I didn’t love ya, it is so much more dan love dat I feel for ya.”

“I’m sorry Jack but somehow I find dat hard to believe.”

The next moment he pulls her into a passionate kiss. First she tries to resist but within seconds her arms creeps around his neck and she kisses back.

“Ya needed dat.” He whispers when he finally lets her go. “Do ya believe me now?”

With a smile she leans close to him again. “Yes. And I did need dat.” She says as she offers her lips to him again and without hesitation he takes her capture to never let go again.

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