United States Federal Agencies and Organizations with Disaster Response and Research Roles

This list is under construction. It was last updated on 6 April 2000.

Agencies and Organizations

Federal Emergency Management Agency
(A+) information on agency programs; current disaster mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery news; access to agency training materials; extensive search capabilities
53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron
(A) includes history of aerial hurricane reconnaissance and unit, data on current and past season storms, information on weather products, variety of fact sheets, and a homework help page
NASA Solid Earth and Natural Hazards Program
(M+) meta site with concentrations in disaster management (phases and issues), various disciplines, organizations with hazards roles, hazards systems, and types of disasters - titled "Disaster Finder"
National Severe Storms Laboratory
(A) publications list and abstracts, description of major scientific projects, climatology information on severe storms (floods, tornadoes, thunderstorms, winds, lightning, hail, winter storms)
Small Business Administration Disaster Assistance
(A+) administration mission statement, text of 13 CFR 123 Disaster Loan Program, current open SBA disaster declarations, business locan approval data, detailed question and answer on all loan programs
USAID Office of U. S. Foreign Disaster Assistance
(A+) current and archived reports and fact sheets on country by country situation and response to major disasters, includes full text Field Operations Guide and Miitigation Practitioners Handbook
Pacific Disaster Center
(A+) mission and history of the center, full text of its Concept of Operations, fiels on recent and historical events, examples of products, and an extensive Citizens Guide to Disaster Preparedness
National Wildfire Coordinating Group
(A) organizational mission and history, list and brief description of member organizations, current national wildland fire status, working groups and their products, publications, printable forms
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Links on this page are checked at least quarterly. However, I have found that even governmental links change frequently. If you locate an address for an agency that does not have one, or if you find an error, please e-mail the contact address below.


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