Hazards - Slide, Slip, and Soil Movement:

This list is under construction. Date of last update is 8 February 2000.

Slide, Slip, and Soil Links

Non-Agricultural Uses of Soils and Marginal Soils
(B+) this class laboratory page describes causes of shrink-swell soils and includes a Virginia map showing concentrations of these soils, images of damage, and description of mitigation strategies
1998 Landslides and Debris Flows in Utah
(A) county by county summary of 1998 landslides with location, current slide status, some with photographs, some with topographical maps - Utah Geological Survey site - publications and 1999 data link
Landslide Susceptibility in the Tully Valley Area, Finger Lakes Region, New York
(A) technical investigation of a 1993 New York landslide that enguled several residences examines landslide causation, landslide history of the area, and the use of GIS to develop susceptibility map
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Links on this page are checked at least quarterly. However, I have found that even governmental links change frequently. If you locate an address for an agency that does not have one, or if you find an error, please e-mail the contact address below.


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