Hazards - Asteroids and Comets:

This list is under construction. Date of last update is 6 February 2000.

Near Earth Object and Space Weather Links

NASA Near Earth Object Program
current updates on near earth objects, catalog of potentially hazardous asteroids, images, descriptions of search programs, and listing of space missions to asteroids and comets
NASA Ames Space Science Division Asteroid and Comet Impact Hazards
full texts of the 1995 AIAA Position Paper, 1995 Neo Survey Workgroup Report, and 1992 Safeguard Survey Report
Are Asteroids Rubble Piles?
by William F. Botke, Jr. - paper presented at the 23rd Meeting of the International Seminars on Planetary Emergencies - comments on implications of asteroid makeup on defense strategies
current information on astrophysical events and the interaction of the Sun and Earth in terms of effects on the Earth
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Links on this page are checked at least quarterly. However, I have found that even governmental links change frequently. If you locate an address for an agency that does not have one, or if you find an error, please e-mail the contact address below.


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