This page includes situation reports provided by member agencies of the Virginia Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD) during disaster events. The Virginia VOAD consists of 27 voluntary and state government organizations with disaster relief roles. VOAD functions include animal control, building repair, child care, clean up, clothing, communication, counseling, damage assessment, disaster welfare inquiry, financial assistance, food, human relations, mass care, sheltering, transportation, volunteer staffing, and warehousing and bulk distribution.
Direct all situation reports for posting and for e-mail distribution to (Bob Ianucci).
Reports will be updated as received. Situation entries older than 10 days will be purged to ensure the information remains current.
AVAILABLE ASSETS -----------------------------------------------------
Virginia VOAD member organizations are asked to provide a summary of assets they have available that are not otherwise committed to the disaster response and recovery, including the (a) type and quantity of resource, (b) the time period for which it will be available, (c) any special considerations or limits on its use, and (d) a point of contact for mobilization.
No available assets have been identified for the current emergency event.
UNMET NEEDS ----------------------------------------------------------
As member organizations or government agencies identify currently existing unmet needs this section will include the (a) the type of need, (b) approximate size of the need, (c) the location, (d) the expected duration, and (e) points of contact that are coordinating efforts to meet the need.
No unmet needs have been identified for the current emergency event.
EXPECTED REQUIREMENTS ------------------------------------------------
The following have been identified by Virginia VOAD member organizations or government agencies as being areas of concern for planning near or far term response and recovery actions:
No requirements have been identified for the current emergency event.