Virginia ESF-8 Mission Taskings

This page includes the current Mission Taskings issued by the Virginia ESF-8 Emergency Support Center. The Emergency Support Center is operated by the Virginia Office of Emergency Medical Services to provide a central point for coordinated health and medical support to local jurisdictions and for management of Department of Health response to disasters. The Mission Tasking is a voice format issued to provide mission assignments for disaster response.

Emergency Response Team Exercise 00-01

(Mission 00-05) ------------------------------------------------------

Cooridnation Teams One and Two; Task Forces Crater 6, Metro 11, Tidewater 12; Health and Medical Emergency Response Team; and others -- 190735 May 2000



2. DATE: 19 May 2000

3. TIME: 0735

4. DUTY TYPE: augment

5. LOCATION: Virginia Beach


7. EXPECTED LENGTH: 48 hours

8. TIME ON STATION: 200800 May 2000

9. STAGING: not applicable

10. ROUTE: Virginia Beach Boulevard to Pacific Avenue, turn south on Pacific Avenue

11. DESTINATION: State Military Reservation, Virginia Beach

12. EQUIPMENT: standard

13. HAZARDS: flooding, debris

14. SELF SUFFICIENT FOR: breakfast 20 May and 21 May

15. FUEL BY: not applicable

16. SPECIAL SUPPORT: not applicable

17. AGENCY: Virginia Beach Emergency Medical Services

18. CONTACT: Everette Vaughan

19. LOCATION: State Military Reservation

20. PHONE: not applicable

21. FREQUENCY: not applicable

22. CALL SIGN: not applicable

23. OTHER: ask for directions at the gate to the Reservation

24. AUTHORITY: Vaughan

Virginia ESF-8 Situation Reports: to view the current incident situation report from the ESF-8 Emergency Support Center

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