Welcome to Rick's Wonderful World of 'Wagens

This site is continually under construction. Please let me know if anything doesn't work

I have always loved VW Beetles and Porsches  -  they just look ... so .... so ... well, you know .....

About This Site

In these pages I plan to chart the step by step restoration of the '56 Bug. I will also try to give an honest British owner's opinion of VW's New Beetle and the Porsche Boxster - what they are like to own and drive on a daily basis.  You will also find some pictures of other VWs we've owned in the past (coming soon),  and links to other interesting pages.

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Euro spec New Beetle.. click here

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1956 Oval

Click here to go to this page

Click here to find out about the '56 Resto-cal project

New Beetle

Click here to go to this page

Click here for more info on my VW New Beetle

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Euro spec New Beetle.. click here

Porsche Boxster

Click here to go to this page

Read here about our experiences of owning and driving a Porsche Boxster

Some of my favorite links....

 VW official UK website
All the latest news from VW cars UK

VW Official New Beetle website
Latest info on the UK New Beetle

VW Cars North America website
USA and Canada official web site

Gary P's VW's page
Guernsey's top air-cooled engine specialist

The Virtual Beetle Museum
Well worth a look

VW Links Directory
Lots of VW Links

Vintage Volkswagen information centre

VW Shrine
Lots of VW related stuff.

VW's Unlimited
A site for VW nuts

The BugShop
'57 Resto site plus much, much more

Caleb's Nissan Sunny GTiR page
Nothing to do with VWs but worth a visit

Have you tried The VW New Beetle and Vintage VW Companion ?

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