All Grown Up! @ Nicktoon Snark
Susie Sings the Blues
by SpiderBraids

We head over to the Java Lava, a coffee shop that has actually been around since the latter days of the Rugrats series [Rugrats, "The Fun Way Day"]... but it doesn't seem that it'll be around much longer, because they're just not bringing in the customers these days. Betty sez, what they need is a gimmick, like weight machines. Angelica sez: "If you really want to attract people, hold a talent night. ...You wanna pack 'em in, you've got to introduce a great undiscovered singer." OK, raise your hands if you think she's talking about herself?...

Okay, now raise your hands if you think that Chazz is taking the hint?... Didn't think so. Daddy Finster is planning to put the aforementioned Susie on stage, and Angelica is complaining. So Chazz is trying to slot Angelica into opening for Susie... and Phil and Lil's mom literally pins him down into putting her on after Susie: "You put her on before Susie and there'll be no after." Now that this slight tie-in to the main plot has been arranged, time to take Chazz to the hospital. Again.

To the Carmichael house. For those who aren't major fans of [[Rugrats]], Susie's mother Lucy is a doctor (I presume that someone in the character creating department must have been a big fan of Lucile Ball), and her father Randy is a TV writer (more precisely, for "Dummi Bears", Angelica's favorite show in the Rugrats days, now Kimi's favorite show). Anyways, we got ourselves the "Jazz Singer" plot: the parents are not supportive of Susie's efforts to become a pop star. Lucy is telling her: "So much of it is based on luck." You'd almost expect Lucy to say that she tried auditioning for American Idol a couple times... Randy is telling her: "It's not that we don't think you're a wonderful singer, we just don't want to see you get hurt." Hey, trying to become a pop star isn't The Amazing Race, you know? Anyways, Lucy sez: "These are the years you should be devoting to your academic talents, for a future that will bring you success. ... We have to insist you focus your attention on something more meaningful and realistic than being a pop singer." Ouch. They got a good point, too.

Back to the cafeteria. Susie is talking with Kimi and the twins about her nascent singing career. I presume that they've included mentioning the upcoming talent night. Anyhow, although they do think she's a great singer, a little qualification is needed. Lil: "There are stars like you and then there are stars like Emica [Rugrats, "All Growed Up"]." Phil: "Y'know, big dipper and little dipper." And speaking of dips, here comes Angelica, Dil and Harold (another acquanitance of Angelica's since she was in pre-school [Rugrats, "Pre-School Daze"]). Harold's a guitar player, and oh yeah, did we mention that she's taking the twins as back-up singers? Anyways, she's reminding them of rehearsals for her talent night act tomorrow at three.

Susie is a bit surprised-slash-disappointed that the twins are Angelica's backups, but there are explanations: Lil: "She promised to introduce me to cute boys." Phil: "Blackmail. Pure and simple." Kimi is consoling her, as she will again later in the ep: "Don't sweat it, girlfriend. If anyone has what it takes it's you. Big dipper." Then again, "girl with talent who wants to make it big" isn't new, not even to Nick... anyone remember Taina?

Boys' bathroom. Slambang is in front of a mirror. Slambang gets hit by a bunch of shoes. Glued on top of the ceiling. Really. You're just rolling in the aisles, aren't you? Anyways, he's walking down the hall, complaining about a basketball team hopping on one foot because of those nicked shoes. Tommy is busy stuffing some glue in his locker, and oh yes, Chuckie. After the vice-principal leaves, Finster sez: "I'm taking this bad boy thing as far as it goes."

Back to Susie, and she's imagining herself as Emica, accompanied by the song from the end of her ep [Rugrats, "All Growed Up"]. After that, time to call Beverly and set up an appointment.

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