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Kylen Miles

Welcome to Page 2 of Kylen Miles' Art

Colleen looks exhausted...drawn by moi
I drew this piccie- but lucky-dog me, Elista Adkins decided to colorize it! Thank you Elista!
Star and Xander ( chars by Kathrine Gore )
I drew this and I finally finished it! Sorries for the wait. Done by request
Chavs in her true form drawn by me :) This is only my 4th attempt at Photoshop- so please- no laughing!!
Prowler ( char by Amanda Stephenson )
Looks sure of himeself, doesn't he? Drawn by myself :)
Callisto ( char by Katalin Bakonyi )
Eh, thought I'd give it a shot. Now don't get her mad!! She's got her sword out for a reason.
Dern...I told you I drew a lot of Elista's char...But she's a cute char!! Can I help it?
Dern again!! Elista beat me to it!! She posted her rendition of Persia first. :~( Oh well, me like hers better :) Drawn poorly by me.
Nitro ( char by Amanda Stephenson )
I finally drew Nitro more along the lines indicated by her creator. Whatcha think?
What she doing? Dunno. I drew her, tho :)
Hunter and Colleen
A cheap take-off of Molly Ringwald and Peter Strauss? Nah..... Drawn by me. :)
Silver ( char by Greg Williams )
I found this color scheme to be a little harder than others. Oh well, my best attempt. Hopes ya like it! Done by request.
Dervish ( char by Dervish Vagabond )
Fun-loving character drawn for a fun-loving guy. Sorry this took so long, Derv. Done by request.
Beowolf ( char by Greg Williams )
A great dane- don't ask me where the rest of that one arm is. Done by request.
Canis (char by Greywolf Lupous )
A pic I did for Grey she no longer has a use for. Done by request.
Huntress (char by Greywolf Lupous)
Same fate as previous pic. Done by request.
Callisto (char by Katalin Bakonyi)
Same pic, this time looking much better with a coloring job by Katalin herself. Thanks Kat!
Indy and Henry( chars by Daniel Morales )
A pic of Indy and Henry. One of me faves to draw :) Done by request
Ribbonracer ( Ribs )
It is the sweet, dear Australian Shepherd with mis-colored eyes, Ribbonracer, commonly called Ribs. Doesn't he just look so friendly?
It's Beldin, the only sibling that Alethia has been able to locate. Now the two of them are very close, tho Beldin searches the world for the rest of their family.
Tsing Tao
Tsing Tao is a cocker spaniel with some attitude. Despite her tempers, she relentlessly protects and fends for all who are her friends.
Heather ( char by Jocelyn Mossi )
Here is a pic of the awesome Heather. It will be colorized soon :) Done by request.
It's the young agent Hush from Central Asia slipping into a pool. Too bad her buddy Ribbonracer isn't around ;) Drawn by me :)
Star (char by Kathrine Gore )
Too bad the scanner ate this pic :( Awwwww.... Drawn by me.
Alethia and Rio
Rio shows Alethia a bad time. A scene from "Blessed are the Bleeders".
Hunter and Colleen
I did this pic forever and a million or so years ago. Too bad the scanner hacked off a major portion of it :P
Matthew ( char by Matthew Bentley )
This pic was done quite awhile ago as a request. Done by request.
Shimmer (char by George Aguire )
Finally, in color!!! Done by request.
Silver (char by Greywolf Lupous )
Dunno- just felt like drawing it :) I loved doing the little facial design.
Spirit (char by Connie Smernos)
Finally got this one done and up!! Sorry for the wait, Connie!! Done by request.
Colleen is ready to get married- TO HUNTER!!!!!!! Sorry all you fan-boys!!! Oops-la!
Alethia and Tarheel
A scene from "Blessed are the Bleeders", shortly after Alethia has a quick tussle with Tarheel the German Shepherd.
Only ONE thing can explain, perhaps nothing can....
Star ( char by Kathrine Gore )
Here is that pic of Star again, this time graciously colored by Angel Munoz :)
A delicate sketch of Alethia as she peers back at you. Drawn by moi :)
Al looks down a little sadly. Drawn by moi :)
Alethia has seen something a little startling. Elle a peur! Drawn by moi :)
Alethia and Raoul
Alethia and her good human friend, Raoul, as seen in "The Dark Angel" Drawn by moi :)
Alethia takes a little nap. Isn't she cute? Drawn by moi :)
Hunter, Colleen, and Wakko
Well, ya know how Jess Harnell talks for both Hunter and Wakko? Well, here is something Hunter found unexpected....uh...get it? Jess Harnell? Hunter and Wakko? Guys? Drawn by moi :)
Alethia pulls back a groupin of hair blown in the wind. Drawn by moi :)
Cricket ( char by Emma )
Well, it was an attempt at least. I hope it's okay, Emma. Done by request.
Cricket( char by Emma )
Another attempt. Done by request.
Ricky and Huntress ( chars by Ricky Galahad and Greywolf Lupous
Please don't ask me- I just drew it. Oh yeah!! Huntress thanks Ricky for saving her mother in "The Trailing Beast". Oops-la, Ricky!! So it didn't happen quite that way.....
Jean (char by Aeterna )
This was a very different style for me. Hope it turned out all right. Done by request.
Lyon (char by Aeterna)
I need practice :P Paf. Done by request.
Love ( char by Aeterna )
What the heck, I was on a roll. This one turned out pretty decent. Drawn by moi :)
Jeff (char by Jeff)
You've got to love expression, and this pic is full of it. Done by request
Sawyer (char by Sawyer)
I drew and colored :) Aren't you proud. A little steal from Elista's design with some of my own style mixed in. Drawn by moi :)
Ricky and Star (chars by Ricky Galahad and Kathrine Gore )
Ricky gives his buddy Star a piggy-back ride. Done by request.

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