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Kylen Miles

Welcome to Page 4 of Kylen Miles' Art!!

A young agent from Central Asia. She has a childish crush on Hunter, but her best friend, Ribbonracer- well, he seems to be best for her ;).
A small yet cute headshot of the cocky Cocker Spaniel.
Alex's B-Day Pic( chars by their respective owners )
The piccie I made for my great buddy Alex's birthday. Go check out his art!!
Hunter ( char by WB )
A single inked frame of a Hunter animation I was working on set to the song "It Ain't Me".
Alethia comes to grips with the real world. Lyrics (c) Will Jennings.
Alethia depressed- accompanied to one of my favorite songs on earth written by Tom Waits, "Tom Traubert's Blues".
Love, Jean and Lyon ( chars by Aeterna )
French is the best- French all the way!! God- how I miss the Champs-Elysees!!!
Alethia, Callie, and Jenna ( chars by Kylen Miles, Bozena McCants, and Martin Jack )
Heaven is a cool place to get together and have a malt ;)
Alethia and Heather ( chars by Kylen Miles and Jocelyn Mossi )
Alethia and Heather are ready to bust some bad guys!! DJ says Al's pants are going to fall off, tho. DONE BY REQUEST
Hunter and Chavaleh ( chars by Kylen Miles WB )
Chavaleh delights in teasing Hunter in "BATB".
Alethia and Jenna( chars by Kylen Miles and Martin Jack )
Which one of these sweeties do you want as your guardian angel?
One of the first drawings of Alethia. Thank God for improvement!
Dawn ( char by Dawn )
Don't just love the combination of brushpen and expression?
Dawn ( char by Dawn )
Dawn again, hamming it up :)
Dotty( char by Dotty )
A piccie of the cute dalmatian!! DONE BY REQUEST.
Fenix ( char by Ricky Galahad )
The badass chick baddie of his.
A generic poodle Road Rover.
Ricky( char by Ricky Galahad )
Ricky is cute- no? Actually- Ricky has got a hip design on his back, and he wanted to show it off ;)
Ricky( char by Ricky Galahad )
This is just a simple little head sketch, but I absolutely love it. He's just too adorbale!
An older drawing of Alethia with some sort of scarf thingie around her head.
Alethia and Renegade
A sloppy, sketchy, but cute picture of Alethia and her deceased lover, Renegade the akita soldier.
A picture of Alethia in her glitter gown- frightened, alone, sad, and scared. This is from my story, "Dark Children", that is unfinished, as all the others ;)
Drawing Alethia in a sad state can be a little tricky..
Penny( char by Nicole Messina )
Actually an older pic I did of Penny in a bathing suit.
Star( char by Kathrine Gore )
An older pic of Star I did in a bathing suit :)
While at Knotts Berry Farm over spring break, I bought one of those apple funnel cakes with sugar. Well, while walking, the little plastic fork broke in half and hit some guy. Whoops!
Ricky and Tylia( chars by Ricky Galahad )
For those that have read the stories of Ricky, you'll know that Ricky used to hang around a bad group of dogs. Turns out he finds out later, after he is with Alethia, that he had a child by one of them. Uh-oh....You'll have to read coming stories to find out what happens... I get a lot of teasing about this pic for obvious reasons.
Alethia bids you adieu as she slings her purse over her shoulder and prepares to step into poor DJ's truck once again as he drives her around town. Poor DJ!! You know I love ya! Thanks for all the errands you constantly take me out on!
Alethia and Martin ( chars by myself and Martin Jack )
Alethia embraces Martin and wants him to know she will always be there for him, no matter what.
Alethia and Rio's Cronies
Alethia finds out just how much it sucks to be a prisoner at Mother in "Blessed are the Bleeders". Unfortunately, Rio and his gang catches up to Alethia once again and let's her know just what an electric shock collar feels like....
Colleen is chilling in her bell-bottoms and..umm..the other clothes that she happens to be wearing. My dear, those pink platforms just aren't working!
Alethia and Blitz
Someday, Alex, I will stop laughing about it! Anywise, you know I love ya man, and I have no room to talk, because the same thing happened to me about a month ago!
Alethia and DJ ( chars by Kylen Miles and Jake Williams )
Don't you just hate being locked out of your car?
Huner and Colleen
Owww! My eye!!!!!! Colleen prepares to treat a wounded Hunter.
Hunter and Colleen
THIS PIC IS SO CUTE IT IS DISGUSTING! Hunter and Colleen as toddlers!! How SWEET!!!!!!!!
Colleen bids Hunter farewell as she is certain he has left her for another girl. Chin up, my dear girl, in the darkest night there is always a light beyond.
Alethia and DJ ( chars by Kylen Miles and Jake Williams )
This little picture was inspired by a comical story written by Kathrine Gore in which the Rovers are all toddlers. This scene didn't actually happen in the story- but DJ spent most of the story running around with his "Cool Tools" set taking things apart. So here he is, dismantling a swing while poor Alethia is still on it.
Dawn and Callie ( chars by Dianne Laureano and Bozena McCants )
In Kathrine Gore's story, a wiley Dawn got her way when she scared Callie with a fake bat, who immediately abandoned her My Little Ponies and ran. Tricky little Dawn then had them to herself.
Penny and Teacher ( chars by Nicole Messina and Kathrine Gore )
It was nap time and Penny tried to escape the dreaded event by hiding under a table. Needless to say, she didn't get her way. Big thanks and hugs to DJ for scanning these pics for me!!.
Alethia and Martin ( chars by Kylen Miles and Martin Jack )
Heya down there!! Meet the two goofballs that are starring in my short animated film this year. I am still working out a good color scheme for Martin- I pray to the Maersk God to give me the answer...!!.
Chavaleh and Hunter ( chars by Kylen Miles and WB )
Hunter and Chavaleh go a long ways back- they are strengthening the bond as toddlers ;) Chavaleh and Hunter have an indescribable relationship- they both respect one another and have a deep is REALLY hard to describe the kind of friendship they have. Maybe some folks out there know what I mean, tho...
Sierra and Muzzle ( chars by Elista Adkins and WB )
Another picture based on Kathrine Gore's highly amusing story. Here, we see Sierra's artistic talent is off to a good start- whereas Muzzle is much more content to consume his fingerpaints.
DJ( char by Jake Williams )
"Thanks, Al, you little narc!" Sheesh- can't a pup have any fun? Teacher leashes DJ to the monkey bars for the "disassembling" stunts he has been performing lately.
Remember Vero? She helps to run the links page here at Alethia's Realm!:) She's the kindly french poodle.
Star ( char by Kathrine Gore )
I don't remember exactly how or when these Pimp Star jokes came about, but here is my rendition, with hats off to Dawn, who drew the first original pimp Star I know of.
Dawn ( char by Dianne Laureano )
It's a smiley pic of Dawny I drew at work one day.
Just a little sad Alethia, hoping for the best.
Alethia and Azelin ( chars by Kylen Miles and Luke Trickett )
I can't remember exactly what we were doing, but Luke, Dj, and I were driving thru LA. I had a big carton of chocolate chip ice cream and I was like, drunk or something on it, and while Luke was driving, I just shoved a spoonful of it in his face. We don't know why...Kylen is such a normal fur....
Alethia and Blitz ( chars by Kylen Miles and WB )
Alethia sneaks up on Blitz with a surprise hello! attack :)
Chavaleh calms down for a second to look around questioningly.

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