Sailor   Dream's   Sailor   Moon   Homepage

Hi! I am Sailor Dream and welcome to Sailor Dream's Sailor Moon homepage. My page is all about Sailor Moon. My page is black in protest of Sailor Moon being taken off the air in North America. Let's travel back to the Silver Millenium. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Long time ago, during the Silver Millenium, Queen Serenity and her court were in a state of peace until the night her daughter, Princess Serenity fatefully met with the Prince of Earth, Darien. Contact between people from the Moon and Earth was strictly forbidden but they were in love so he disguised himself so he could be with her at the ball that night. They were attacked by the evil Queen Beryl and her minions from the Dark Kingdom. The Sailor Scouts, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, and Saturn defended the Moon Kingdom bravely but without success. Queen Serenity finally defeated Beryl with the loss of her daughter and her kingdom. In order to save all who died that day, she used the power of the Silver Crystal, sacrificing her own life in the process, to send them all a thousand years into the future without their memories so that they might have a chance at a peace, but if the evil Queen were to ever resurfaced the scouts would be awakened by their loyal cat guardians to defend the Earth. Now, it is the present and Serena and her court are normal girls. Serena is a klutzy crybaby, whiner that gets bad grade and her main struggle is to get to school on time. When Luna finds her, Luna thinks this is some kind of cosmic joke. "If this is some Cosmic joke, I fail to see the humor it in." Then the scouts start to appear in the order of Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Venus. Darien is the scouts loyal friend, Tuxedo Mask. Although, in real life Serena can't stand him 'cause he calls her "meatball head". (That is until the scouts find out who the prince and princess are.) They fight to defend earth's everlasting peace. (*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(* I hope you enjoy my pages. I'll be updateing them as much as I possiblely can. Sailor Moon was reported to be returning to the U.S. soon. The English Sailor Moon Comic comes out in June! And the company Mixx Comics who is putting out the book asked the Sailor Moon ring of Power to support it! If you would like to find out more about it, or order a subscription like myself please go to I want to say a big thank you the Sailor Moon Ring of Power. I've been told that the ring of power helped to bring back Sailor Moon to North America along with SOS. I want to thank the SOS campaign people for all their devoted time to bring Sailor Moon back to us. They really out did themselves. A million times THANK YOU to everyone that supported Sailor Moon. Remember to keep a sparkle in your eye and a dream in your heart. See Ya! ;) ~Sailor Dream (*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*

April 17th- This will be my last updateing for awhile. With my annoying parents always needing the phone, it's been hard just getting this updated now. I'm on my Spring break now and I have lots of tennis matches. Plus, it's PROM time. Thank you so much for your patience. ~Cera (* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ May 24th- Well, I'm back for a short time to make some adjustments to this page. Prom went well. Parents as annoying as ever. I haven't heard much word here on Sailor Moon. If anyone knows anything, please email me and let me know. School's almost out, so be patient (11-19 years of age) and keep your noses to the grind stone. I know I have to keep focus and not that my mind wonder out that school window. And, please, a moment of cybersilence for my friend, Andy Bastille. He died in a car accident 5/21/97 and I will miss him. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for your patience, once again. I've been trying to work out all the bugs in my page. I'll have it more functional real soon. Thanz! P.S. LYMAN TENNIS FOREVER!! :) ~Cera (*

a.k.a Sailor Dream
a.k.a Blue Star
My Brithday is coming up soon. 6/29 :), Lebanon, Connecticut
United States

What's on my page

Sailor Scout Character Summaries: Scout Profiles of the 4 inner scouts
Sailor Dream: My Personal Profile
Cera's WHATEVER Page: It's a poetry corner! :)
My intro to this page: Intro
Serena and Darien's Peaceful page: Devoted to the couple
Serena and Reenie's page: devoted to the mother and daughter team
Darien's Shrine: Devoted to the romantic hero in black
The coolest Sailor Moon Links around. Enjoy! :)