The    Sailor    Scouts

The Sailor Scouts stand behind Sailor Moon and help defend her, Reeny, and the Silver crystal at all costs. Amy/Sailor Mercury is the brains of the Sailor Scouts. She is a straight A student and helps the scouts by her little computer. (She is the blue scout.) Raye/Sailor Mars is the spiritalist of the scouts. With her temple smarts and that Mars fire, she is tough to beat. She uses her powers to read fire and these little scrolls, that stop monsters, to help her scout friends. (She is the red scout.) Lita/Sailor Jupiter is the toughest of the scouts. She loves to fight and she is very loyal to her friends. She says, "She'll take being a Sailor Scout over that boring peaceful life anyday." (She is the green scout.) Mina/ Sailor Venus is the most brave of the scouts. She went around France(?) as Sailor V, but when she met the Scouts became Sailor Venus. She is a good friend to Serena and Serena admires her for that. (Mina is the orange scout.) Well, those are the Sailor Scouts and they fight with Sailor Moon against the Negaverse.
Together the fight for love and happiness. Mercury Power! -Mercury Bubbles Blast! Mars Power! -Mars Fire Ingite! Jupiter Power! -Jupiter Thunder Crash Venus Power! -Venus Cresent Beam Smash! Scout Power! They have swore to protect the princess and the Silver Crystal.
These aren't your ordinary furballs. These are the guide kitties for the scouts. Luna is the black cat. She guides Serena through thick and thin and poses as her cat. Luna, also, keeps the other scouts in line. The white cat, Artemis, he is Mina's guide cat and he found her in France(?). The little purple/grey kitten is Diana, Luna and Artemis' kid, and she is guide to Reeny. It's hard work keeping these scouts in line. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The scouts sure know how to have fun. And they always have tons. They are all best friends forever.

The Sailor Scouts! All for One and One for All!

This is Sailor Mars (Mars Fire) and Sailor Venus (Venus Cresant Beam).
This is Sailor Jupiter (Jupiter Thunder) and Sailor Mercury (Mercury Bubbles).

What's on my page

Serena and Reenie's page: devoted to the mother and daughter team
Sailor Dream: My Personal Profile
Serena and Darien's Peaceful page: Devoted to the couple
Sailor Dream's Sailor Moon Homepage: back to main page
Darien's Shrine: Devoted to the romantic hero in black

My Cool Picture Links

Gina's Tour Through the Silver Millenium: a very cool Sailor Moon page where I got most of my pis. Thanks, Gina!
Chibi Gee's Sailor Moon Mini Mall: where you can get lots of cool pics. I got most of mine from there. Thanks, Chibi Gee!
SOS (Save our Sailors): The SOS Campaign. Please go there and sign the petation. SOS!

This The Sailor Moon Alliance
site is owned bySailor Dream (*

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