To avoid confusion, I will be identified as H, Amy will be identified as A

The    Interview!

*H begins reading a magazine*
*A walks through the door*
*H looks at watch*
H:You're on time! Such a relief from doing an interview with Serena
*A laughs*
H:I have a burning question to ask. Why is your hair blue?
A:Well, I used to have a silverish hair, but it made me look too
old. I dyed it blue and started a new trend I guess
H:Wow. So now you're a major trend setter. How is your school work
*Tears come to A's eyes*
A:I got a 99.9% on a test!
*A started crying*
H:That's okay Amy, you're still everyone's academic hero
*A wipes tears away from eyes*
H:How is your boyfriend doing?
A:What boyfriend?
H:Come on Amy! We all know that you and Greg are more than "just
A:He's fine. We went to an Einstein Convention with each other
H:How romantic *heavy sarcasm in voice*
*H pulls out audio tape*
H:Amy, could you take a look at this? I want you to measure the 
decibels with your mini computer
*A transforms and pulls out mini computer*
*H turns on tape and plugs ears*
*A makes a weird face when hearing it was Serena's crying*
*H turns off tape*
A:This is amazing! The decibels are higher than thunder!
H:Not surprising though.... Can I keep the data from your computer?
H:So I can see if the crying is louder than Jupiter Thunder
H:Do you like my nickname?
A:Sure, Mercuri is cool. Why did you choose it if your favorite is
H:Because Jupiteri didn't work for me *sarcasm* Actually, I just 
thought it sounds cool. You used to be my fav
A:Why did you change your favorite scout from me to Jupiter?
H:Because Lita doesn't get higher grades than me 
*A looks at watch*
A:Oh no! I'm late for computer class!
*A runs out the door, H waving*
H:Thanks for the interview!

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