It never really hit me that I was back in the United States, moving to a new town until I saw the first sign telling me that I was nearing Woodstock, Virginia.

To think that just under 48 hours before I was in Seoul, South Korea saying good-bye to all my friends. Who, if you are reading this, don't write, don't call...

Anyway... I got tired of the guidance counseling thing with the Univeristy of Maryland, and decide on a new choice of career: journalism, and answer an internet ad to work for the Shenandoah Valley-Herald.

Although, I didn't have a face-to-face interview with the editor, I shock her by calling from her from Korea. I think, at first, she didn't quite know what to make of it. After all, it's not everyday someone out of the blue calls like that.

But the township reminds me a lot of Heidelberg, and the Rhein Valley. There are mountains, a river, and peace and quiet.

Welcome to Woodstock, Virginia!

Welcome to Virginia

About 20 miles west of Dulles Airport.

Welcome to Woodstock

The first picture taken in Woodstock. That's my rental car in the background. The same rental car that drove so well, it cost me $75 for a speeding ticket.

The Old Courthouse

The Old County Courthouse. The bust in front is colonial patriot Peter Muhlenburg. He's famous for saying, "A time to pray, a time to fight." The local middle school bears his name.

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