Mix and Match, Part 6


These two photos are in Woodstock... On the left, is the old courthouse with the changing leaves. Amazingly, the next day, the leaves were gone. Well, they were all gone from the tree.

On the left, is Board of Supervisor Murphy speaking in front of the new courthouse during Memorial Day.


The five cowboys on the left are in the rodeo, the one in the middle is P.J. Wakeman who is also a member of the Woodstock Volunteer Rescue Squad. Just goes to show that every volunteer member does something else for a living.

In September, the town of Woodstock finally had a chance to hold their 250th anniversary. One of the activities was teaching the local children how to make scarecrows.

After being told not to bring her dog to high school sporting events, she brought it anyway... Besides, who's going to say, 'no' to such a cute little dog?

There are times with my job as the sports editor, writer and photographer, that I have to travel long, long distances to cover stories... Especially, when all three county high schools have away games at the same time. Here is a Stonewall Jackson High School soccer player kicking the ball away from his goal.

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