Red Alert
Red Alert 2
Sole Survivor
Tiberian Sun
RA InformationThese are a few of the buildings in Red Alert, and a brief description.
![]() This is a construction yard, it is the basic form of life in the game. I allows you to be able to build structures/buildings. So remember, that if it gets blown up, you aren't able to build structures anymore.
This is a refinery. It comes with one harvester, which goes out and gathers ore, valuable minerals, and deposits them back into the refinery which gives you money.
This is a barracks. With it, you can buy infantry units. From minigunners, to grenadiers, or to rocket soldiers, there are many different types to choose from.
A Radar dome, gives you a map of the whole battlefield. It comes up in the upper right hand of your screen, and can be quite useful at some times, but is mostly useful because of the options it gives you.(The dome pictured is slightly enlarged)
Silos hold ore. If your harvesters are moving very quickly, and bringing in more money than you can spend, silos are your answer. They hold up to 1500 credits.(The silo pictured is blown up a little bit, too.)
This is an advanced power plant. It supplies all of your buildings with energy to operate. Some of your high tech buildings will not operate without power.
War factories are the building in which your tanks and other vehicles are built. This gives you many options for building.
This is an Allied naval yard. It gives you the option to build boats and other water vehicles. These buildings can only be built in the water.
An Allied techcenter gives you a GPS(Global Positioning Satellite) that reveals the whole battlefield to you as long as it is in working order. It also gives you options to build the chronosphere.
The chronosphere charges up and allows you to "chronoshift" a vehicle to any place on the map in a second. The chronosphere takes about 3 minutes to charge.
This is the Soviet's techcenter. It does not serve any purpose except to give you the options of building the iron curtain or a missile silo, so when right when you build it, sell it. Trust me, it is just taking up money and space.
This is the infamous iron curtain. When it is charged, it will temporarily make 1 unit or structure invincible for about 20 seconds. It cannot be used on infantry though. It takes about 8 minutes to charge.