Quiz Answers

So how did you do?


Could you converse with your ancestors, or is it all a load of gobbledygook?


 (Dialect notes in yellow!)

1. Is it his? ("Is it 'issen?")

-'issen = local dialect for the possessive form of his.

2. It isn't ours! (" 'T i'n't aan")

-aan = local dialect for possessive form of ours

3. What is the matter with you? ("What's up with you?")

- yo' = you

4. Have you had a wash? ( 'ast 'ad a wesh)

- h's are commonly dropped.

5. You will get in to trouble! ("You'll cop it!")

- good local phrase, still much used!

6. It's turning to rain.

Another local expression is

"It's sileing down" = heavy rain.

7. Hark at it!

Used to describe extremes of rainfall and also

someone in a temper.

8. Who was he with? (" 'oo wor' 'e wee?")

- wee or wi' = with.

9. Was he by himself? (" Wor' 'e wee issen?")

- see 1 and 8 for dialect notes.

10. (This one is my favourite!)

Is your good lady wife accompanying you?

Rather derogatory, " 'ay ya' gorr 'a wee ya'?"

- literally, "Have you got her with you?"

11. How about me? (" Air 'bairt me?")

- commonly shouted when one is left out of a round of drinks!

12. A week on Thursday. (" A wick a Thozdee")

- wick = week, the 'day' on the end of the word is always

pronounced 'dee', e.g. Mondee, Toosdee, Wensdee,

Thozdee, Fridee, Satdee, Sundee.

13. Have any of you hurt yourselves?

(" 'ay enny on ya ott ya?")

14. You're not having any sweets!

(" Yo' nor ayin no tuffies") - tuffies = sweets.

15. They're good ones, aren't they?

("Them's good uns, in't 'em?)

16. Give me half of it! ("Gizz ayf on it!)

- gizz = give

17. How are you keeping? ("Air tha' kaypin?")

18. Are you going to accompany me to the local inn for a drink?

(" Are yuh gunna corl un ay a jar?")

jar = pint of beer.

19. Have you got it right? (" 'a' ya gorrit rayt?)

Can also mean 'do you understand?'

20. I cannot make anything of it. (" Ar canna may nowt on it!")

- also means "I do not understand."


Well, how'd ya gerron, mi ducks?

Above 10 - Well done! I struggled with a few on 'em missen!

Between 5 and 10 - Not bad, why not ay another goo?

Less than 5 - Oh dear! Get thissen dahn t't Owd Market Square an' talk t't locals!



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