Let me introduce you to some of my friends!

Ok- I know you want to know who these people are.
 (Since they are all so very nice looking!)
The first picture is of KerriLynn and her dh, James.
I took this picture while they were eating lunch. We
had a great time! Kerri and James have had their baby.
Sarah Elizabeth. She is beautiful. I finally met little Sarah.

The lovely lady in the next picture is our own little 
Country Birdie - LilCardinal. *Isn't she cute? 

The other picture is of our one and only Vixen. She looks 
great too. *Almost like a Vixen! 

I can't tell you how much it means to me to have all the wonderful
Soup friends that I do. Thank you for sharing your pictures!

ok- I came- I saw- I am ready to move on!

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The first page in the site.: The only way to navigate - Until further notice!
Back a page: My picture is there