yup. I am definitely Guilty!

Ok - I admit it. I stole all of these pictures. Of course,
Smiley was nice enough to give me permission! (thank you!) 
I wouldn't have had to do it, but I couldn't get to Pennsylvania to
take them myself. I did try!  
          I begged! I pleaded! I tried to bargain!
The Boss wouldn't give me time off! I will admit that I am the Boss
though. I had so much to do the week-end that everyone got together
that I just couldn't make the 8 hour drive.

I am glad that everyone had a great time though!

If I had been able to go, I would have met Smiely-JudyG-Deira-Rikki.
Of course, I have actually met Deira before and I would have also
met Judy's Son, Tony.

I know that I will eventually meet Rikki for sure. I just need a 
little more time to convinve her she needs to come up to Michigan!

Poor Rikki ended up with a nasty case of the flu the day before the
meet.  Everyone went to lunch at a little truck stop area not too 
far from Rikki's house.  Deira (Tracy) and Judy were able to spend
the evening sharing a room with Tony, sipping wine and watching old 
movies on t.v. while they probley sat talking about all of us! LOL

***By the Way----- My name is pronounced  Peee- Ski! (not pie-ski)

Rikki also brought her little ones, Sara/Ross/Seth. 

They even got together for breakfast the next day!  I am still 
waiting for more pictures of the meet - but since I am so far behind 
in getting so many of these pictures up, I guess I need to be patient.

I just want to remind everyone to stop back in soon, I am working on 
my next two pages. These will be full of KissDeb and GingerMom.
They were both wonderful enough to snailmail their photos to me.
I have to claim ignorance though as the reason to the pictures not 
being posted yet. (I am having a hard time figuring out this  *&%$ 
scanner! LOL)
Also keep looking back for a new picture of Donald and I.

Thanks for visiting!


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