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Welcome 2 Silence's Mind

So, as always I am taking forever to update this place.   Now you will notice that some of my sections have gone away and that I have finally gotten around to updating things.  If there is a section that you feel needs some serious revamping, let me know.  I am starting to clean out dead sections and fix those places that I don't feel need to be here any longer.

The latest things to be worked on are the Resume section and I am going to revamp the Rants & Raves and the Poetry sections shortly.   Look for all this and exciting new package deal in the new future.

Lately my focus has been on the website that a friend and I are creating.  He is doing the artwork and I am doing the website design and writing.  I will post up a link when it is completed or near completion so that I can get feedback on it.

Hope you enjoy your trip through here.

Ralph Wolf a.k.a. Wile E. Coyote

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The meaning of life is.....my counter

E-Mail:  Silence@Mail-Me.Com

(c) 1997 The Hogue Preduckshuns


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