Sailor Astros Earth
Part 6: Lost in Space
© 1999 Willow McCall

 Lilia shut her locker, locked it back up, and went down the hall towards her next class.  As she was walking, she heard someone shouting "Lilia!" from behind her.  Lilia was about to turn around, only to have someone crash into her from behind.
 "What the heck?" Lilia pulled herself up to a sitting position to try to see who her assailant was.  "Sara?"
 "Oops," Sara said.  "Sorry about that."
 "That’s okay…" Lilia stood up and brushed herself off.  "Now why exactly were you tearing off down the halls like a bat out of heck?"
 "I wanted to tell you that the Astros are having a meeting!" Sara said.  "At Shisou’s house, after school."
 "Okay," Lilia said.  "I can—"  She was cut off by the bell ringing.  Sara grabbed her wrist.
 "Come on, we’ll be late!" Sara cried, dragging her down the hall.

 "This is where Shisou’s apartment is?" Moira was standing outside the sprawling apartment complex with Shiloe and Ryan.  "How’re we going to find her apartment in this place?  It’s like the size of a small city!"
 Shiloe stared at the piece of paper in her hand.  "Her apartment number is 2-B," she said.
 "Or not to be, that is the question," Ryan added.
 "Ryan?" Moira asked.
 "Yeah?" Ryan replied.
 "Shut up."
 "Oh, okay."
 "Hey, guys!" a voice called out from behind them.  It was Sara, and she was with Daphne, Lilia, and Michelle.
 "Hi," Shiloe said.  "We were just about to go in and look for Shisou’s apartment, want to help us?"
 "They’ll need all the help they can get," Ryan said.  "Knowing Daphne, the Towering Inferno over there, who could get lost in her own room…"
 "Ryan?" Daphne said.
 "Shut up."
 "Sure," Ryan said.  "You don’t need to tell me twice."
 "Are we going to sit out here all day," Lilia complained, "or are we going to go in there?"
 "We’re going to go in there," Shiloe decided.  She went into the building, and the others followed.

 "I wonder where they are?" Shisou said, holding a can of dog food up to the can opener.  She was in her apartment, feeding her animals.  "Maybe they got lost," she thought, as she opened the can and poured its contents into a blue bowl.  She went into her bedroom, where there was a brown owl sitting on her desk.  "Here you go, Chikyu."  She offered the food to the owl, then went to the window and stared outside.  "I hope they’re okay."

 "I think it’s this way," Sara suggested, pointing down a hall.
 "We just went that way," Michelle reminded her.
 "Oh yeah," Sara said.
 Daphne sat down on the floor.  "I’m tired," she complained.  "Do we have to go up and down any more stairs?"
 "Well, we still haven’t checked the third floor…" Shiloe said.
 "Oh no!" Daphne wailed, pretending to pass out.
 "Maybe we should split up," Lilia suggested.
 "Maybe," Ryan replied doubtfully.  "But if we do, don’t put Sara and Daphne in a group together without someone else to control them.  They’d probably end up getting locked in a refrigerator or something like that."
 "How could we get locked in a refrigerator?" Daphne asked.
 "I don’t know," Ryan said, "but knowing you, you’d figure out how to."
 "Come on, guys, let’s go," Shiloe said, attempting to regroup them.  She started off around a corner, but bumped into someone coming the other way.  It was Dani and Marie.
 "You guys too?" Dani asked.
 "What?" Shiloe said.
 "Have you guys been lost in here like we have for about half an hour?" Marie asked.
 "Yeah," Moira said.  "I swear, it’s like we walked through a time warp…"
 "Maybe if we all went in a group we could find Shisou’s apartment," Dani suggested.
 "Sure, why not?" Daphne agreed, getting up off the floor.  "Let’s go."

 "They must have gotten lost," Shisou decided.  She watched Chikyu eat for a minute or two, then went back into the kitchen.
 In the kitchen though, she discovered two surprising things.  One was that her window had been smashed.  The other was that there was a woman with long, light red hair standing on her stove.
 "What…" was all Shisou had time to say before the woman threw a rock at her, knocking her unconscious.

 "How much longer are we going to mill around like lost sheep!"  They had been walking around the apartment building for a while, and Lilia was getting impatient.
 "I don’t know," Shiloe admitted.  "Until we find apartment 2B…"
 "Or not to be," Ryan added.
 Shiloe ignored him.  "Until we find 2B, we’re lost."
 "Great."  Lilia was about to sit down when she jumped back up.  "Did you guys hear something?"
 "Like what?" Daphne asked.
 "Like…" Lilia listened for a moment, then said, "Like someone calling for help!"
 Michelle listened, and she heard it too.  "It is someone calling for help!" she exclaimed.  "And it’s coming from that way."
 "Let’s go, guys!" Dani said.  "And bring your transformation pens too."  The Astros ran off down the hall until they found the source of the screaming.  It was coming from one of the apartments, one which had 2B on the door.
 "This is 2B?" Ryan stared at the door in disbelief.  "Oh yeah, now we find it."
 "But that means Shisou is in trouble!" Marie observed.  "Okay, transform!  Nebula Astral Star Power!"
 "Zephyr Astral Star Power!"
 "Vega Astral Star Power!"
 "Andromeda Astral Star Power!"
 "Inferno Astral Star Power!"
 "Io Astral Star Power!"
 "Orion Astral Star Power!"
 "Nova Astral Star Power!"
 "Spica Astral Star Power!"
 The Astros, once transformed, opened the door and burst into the room.  A woman was standing over Shisou with a weapon that looked like an oversized flashlight pointed at her.
 "Okay, lady, what’d you do?" Io demanded.
 "Oh, so these are the Sailor Astros, I assume," she said.  "I’m Asteroid, of the Celestials."
 "You’re not getting Shisou’s heart crystal," Nebula declared.
 "And what makes you so sure?" Asteroid asked.
 Nebula responded by attacking.  "Star Wind!"  A blast of energy wind flew at Asteroid, which she dodged easily.
 "Whatever that was," Asteroid said.  "Now go away and don’t move or I’ll shoot."
 "Oh yeah, you’ll shoot a big flashlight at her," Nova muttered.  "That’s a great threat.  Poison Ice!"
 One of the blocks hit Asteroid, and it knocked her against the wall.  Nebula took this opportunity to run over and attempt to pick up Shisou.  With Zephyr’s help, she managed to drag Shisou across the floor.
Then Chikyu flew out, carrying Earth’s transformation pen.  "Quick, someone distract Asteroid for a minute!" he instructed the Astros.
 "Who’s that?" Zephyr asked.
 "And…it talks?" Inferno said.
 "Just someone do it!" Chikyu flew around frantically.
 "Oh…okay!" Spica agreed.  "Spica Dream Chaos!"  A mist floated over Asteroid, who was still on the floor.
 With that, Chikyu dropped the transformation pen into Shisou’s hands, waking her up.  "Chikyu?" she asked.  "Why do you have my transformation pen?"
 "I can’t explain right now," Chikyu replied.  "Just transform!"
 "And you can talk, and speak English too?" Shisou asked in surprise.  "How’d you learn to…oh, never mind.  Earth Planet Power!"  Shisou transformed into Sailor Earth, just as Asteroid regained her senses.
 "Oh, another one?" Asteroid seemed amused.  "That just means another heart crystal to steal!"  She aimed the flashlight at Earth.
 "Um…"Earth mumbled.  "Chikyu, what do I do?"  Chikyu hopped over and whispered something in her ear.  Sailor Earth nodded and knelt down on the ground.
 "Oh, so you’ve decided to surrender?" Asteroid asked.
 "Not quite," Earth answered.  "Life Soil…Destruction!"  She placed her hands on the ground, then raised them, forming a basketball-sized energy sphere between her hands and the floor.  The sphere flew at Asteroid, but Asteroid disappeared just in time.
 "Where’d she go?" Spica demanded.  "Earth almost had her."
 "Never mind that," Nebula said.  "Who’s the bird, and how come it talks?"
 "Well," Chikyu said, "long story…"

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