The Synod
(Coven Officers)

The Synod is the governing body of Silver Web Coven, and its members are responsible for the operation of the Coven, the scheduling and leading of rituals, the scheduling and teaching of classes, etc.
They will have {S} in front of their names, and a second designation after their names to signify their rank.
(examples: {S}Wendy{HPs} would signify that Wendy is the High Priestess, while {S}Jack{GM} would indicate that Jack is the Green Man.)

{HPs} The High Priestess is Amethyst Argenta.
She is the female leader of the coven, and is responsible for serving as clergy at Esbats and Sabbats, and for performing initiations and other rites of passage.
She is also responsible for the teaching and training of those who seek the knowledge of the old ways, and she will act as an advisor to all who request guidance of her.
In addition, she is the guiding voice of the coven, providing direction for its growth and activities. While the coven will run by concensus as much as possible, the final word will rest with the High Priestess.
She may hold her office for as long as she wishes, but is responsible for training and providing a replacement if she steps down while the coven is still active.

{HP} The High Priest is er, well, we don't have one yet...
He is the male leader of the coven, and the magickal working partner of the High Priestess. With her, he leads the Esbats and Sabbats, and performs rites of passage.
If the High Priestess must be absent from a ritual, he will lead it, in conjunction with the Maiden.
In addition, he will act as a sounding board for the High Priestess, providing advice and guidance in matters involving governance of the coven.
He may hold his office for as long as he wishes.

{M} The Maiden is the understudy of, and assistant to, the High Priestess. The woman in this position is in training to become a High Priestess in her own right.
If the High Priestess must be absent from a ritual, she will stand in for her, leading it in conjuction with the High Priest or the Green Man.
She is responsible for maintaining the membership list, including degrees attained, dates of initiation, birthdates, etc.
Depending on the availability of interested women of 2nd degree or higher, there may be more than one Maiden, possibly at different levels of training, and with different duties depending on that level.
She will hold this post until she chooses to either step down or hive off and form her own coven.

{GM} The Green Man is the understudy of, and assistant to, the High Priest. The man in this position is in training to become a High Priest in his own right.
If the High Priest must be absent from a ritual, he will stand in for him, leading it in conjunction with the High Priestess or the Maiden.
Depending on the availability of interested men of 2nd degree or higher, there may be more than one Green Man, possibly at different levels of training, and with different duties depending on that level.

{R} Ravens, while more honarary than formal members of the Coven, are considered to be members of the clergy nevertheless. They are guides and mentors of the High Priestess.

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