This page was last updated March 17, 2005.

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Why Home School? Take a look at this page, you will be amazed at the reasons people have for teaching their children at home rather than leaving it all to the hands of public schools.

Many have asked me if I feel they can homeschool their children. While this is a very individual question, and I feel anyone can, if they want to. If you are committed to teach your children, you can do it. Homeschooling is not for everyone. Find out if you are a good candidate for Home Schooling.

Links to help you get started with your home schooling.
Cindy's Page This page was made to help our daughter in her studies of the Government,learning the order and names of the Presidents of the United States and their Vice Presidents, Declaration of Independence and other related subjects.

Declaration of Independence. LEarn more about our forefathers, the Declaration of Independence. ndepth links to each signer of the Declaration of Independence, links to the official govenrment sites about our Nations foundations.

McGraw-Hill Site. Our favorite place for books.

Educational Links for Home Work and many others

CERlink Dr. Glenn Kimber's Web Pate This site has lots of helpful information as well as the availability to pruchase his course of study.

Home Schooling in Utah

The Children's Writers Page

Kids Almanac

Educational and some just for fun references

Home School Legal Defense Page. Information pertaining to most states.

Information for parents and referals to home school sites

Jon's Homeschool ReferencesGreat Site!

LDS Homeschoolers Info

Web Pages for Home Schoolers

Home Schoolers Web Pages Homeschooling.

Home Schoolers Web Pages Should I Homeschool?

Home Schoolers Web Pages Why Do People Homeschool?

Home Schoolers Web Pages Wonderful sites about home schooling!

If you have a page you would like to have referenced from here, send me the URL so I can evaluate it.

More Great referals to Home Schooling

Mistletoe for the Holidays? This is the Mistletoe featured in "Country Woman Magazine" November/December 2002 issue.

Multi-Sized Patterns in 8 sizes from Small Preemie to 12 Months

Stories and Poems that warm your heart!

Fotheringham Clan Home Page

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Thank you for visiting our Home Schooling Web.

Old Saying - - "Children are natural mimics - - they act like their parents in spite of every attempt to teach them good manners."

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