The next morning when we were up, my mother went to takeher shower and I was just laying down writing. My father must have thought I was asleep, cause he went and sat in front of the TV and turned it straight to the porno channel. As if I wouldn't recognize that porn music if I 'woke up'. He kept watching it until my mom came out of the bethroom, then he changed it to the news real quick like. Then I went into the bathroom and did my makeup and hair and all that crap. When I came out, there on the TV was a close up of some dude's dick pumping in and out of some girl. When my father came out of his little trance and realized I wasn't in the bathroom anymore, he quickly changed it back to the news. He thinks I'm so stupid. As if I didn't realize what he was watching. I almost told him he may as well leave it and that it wasn't anything I haven't seen or done before, just to see his reaction.
After we all got ready, we went to Universal Studioes Hollywood. Yes, we actually got OUT of the car. I didn't really give a care for Universal studioes though. All it is to me is a bunch of really crappy movies that I can't stand anyway. We went through the shops at the beginning, but I refused to go into the actual park. I didn't feel like standing in long fucking lines to ride a bunch of rides that were based on a bunch of sucky ass movies. So we left L.A. and went down south to the beach. I don't know why they thought I would like it on the beach with my PARENTS. We didn't even get down to the water part of the beach though, cause it was hard for my mom to walk in the sand. Then we headed back east and stopped for the night in a Motel 6 in Arizona.

The next day we headed for the Grand Canyon in Arizona. The first thing we did was watch a movie about it on one of those big ass movie screens. They SAID it's the biggest screen in the world, but that's a bunch of bull shit. The one in the Science Museum of Virginia is bigger than that one is. It was a pretty cool movie though. It had all those shots that makes it feel like you're actually there. Then, we went to the actual Grand Canyon. It was very... big. It was beautiful, but watching the movie before made it lose some of it's spectacularness. We drove through the park, and my father kept stopping the car every hundred yards or so to run out with his damn little video camera. We went into New Mexico. We stopped by one of those little Indian shops before we stopped for the night. There was the cutest little white kitten running around there. It was so small and frisky as hell. I sorta fell in love with it. It was sooo cute. They had some little bowls they were selling there, but they called them 'peace pipes' hehehe :). There was an Indian dude running the place who was wearing a Harley Davidson shirt and a bandana around his head. He was really friendly and talked to us the whole time we were there. I'm not complaining though. He had a really nice voice. It's really sad what the govornment is doing to the Indians too. They're taxing the hell out of them. A lot of them are being forced to live in poverty and on welfare. I'd like to show the government where to shove their meaningless taxes.

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