A Pox On Thee
Peter Groenland was at home, and was scheduled
for his shift,
But something very irritating, cut his
plans adrift.
He noticed he was itchy, from his head
down to his toe,
When he looked into the mirror, he knew
he could not go.
So, he phoned the Sergeant, to say that
he saw spots,
Covering his body, he had the Chicken
The boss was understanding, his sympathies
were given,
Now to find replacements, to work Car
The Sergeant put in hours, to fill those
times each day,
Replacements had been ordered, for every
day he’d be away.
Peter slapped on calamine, to keep the
itch in check,
He looked like a Dalmatian, with all those
spots around his neck.
The description of a spotty dog, is an
apt one you shall see,
With the final diagnosis made, the one
that set him free.
His replacements all had been recalled,
the duty sheets need patching,
Pete returned to duty, still spotty and
still scratching.
It seems that a career change, from a
cop into a doc,
Won’t be coming round to quickly, so says
the locker talk.
For Peter’s diagnosis, was, shall we say,
not right,
Granted he was itchy, and red spots were
in sight.
Peter is now back to work, and always
does his best,
And the Doctor that he went to see, put
his mind at rest,
Contagious no he isn’t, which leaves us
room to tease,
It seems that Peter Groenland, caught
himself a case of fleas.
PC 664 T.J. Gowdyk 98-08-13 (168)