Brother, Who Did It?
Curt Robinson was working, at the Academy
one day,
His twins were right beside him, they
were ready for some play.
The two were into mischief, as kids will
often be,
Who did it?, Is the question, heard quite
Connor looks at Ryan, and Ryan looks right
Not me! They both will answer, staying
right on track.
The day had gone quite smoothly, the boys
were doing great,
Who did it? Had not been asked, you know
it tempted fate.
Lunchtime almost over, the three walked
down the hall,
Curtis stopped for just a second, to make
a quick phone call.
The twins stood there beside him, looking
all around,
Who did it? We may never know, the two
may go to ground.
Just as Dad was hanging up, alarms began
to ring,
The brothers both were staring, at the
big red open thing.
All the people in the place, were marching
right outside,
Who did it? They all wondered, nobody
could decide.
The firemen and fire trucks, came screaming
to a stop,
Amidst a pair of frightened twins, and
a red faced Daddy cop.
They searched throughout the building,
looking to smell smoke,
Who did it? Was their question, who played
this naughty joke.
Now its almost over, the question came
from Dad,
Who did it? He was asking, who did this
thing so bad.
Ryan looked right over, and Connor made
his bid,
He pointed at his brother, and simply
said, He did!
PC 664 T.J. Gowdyk 98-09-25 (172)