Ian Holden who works in the Waterfront
Squad, was in the Harbourside office writing a report. When he was done,
he gathered up his scrap paper, wadded it up and threw it into the trash
can. When he did, the can seemed to come to life, rattling and banging
around, when suddenly a rat the size of a small horse stuck its head up.
Needless to say Ian was rather startled. He kicked the rat against the
wall, ran out and called for some assistance. Two other officers arrived
(who shall go nameless) and when they heard what was in the room, refused
to go in. Ian went back inside and managed to corner the rat behind the
garbage pail and then to pin it against the wall. Ian took out his metal
Asp baton and tried to stab the rat several times. However, the blunt end
and the position of the rat made this rather ineffective. It also made
the rat really angry. He squirmed free and instead of running off, turned
to fight with big yellow teeth bared. Ian at this point took out his pepper
spray and soaked the rat. This seemed to stun it for a few seconds and
Ian wound up and with a mighty baseball swing clubbed the rat. This only
stunned the evil thing and it took several more full swings to send the
rat off to meet his maker. I heard the story from a source and by chance
happened to run into Ian that very same morning in court. He confirmed
that the story happened as told and so the poem was born.